Chapter Thirteen

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"Wall?" Fionn guessed.

"Nope," Dante continued to stare at the ceiling as Fionn narrowed his eyes at him.

"Dante there is like five things in this room, including us, how the fuck is it not wall?"

"Are you giving up?" Dante finally tore his gaze from the ceiling, that was obviously oh-so-infatuating, and set those cinnabar eyes on Fionn.

"Fine," Fionn huffed.

"Wolf," Dante revealed with a triumphant smirk which dropped instantly as Fionn hit him over the head with a pillow.

"I can't see myself, you moron, that isn't how the game works," Dante's chuckle turned oddly sinister as he rolled over and leant down very close to Fionn. The wolf went silent and still as he stared into the cinnabar eyes that were awfully close to him.

"You're very brave to do something like that," Dante almost purred and it sent a shiver running through the entirety of Fionn's body, "don't you fear me?" Dante flicked the tip of his tongue over his left fang, those bewitching cinnabar eyes never leaving Fionn's. The wolf didn't even have the brain function to breathe in the situation, instead just flittering his gaze from Dante's eyes to his fangs.

Another chuckle drifted from Dante as he sat back where he was previously, giving Fionn room. Seconds later Fionn muttered the usual 'I hate you' to Dante and scurried off to the bathroom, sporting a rather obvious erection. It didn't even take him two days to figure out he could do that to the wolf and he had taken advantage of it multiple times over the three days that followed.

Fionn walked back out of the bathroom a few moments later with a glower in his eyes and a flush on his cheeks. He sat in the rocking chair, not trusting Dante to refrain from repeating his teasing again so soon.

"Fionn there's nothing wrong with you finding me attractive, I have been told I am quite irresistible," Dante kept that smirk on his mouth but Fionn regarded him with a deep frown, "oh, you're not mad at me, are you, puppy?" God, Fionn hated that name, no he didn't, he fucking loved it and it sent a rush of blood to his groin every time it was uttered, "don't be mad at me, puppy, please," Dante cooed with a pout. Fionn shifted his gaze elsewhere, glowering at the corner of the room. It was clear this little arousal thing wasn't gonna go away anytime soon, at least it gave the two of them something to do other than play eye spy.

The familiar sound of the heavy steel door being opened and scraping across the black carpet startled Fionn. He rose from the rocking chair, stepping away from the door with Dante instantly moving in front of him. He had yet to ask him why he did that, though in that moment it probably wasn't all that important.

"Come with me, Mr Harlow," the man who had entered commanded, the first time any of the hunters had ever directly addressed Fionn.

"What do you want with him?" Dante spoke before Fionn had the chance.

"Mr Harlow, now please," Fionn touched Dante's shoulder lightly, catching his attention despite his eyes remaining on the man.

"I'll be fine, let me go."

"That is the second stupidest idea you've had in here. They're going to torture you, that's what hunters do. They're obviously finished with their little observation period and now they're taking a hands-on approach."

"Dante, I will be fine," Fionn repeated, hoping his voice wasn't shaking as much as his hands.

"You didn't see what they did to Eloise-"

"Dante, first, I'm not a child. Second, if I don't go willingly they'll just shock me, knock you out and take me anyway. This way is easier," Fionn walked past Dante, brushing his fingertips of the vampire's clenched fist as he passed. Outside the room, the man guided him down white corridors for a while. Fionn tried to count his steps and remember each turn but it made his head spin and his memory was awful anyway. By the time they actually reached another door, Fionn was exceptionally dizzy and disorientated.

The wolf was pushed into the room and the door slammed shut behind him. The room seemed about the same size as the one he stayed in with Dante but the walls were stripped bare and the floor was concrete. Concrete stained with blood, that boded well.

"Turn," Fionn only just caught himself before he flinched as another, much buffer, man stepped from the shadows. He was wearing a vest and the blue jeans, showing off his variety of tattoos.

"No, thanks," Fionn thought polite might be a good idea, the man obviously didn't care.

"Turn," he repeated his command, "or I'll fuckin' make you turn," the man stepped closer to Fionn, crossing his arms over his chest. A large part of Fionn considered changing his form, he would be able to rip the man limb from limb, but if that was what the hunters wanted then they no doubt had another agenda for when he was turned.

"Actually, that's not possible. Even in stressful situa-" Fionn's speech ceased as he dropped to his knees, clutching at his throat, that same white-hot pain spiking through him as before. The man, now adorning a rather ugly smirk, kicked Fionn in the stomach, knocking what little air the wolf had retained in his lungs completely out of his body. He fell onto his back as the pain faded and gasped for breath.

"Turn!" the man yelled in his face, his boot coming into contact with Fionn's side once again.

"No," Fionn wheezed, groaning as his side was kicked over and over. He had to get up, couldn't just stay on the floor and be beaten like an injured dog. But the second he made a move to stand, the pain in his neck returned. A fist to the jaw sent him back to the floor.

The cycle continued for some time until Fionn was barely holding onto his consciousness, laid in his own blood spatter. He was dragged back to the room, no doubt leaving a trail of blood dripping from whatever cuts he had gotten. The door was opened and the wolf thrown into the room exceptionally quickly.

"Oh my God," Dante was at Fionn's side in an instant, then reared back a tad when the smell of his blood hit him. He should have been due some blood that day yet it hadn't been given to him. How convenient.

"I'm fine," Fionn murmured, wincing from the stiffness in his jaw and spitting blood onto the carpet. He was pretty sure nothing had been broken, everything was just bruised.

"I fucking told you they would torture you," Dante seethed through gritted teeth as he lifted Fionn very gently and laid him on the bed.

"Not the time for I told you so's," Fionn lifted his hand with the intention of running it through his matted hair but dropped it back to the bed when it began to tremble.

"What did they want?" Fionn felt Dante's hands on him, surprisingly gentle for how vicious he knew the vampire could be, he was checking wounds.

"My wolf," Fionn grimaced when Dante's reached his side, from what little he could see when his shirt was pulled off, there was a fairly large and downright ugly bruise forming there.

"What happened to taking the easy route?" Dante brushed some of Fionn's hair out of his face with a sympathetic smile.

"Fuck the easy route, fight tooth and claw if they come for you," Fionn's eyes were getting heavy and he knew Dante could see that. The vampire sat down next to him, reaching to turn the light off but Fionn caught his wrist.

"You wouldn't mind leaving it on, would you?" Fionn asked quietly as he rested his head on Dante's thigh.

"Not at all," Dante placed a hand on Fionn's shoulder, obviously catching on that the wolf really didn't want to be alone at that moment. Calming down with the presence of the vampire so close, Fionn let sleep overcome him.

Fionn slept for a few hours, awakening to see Dante sat cross-legged facing the corner. He did that a lot when he wanted to think, it was like he could zone out and be elsewhere for a little while. Probably the only thing keeping him sane whilst he was trapped there with Fionn. It was in that moment Fionn decided to try reaching out to Ocie in his mind.

"Ocie?" Fionn started out speaking softly, having no idea what time it was and not wanting to startle his beta if it was possible to get through to her. After a few failed attempts he raised his voice, then focused harder and shouted as loud as he could.

"Ocie?!" he yelled in his mind, "Ocie?! Can you hear me?!" Fionn hated focusing so hard on his link, it sent pain throbbing through his mind every time he did it.

"That is achieving nothing other than giving me a goddamn headache," Dante snapped from the corner of the room, startling Fionn. Surely it was a coincidence, he couldn't possibly hear Fionn.

"W-What?" Fionn's voice was much quieter, stuttering at the possibilities of the vampire able to hear him.

"I might be dead but you can still give me a headache," Dante said in a more gentle voice, obviously assuming Fionn had been startled his tone, not his shocking ability. Though maybe Fionn was still overreacting, maybe it truly was just an odd coincidence.

"Dante, look at me," Fionn watched with wide eyes as the vampire spun around at his command, "I'm not speaking out loud," Dante sighed, dropping his head and rubbing it with his hands.

"Make some comment about not caring if I have a headache, sound annoyed," Fionn flinched at the sound of Dante's voice echoing through his mind for the first time, "now, Fi, they can't know about this."

"Dante, I'm not doing anything, how can I possibly be giving you a headache?" Fionn pushed back as much shock as he could, lacing his tone with exasperation.

"You breathe exceptionally loud sometimes, I think it is slowly driving me mad."

"Tell me you're tired and want to go to sleep. It will be easier for us to do this in the dark," Dante switched from talking aloud to in his mind so quickly it made Fionn a little nauseous.

"Can you just come here so I can go to sleep?" Dante rose to his feet, walking over and laying down next to Fionn.

"Of course, dear," he muttered, reaching up to turn the light off.

"How the fuck can you hear me?" Fionn asked the instant the darkness swarmed the two.

"I don't know. It started a few months ago and I just tried to ignore it at first. You were on a run, I happened to be standing by the border and when we made eye contact I could just hear everything you were the thinking-"

"Wait," Fionn interjected, "so it's not just a communication thing, you can read my thoughts too? Like Ocie can?" Dante slid an arm around Fionn and the wolf shifted carefully into a more comfortable position.

"Apparently so. Your thoughts were pretty loud in my head over the first couple days but I built up walls pretty quickly. I thought you wouldn't want every fear, desire and contemplation to be seeping into my head. I was going to tell you at some point, I was just waiting for a good time."

"What does this mean? Have you ever heard of anything like this happening before?" Dante didn't respond for a few moments and Fionn took the chance to focus on his mind. Instantly his thoughts flooded into his head, bombarding the wolf.

"Fuck, how do you think of so much at once?" Fionn whined, the splitting headache almost debilitating when coupled with the dull ache from the rest of his body.

"Does this help?" through the stream of searing thoughts and emotions a cool sensation began to flow between, slowly blocking them out before each hit Fionn, "you're going to have to learn to put up walls around your mind at all times. Whether it's just because we're in close proximity or something more, this isn't like your connection with Ocie. It's much stronger," Fionn sighed, closing his eyes as he started to build up his own icy blockades around his conscious mind.


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