(Late) Christmas Special

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(Delayed by family gatherings and mostly my utterly accursed procrastination)

Twas the morning before Christmas. Donut woke up and looked out the window. The area was a bit foggy and the ground was completely white and glistening. The giant sparkling tree in the middle that had to everyone set up in November was still up, making through the blizzard. Donut had burst of excitement

"IT'S ALMOST HERE!" He said as he jumped up and down, being joyful and gay

His excitement woke his team up. Simmons who was about to fall off the top bed, fell in surprise and landed on his side, pressing the Grif trigger in his pocket

Grif sleeping soundly, was dreaming he was about to eat an entire buffet, but was interrupted by 5,000 volts coursing through his body. He was covered in black stuff and landed on Simmons

Lopez simply rose up and looked around

"No estoy limpiando esto [I'm not cleaning this up]" He said

"Get off me!" said the maroon cyborg as he pushed Grif off him. "What the hell, Donut?! Sarge told you to keep your excitement a bare minimum till we're awake on every Christmas eve!"

"I know but it's always so exciting when Christmas comes around" the lightish red teenager wagged his tail as he daydreamed. "The decorations, the feasts". Grif gets up quickly "The snow, the games, the fun, the gifts-" Donut stopped

"Uh, Donut?" asked Lopez. He, Simmons and Grif noticed his pause which was a first at Christmas eve

"Donut, what's wrong, buddy?" asked Simmons

"Oh no!" said Donut, putting his hands on his face "I didn't get Sarge a present!"

"That's okay, you can take Simmons'" said Grif. He looked for his reaction but to his surprise, Simmons also had the same reaction

"FUCK! I DIDN'T GET SARGE A PRESENT!" He shouted "Lopez, did you?!" Simmons asked quickly

"No, el hombre es tan molesto para conseguir uno [No, the man is so annoying to get one]" said Lopez


"No, I was relying on you guys to get him one" the fat faunus said

"WHAT!?" Simmons threw his hands up. "We don't have presents for Sarge!?"

"Ehh" Grif shrugged his shoulders. "Better luck next year"

"This is a big deal, Grif!" said Simmons. "It's basically a thank you gift for being a great Sargent!"

"... You're sure?"

"Yeah! We have to make it up to him!" agreed Donut. "We need to get him a really special gift"

"*whining cry* That sounds like work" Grif looks around. "What if we just grab something here?"

"Like what?!" said Simmons "All we have are boring novels, magazines, tech parts and crisp packets! We need to get him something special!"

"¿Qué pasa si pedimos ayuda a nuestros amigos? [What if we ask our friends for help?]" suggested Lopez

"No, Lopez, we can't get the flag. It's back in Chorus!"

"A la mierda [Fuck you]"

"Oh, I know!" exclaimed Donut "Let's ask our friends!"

"Good idea, Donut"

Lopez sighs as they exit the room quickly

Weiss woke up early than her usual time. She got out of bed and looked out of the window. She didn't care for Christmas. It was always bland back at home when her family celebrated it and there was tension between her mom and dad slowly grew over the years

She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard voices and knocking in the halls which woke her teammates



"What was that?" asked Ruby, sleepily

Team RWBY opened their door and peeked their heads outside with JNPR across doing the same. They saw Simmons desperately knocking CLMA's door repeatedly with his team standing behind him

"What are you guys doing?!" asked Weiss as she approached them with her team "Some of us are trying to sleep!"

"It's an emergency!" said Donut

The door then opened a little bit and Caboose's head poked out

"Halt! Who goes there?" He asked

"Listen, Caboose" said Simmons. "We are not here to mess around"

"Yeah, only one of us is here to mess around!" said Grif, not helping

Caboose stayed silent for a moment "Which one of us is here to mess around?" He asked seriously. "Is it me?"

Everyone looked at him blankly

"Um, sure...?" answered Ruby


"Listen, Caboose" said Simmons. "We want something from your room, and I don't care what it is, as long as it's valuable, and important"

"Valuable and important, got it!" Caboose's head disappeared and the door closed

"That was... Easy" said Jaune "Strangely"

"Yeah, I was expecting more of a fight" said Nora

The door swung open and the teams wore a surprised look on their faces

"PUT. ME. DOWN" said a cranky Church as Caboose rocked him in his arms

"This is the most important thing in our dorm or this entire school" said Caboose

"Awwww!" Team RWBY and JNPR were charmed at the wholesomeness

"He is very special and my best friend!" He said proudly

"Caboose. Down!" ordered Church. Caboose dropped him on the floor

"Sarge does like prisoners" said Simmons

"It's the holidays so we*yawn*are not participating whatever stupid thing it is you're doing" said a tired Tex

"Come on, guys! We need a gift for Sarge!" pleaded Donut

"Why?" asked Tucker as he stretched "What do you need a gift for?

"Yeah!" said Church as he got up. "As long you provide the traditional breakfast in bed, you're fine"

"Church, I think they need a Christmas gift, not a birthday gift" said Pyrrha

"Oh, that makes more sense"

"What in the Sam hill are you all doing up?!" asked Sarge

The group turned to see Sarge with his shotgun

"Oh sir, we were uhh..." Simmons tried to think of a lie "... negotiating the Blues' surrender"

"Oh, carry along then" Sarge turned to leave. "Oh. Later, I need help in the cafeteria. Do you want to help me?"

"Nah, I'm good"

"Hmm, suit yourself" He then left

"Come on, please!" said Donut

"I'm sorry, Donut, but no means no!" said Church

"Come on, Church" said Ruby

"We'll buy more gifts for you!" said Simmons

"... Go on" the Blues became interested

"Alright, so here's the plan" said Simmons, clapping "Some of us will go out and try find a present for Sarge while the rest distract him"

"Any volunteers?" asked Donut

Team SDGL, Weiss, Blake, Nora, Pyrrha and Caboose walked out of a store

"And that's everything Blue team wanted" said Donut as he checked the bags. "Now, for Sarge's present!"

"What does he like?" asked Blake

"Well" said Simmons "He likes samurai swords, red, shotgun, respect, explosives, victory, Blues losing, Grif's death-"

"Okay, we have a lot to work with"

"Think he'll accept Grif's head on a platter?" asked Nora, causally

"Nora!" said Pyrrha "That's rude-"

"It's plausible" responded Simmons, casually

"I don't see what's the point in getting him one" asked Weiss

"Come on, Weiss" said Donut. "How'd you feel if you didn't get one?"

"I suppose a little hurt but not enough to make me care for Christmas"

Donut stopped in front of Weiss. He slowly turned to look at her

"You don't....Care... for Christmas?"

His team looked at Weiss and shook their heads, gesturing no

Weiss was slightly intimidated and answered "...yes"

Donut ironically stood straight and said "Well, today's the day that will change" He grabbed Weiss' arm and dragged her elsewhere

"What are you doing?!" She asked

"Come on, Caboose!" said Donut, skipping. "Let's make Weiss feel enjoyment by being covered in the white"

Everyone except Caboose who quickly ran and skipped along Donut, flinched

"Is he always like that?" asked Blake

"Yep" said Simmons

"And she dug her own grave" said Grif

Blake's Scroll rang. She took it out and saw that Tucker was calling her. She then answered it in front of the gang


"Weiss is definitely gonna feel something after she's covered in the white" said Tucker. "Bow Chicka Bow Wow!"

The gang looked at each other, puzzled

"How did you even hear that?!" asked Blake

"I'm like Superman, I know when I'm needed"

"Tucker, get off that Scroll!" said Sarge stepping on Cardin, who was groaning as he stepped on his head, setting up a banner with Wash on Yatsuhashi in the cafeteria

Tucker turned off his Scroll and helped Ruby moved some presents for decoration. They stopped next to Church who lit eight candles with another candle

"Alright, everything is looking great so far!" said Ruby

"Hey, Church, you are giving people actual presents this year?" asked Tucker

"Don't worry, they're not gonna be a lump of smole" said Church

"Smole?" said Yang, setting up mistletoe. "What's smole?"

"It's a knockoff synthetic cole back in Chorus" said Church as he put the candle he was holding between the ones he lit. "It's as good as the real thing. Except when you burn it, it doesn't make a lota heat, just makes smoke"

"What?" asked Ren as he laid the food with some students "How does it make smoke with no heat?"

"The hell would I know? Ask the fine makers of smole"

"Kay, the tables are set" said Tex, looking back as she tried to fix the Christmas lights

"The food looks splendid" said Coco pulling down her shades

"Yeah, it's a miracle that Grif and Nora didn't gobble it all up" remarked Jaune

Sarge chuckled as he hopped off Cardin, knocking him over. "Yeah, it's such a miracle that they didn't... eat it..." He went silent

"Uh, Professor Sarge?" asked Jaune. "Are you OK?"

"Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Grif, Simmons, Lopez and Donut since this morning" He said. "Mr. George, you set up posters of the feast, right?"

"Uh, yeah" Wash answered as he climbed down Yatsuhashi

"Then he wouldn't resist to try to barge in and raid the pantry as always"

"I'm sure that means not-" Jaune was cut off

"And Tex, are the lights working yet?"

"No, everything I try is still just turning one off and the other on"

"I told Lopez that yesterday. He wouldn't have never left that go without proper maintenance"

"Well, there's a first time for-" Coco was cut off

"And this morning, Simmons declined to help, despite his loyalty and respect for me"

"Maybe he was tired of your bull-" O'Malley was cut off

"And it's nearly 17:30!" said Sarge "And everyone know that 17:30 is?"

"Donut's daily wine and cheese hour!" exclaimed Sister

"And I don't see him going in here and comment on the decorations"

"Sarge, relax!" said Church "I'm sure that everything is okay!"

"EVERYTHING IS NOT OKAY" shouted a policeman, running from a forest

There were gunshots, screams and a guttural roar behind him. He looked and shot back before it slammed him into the ground. Chains clinked against each other as it lifted the policeman with it's bony claw and put him into a sack behind its back. The Grim looked up and stared at lights of Vale

"Donut, can you stop dragging me so hard!?" whined Weiss

Donut stopped dragging her and they stood outside a playground

"Do you see how happy they are?" Donut asked, gesturing

Weiss looked at the playground. Kids and teens outside were laughing and playing as they threw snowballs and made snow angels on the ground. Their smiles were wide, radiating a positive energy

Weiss was about to smile but a flash of her family went threw her head. She quickly shook her head, saying: "So what? They all just having fun"

"What?!" said Donut "Come on! They're having the good ole' Christmas cheer! Are you saying that it's not warming your heart a bit?"

"No, it's not really"

Donut scoffed "Come on, Caboose. Let's try somewhere else to warm her heart"

"OOH!" exclaimed Caboose. "I got the perfect place, Lieutenant Cupcake!"

"This?" asked Blake as she held up a toy on the sidewalk

"No" said Simmons, shaking his head. He checked his clock, saying it's 11:00 pm

"This?" Nora held up a Katana

"No" he said, more stressed

"This?" Pyrrha held up a sweater


The group went through so many shops, trying to find Sarge a gift, but alas, to no avail

"This is impossible!" said Nora as she threw away the Katana, nearly hitting a blind man. "It shouldn't be this hard to find a gift for an old man"

"Yeah, why can't we just get him an ugly sweater?" asked Grif

"Because he is basically our mentor!" exclaimed Simmons

"Uh, Simmons?" said Lopez

"He thought us how to fight and develop tactics for a few years"


"Not now, Lopez! He led us into battle so we need to give a really good-"

"Simmons!" Lopez slapped Simmons' face with half force and pointed somewhere

"OW, THE FRONT OF MY FACE!" shouted Simmons. "What?!" He then saw what he was pointing at

In the Plaza, there is a hologram of Ironwood. Behind him, there were two personal in white. One of them had something on their wrist

"-Our scientists had developed a new explosive weapon that is small but deadly weapon" said the hologram

A soldier loaded a rocket no bigger than a pencil case into the thing on his wrist

"RPGs are effective but can be extremely hard to reload and hold but with this" the hologram gestured towards the soldier who looked at an Atlas robot. "This is a more efficient weapon"

The soldier stuck his arm out and took aim. The missile started to whir

"Citizens, meet the RD-1-2"

The soldier fired the tiny missile at the robot. When it made impact, the explosion was large, despite the missile's size

As the crowd applauded, Simmons looked in awe

"That's it! That's the one!" He said

"That's Atlas military property!" said Pyrrha, a bit worried. "How can we get that?!"

Simmons watched as it was put in a mini case and was put into a truck

"Come on!"

Church, leaning on the railing watched as the snow fell outside, deep in thought when Ruby walked into his dorm

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" She said

"Yeah, it's calm" He said

She leaned next to him and looked at the snow falling with him for a few moments

"My mom used to carry me up to the window just to watch the snow"

"Really? My one just told me stories of Krampus every week before Christmas"

Ruby wore a worried expression on her face

"Don't worry, they were really tame... Half the time"

Ruby chuckled and said "It sounds like your mom was hard to get along with"

"Not really, it was easy actually. She did good job taking care of me" Church smiled in nostalgia and an apparition of her flickered beside him briefly. "Hey, speaking of taking care of something, where's Sarge?"

Ruby jerked up. "What! I thought you were supposed to take care of him!"

"Nuh uh!"

"Where is he now?!"

Ozpin and Glynda were strolling outside the garage, both filled with a relaxing feeling

"It never ceases to calm me after all these years" said Ozpin, referring to the snow falling around them

"Yes, it truly is one of the most calming times of the year" said Glynda, admiring it. "I'm really glad that everyone seems to be on their best be-"

She was interrupted by a car starting up The professors turned to noise, cautiously. The car then started to drive forwards. They rolled out of the way just before the Warthog with Sarge in it busted through the door and drove by them

Glynda and Ozpin watched as the car drove into the distance


"Glynda!" interrupted Ozpin

"WE'RE HERE!" exclaimed Caboose

Caboose extended his arms wide as him, Donut and Weiss stood at the plaza

People were around, laughing and chatting as snow fell slowly around them and the massive tree in the middle. The tree was decorated by not only the snow, but also red and gold tinsels surrounding it, and shiny bobbles hanging so high in the branches that you can barely see some of them. But a top of them all was a shining star, looking down at them

"Wow, Caboose!" exclaimed Donut "This is beautiful!"

"Yep, it's always beautiful this time of year, taking my breath away every time"

"You've only been here for a few months" said Weiss

"And they were so much fun!"

Weiss chuckled a bit

"Hey, this spot's working!" said Donut as gestured at the people

Another flash of her family fighting went through her head "No, it's not" denied Weiss

"Come on, Weiss! Look, how the people are happy together and having a good time-"

"I'm looking and I'm getting nothing out of it!" snapped Weiss

Donut and Caboose looked at her shock

Weiss took a deep breath and got her composure back. "I'm sorry but no, I'm not seeing what you're seeing" She sat on the bench

"Can you at least tell us why?" asked Caboose, curiously

Weiss sighed. "Every year, my family's Christmas celebrations don't exactly go well. My father and mother would fight at dinner and me, my brother and sister would either listen or go our separate ways. And now, every time I see these people smiling, I think why I couldn't have that back at home"

Donut and Caboose remained silent

"Well, you can celebrate Christmas in a different way!" said Caboose, cheerfully

"Like, how?"

"Like-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as Freckles interrupted him

"Incoming vehicle"

They heard scratching noises, getting progressively louder

They turned and saw an armoured van being flung over the side walk and on a collision course towards them, with no time to run. Donut and Weiss closed their eyes shielded themselves for impact. It never came. Curiously, they opened their eyes to see Caboose holding the truck upside down on top his shoulder

"Thank god it's not a horse!" He said. Caboose laid it gently on it's wheels gently

There was rustling in it and Simmons, Grif, Lopez, Pyrrha and Nora busted out the back

"Wha-- What happened? Where am I?" said Simmons, dizzily as he held a case

"I don't know" replied Pyrrha, also dizzily

"HURK, I think I'm about to throw up" said Grif, covering his mouth with Nora doing the same

They made eye contact with the trio

"Um, hi"

"What are you doing?!" shouted Weiss, stomping. "You could've hit us!"

"Sorry!" said Pyrrha

Simmons cleared his throat and said "Well, you see"


The truck drove along the road, being bored as hell and not giving a care in the world. Suddenly, Simmons quickly ran in the middle of the road, causing them to stop immediately

One of them poked their head out of the car window and shouted "Hey, kid! Get out of the way!"

"Sorry, sir!" replied Simmons. He then got out of their way and let them continue their way

"Stupid kid" said the passenger

"Yeah, I mean what kind of person would be dumb enough to stop in the middle of the road?" asked the driver

"I can only see that happening if someone did that on purpose" As he said this, he glanced at the peephole behind them and looked away. He then quickly looked back to see if he was hallucinating

The back of the truck was open and the mini case was gone

"Told you, it would work!" said Simmons on the sidewalk

"It still was dangerous!" said

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