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"And you think this is going to work?" Rya asked as we stood by my locker the next day. I had told her everything about plan. I knew it was perfect.

Roman had little sexual experience, if not none. That was what he needed in order for Emily to go out with him and, if I knew anything about fat crushes from my experiences with Adam, you would do anything to get them to like you. Hell! I pretended to like Star Wars for a whole two months to get him to like me.

I was in the lucky position where I knew all the ins and outs about sex... literally. So, it was simple. Roman tutors me in school, I tutor him in the fine art of sex. And let's be honest here, what boy would say no to hooking up with the hottest girl in school? My plan was gold. Gold, I tell you!

I watched as Roman came around the corner with his head hung low. Poor thing, he only had his heart shattered yesterday. But why was it such a funny site? Seeing such a smart guy like Roman hung up so much on a girl. It gave me slight amusement in a sick way.

"He's over there!" Rya whispered.

"Really, I had no idea!" I rolled my eyes. "Cover me." I scurried after Roman as Rya distracted a group of girls in my direction by complimenting their God-awful handbags.

Jesus, why was this boy so fast? I huffed as he turned around another corner and a familiar brunette came into sight.

"Hey, Sienna." She smiled. Leah fucking Kingston. Great, just who I wanted to see.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

Leah shuffled her feet and looked down at the ground. "I just wanted to clear the air with you. I know it's a bit awkward because of what's going on between Adam and I –" I raised my hand to stop here right then and there before she got ahead of herself.

"Let's get one thing straight, vanilla. There is no 'Adam and I' and there is nothing going on between you two." Who the hell does she think she is telling me that my boyfriend is interested in her? He's not your boyfriend right now. Right now.

"But –"

"Look, Adam does this all the time. We go on a break; he gets with some random girl to make me jealous and give him some fun and then he eventually comes back to me because he gets bored. That's how it works." Leah's eyes flickered up to mine and reeked with heartbreak. Oh, boo fucking hoo, she's stealing my man!

"But he said that –"

"Adam says shit all the time. I'm going to be honest with you Leah and I'm not trying to be a bitch." I already was a bitch so there was no need to try. "You're just a pawn in Adam and I's game. It's gone like this forever and it's no different with you. Don't try and make up so fluffy fairy tale in your head and face the facts. He's going to sleep with you, find your vanilla ways boring, and then come back at me – literally." I let out a heavy sigh and tapped my foot, waiting for her to get out of my way.

Instead, Leah's eyes grew wet and a tear slipped down her cheek. She was way too sensitive. God, why was Adam screwing with such a cry-baby?


"Are we done now?" I huffed and crossed my arm. Leah nodded and ran away. Pretty dramatically if you asked me.

Fuck, where the hell was Roman?

Vanilla girl not only boiled my blood but made me lose sight of my plan. Urgh! What a bitch.

Hastily, I walked all down the halls until I spotted a homeless like figure in an empty corridor by his locker.


Flipping my hair over and juzzing it up before flicking it back and raking my fingers through, I pulled out my compact mirror and fixed my lipstick. It was red. The number of guys I knew that had a fetish for red.

Slowly, I walked over until I stood against the locker next to Roman's. "Hey." I smiled and jumped as he slammed his locker shut.

"What?" he sighed. Someone's a Debby-downer this morning.

"I wanted to see how you were doing."

Roman gave a confused look. "How I'm doing?"

I gave my best sympathetic smile and glanced around the hall to make sure no one was secretly watching us.

"I heard about what happened with you and Emily." He still wasn't getting it.

"Me and Emily?"

"Emily Lewis, the girl you're totally crushing on." Roman's eyes went wide and looked around the halls like I did mere seconds ago, except this time it was panicked.

"She promised she wouldn't tell." He muttered under his breath before he looked back at me. "How do you know?"

"Oh, Roman, Roman, Roman. I know everything that happens in this school, and, I have to say, she was pretty harsh. I mean, ouch, not having enough experience for her. That's gotta hurt." I pressed a hand against my heart and pouted. Roman wasn't buying it.

"So what? You're going to tell the whole school? Go ahead, everyone already knows I'm a virgin. It isn't much of a secret around here." He looked back at his locker sadly. I swear, if he was going to cry about being a virgin, I was going to leave.

  Focus, Sienna.

"Why would you assume such nasty things about me?"

  Because you're a bitch.

  Shut up.

"You seriously cannot be asking me that question." He shook his head and let out a cold laugh. "You are the definition of a classic, rich privileged, mean girl. All you do is walk around this school like you own it and make people's lives a living hell."

Ouch. Words can hurt. And I would've believed Roman... if I genuinely cared. High school wasn't about holding hands round a campfire and singing kumbaya. It was a survival show. You had to work your way up, even if it meant beating people down, and look good whilst doing it. God, some people were so naive. And sadly, those were the people who got left at the bottom. And Sienna Callum was never left at the bottom.

"C'mon, Roman." I let out my best fake laugh and flirtatiously reach out to touch his arm. He moved away and I saw a redness climb up his neck. Oh, he is so turned on by me. "People can change. And as much as I've never gotten to know you, you've never really gotten to know me and, besides, it's Senior year and I want to help people."

I couldn't tell whether Roman was buying it or not, and so I decided this was the best time to announce my generous proposition.

"And here's how I think I can help. I need you to tutor me in practically everything you're good at, but you need a little tutoring in practically everything I'm good at. So, here's my offer: you tutor me in school, and I tutor you in sex." I waited for a reply as Roman's face contorted into shock and confusion. I couldn't imagine what was running through his head. One of the hottest girls in school giving him the opportunity to allow him to get down and dirty with her. I looked down at examine his crotch finding all possibilities of movement hidden by those ugly jeans and sweater.

"Are you joking?" he then asked. Oh, sweet little Roman and his insecurities.

"Look, you would like Emily and I would like to graduate. We both have things we need. It's an extremely generous offer considering... well." I examined him up and down. It didn't need an explanation. "And just so you know, if anyone finds out it could compromise my whole reputation, so you should be thankful for what I'm risking." The thought of anyone finding out was traumatising, but the thought of graduating eased it slightly. And considering –

"That's disgusting." Um hang on. Excuse me?

"Excuse me?" I blinked a few times at the shock of what he just said.

"Did you really just offer to sleep with me and then massively criticise me?"

"When did I –"

"God, you're so oblivious, aren't you? Do you honestly think that I'm that desperate and sorry for myself to jump at any opportunity of sex?" well... yeah.

"But this isn't just any sex. This is sex with me."

He didn't like the sound of that.

"Do you not hear yourself? Seriously?! It's like you're wrapped up in your own little world." I'm sorry, what?

"I am not! You know, I was trying to help you! Do you not like Emily?!"

"Yes! But I also like myself enough to have some self-respect. And sleeping with a girl who is so conceited and ignorant that she utterly believes sleeping with her is the equivalent to winning the Nobel Prize is so stupid that I think I've lost a few brain cells. Plus, not to mention the fact that you were solely doing this for yourself, thinking I'd be putty in your hands."

I rolled my eyes. If this guy thought that his words would get to me, he was wrong. I have had hundreds of rumours and gossips behind my back to not take anything to heart. But I really needed him to tutor me.

"Emily wants a guy with sexual experience. You have none. It works both ways. You do something for me, I do something for you. It's called fair and equal."

"It's called stupid and ridiculous. If I had any consideration for tutoring you left in my body, I promise you, it's all gone now." And with that, he walked away.


  Fucking shit.


"He did what?!" Rya practically yelled as I recited to her the whole event.

"He rejected me. He fucking rejected fucking me!"

"Can guys like Roman really fuck though?" she questioned doubtfully. She had a point.

"Urgh, no! They probably jerk off inside of you for a good two minutes and then cry about their feelings afterwards. See what I was willing to do?!" maybe I dodged a bullet? Yeah, if graduating was the bullet. Shut up.

I slumped down in my seat at the lunch table and picked at my salad. How could this be happening to me? I was never the helpless one and now look at me. What would everyone think if I had to repeat a year? I'd lose all my popularity before you could say 'fail'. My parents would be so disappointed in me. So much so, I could already envision the looks on their faces. The complete shock and sadness that their daughter was now a failure. I could imagine everyone having fun at graduation whilst I was stuck at home studying for summer school. My life was going to go to shit.

I had this dream when I was little; go the college, get a degree, become roommates with Rya, marry Adam and become an adult boss ass bitch. Now look at me. I couldn't even do the first part of that plan. This was a fucking disaster.

"Don't look now, but your five o'clock." Rya muttered. I waited a few seconds before watching Adam and fucking vanilla sit at his table. He was rubbing her back sincerely, muttering things into her ear, making her giggle.

Fucking giggle.

I felt sick.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I took my salad and threw it in the trash before making my way out of the cafeteria. I would have come up with a plan to get Adam's attention, but I didn't feel like it. I'd do something tomorrow.

Now, I had to stroll in to Mrs Sanders' classroom and admit my defeat with Roman.

Maybe Pippa wouldn't be that bad of a tutor...

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