Forty two

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Am I disturbing you ??

No,obviously not

Oh I thought it's Valentine's Day you must be with someone

I'm single and i should ask you that because don't you have a boyfriend?

I do but he went out of city so I'm alone :((

Ohhhhh that sucks

I miss him tho uwu

I miss someone too

Oh who?

Just someone who I really liked but I was the one at Fault for losing them

So you fucked up?


Lol wow,i guess we are both in kinda same situation

I guess

It's weird that we don't even know eachother and I still feel like I need to talk to you

Jeongguk that's really sweet ,for a long time I have been alone and with you talking to me,I really like it ๐Ÿ’—

You are so cute :(

Thanks ๐Ÿ’“

"He is just as soft as he was before for me" Taehyung thought.

My Hyungs are yelling in the group chat so I have to go

Weird...mine too

Wow bye I guess

Byee Jeonggukkie

V is offline

Jeongguk exited the app and went to Instagram,They made a group chat in Instagram literally who does that.He opened the group chat and it looked like a mess already.

Group chat: Gays event only!


Jiminiepark: chill baby they are here I saw the online thingy on there icon

Kingjin: FINALLY

YoongieD: you yell too much hyung omg shut up

Kingjin: idgaf

Kimtaetae: What is a taekook?

Jiminiepark: it's a ship name of you too,TAEhyung and JungKOOK = taekook

Jeonjjk: oh wow

Kimtaetae: yeah so why are we here ?

Kingjin: We are all gonna hangout !!

YoongieD: it's Valentine's Day?

Jiminiepark: your boyfriend can come Yoongi

YoongieD: it's not that

Kingjin: you can suck his dick later Yoongi,you have whole night


YoongieD : fuck off ok wtv

Kimtaetae: Ok then where are we going?

Jiminiepark: how about arcade and then this new restaurant which looks really fancy,we can crash there

YoongieD : some people are broke Jimin

Jiminiepark: Yoongi you have a millionaire boyfriend and you are a rookie producer yourself,you aren't suppose to talk

Jeonjjk: some people are broke Jimin

Jiminiepark: I won't even get started on you,butch you make so many coins off talktome and then you are freaking model now so shut up

Kingjin: No one is fkn broke in this group so We are going to arcade then that restaurant ,cool?

Kimtaetae :I guess

Kingjin: let me add Yoongi bf so he can know too

YoongieD: oh no

Kingjin added Joonmodels into the group

Joonmodels: um what is this ?

Kingjin: welcome to hell yoongi's famous boyfriend

YoongieD: don't mind them,this is a group chat between my crackhead friends and now you are here too

Joonmodels: oh cool

Kingjin: now onto our hangout,Final details.Arcade at this address xxxxxxxxx and restaurant Jimin would take us,8pm be there or you are out

Kimtaetae: cool then

Jeonjjk: yeah bye I was kinda busy before texted me

Jiminiepark: Jae isn't in the town?

Jeonjjk: not with Jae Jimin

YoongieD: you cheating on Jae already?

Jeonjjk: Nooo I was talking to someone I met on talktome

Jimin: oh who๐Ÿ‘€

Jeonjjk: Someone Name V

Jiminiepark: Jeongguk do you even know

Kimtaetae: JIMINN I need to talk to youu private plz

Jeonjjk: know what

Kingjin: damn so we are strangers now huh

Kimtaetae : it's not like that I swear hyung

Kingjin: I don't care whatever it is tell me too

YoongieD: I would like to excluded from this narrative,joon I'm coming over ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“

Joonmodels : Ok baby๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’

Jeonjjk: bye from me too since you are gonna Ignore me

Kimtaetae: I'm gonna make another group chat

New group chat: Tea spillingโ˜•๏ธ

Jiminiepark: Ok kim Taehyung what did you do now

Kimtaetae: I did nothing

Jiminiepark: then how tf doesn't Jk know you are V

Kingjin: uhm can someone please tell me tf is happening

Jiminiepark: Taehyung made a acc in talktome and has a profile there and somehow Jeongguk doesn't know that V (Taehyung username) is Taehyung when there is a whole ass picture of tae on it??

Kingjin: WHAT

Kingjin: tae if you needed money you should have asked me

Kimtaetae: noo hyung I don't need money,I did it because I was bored and I need fun

Kingjin: oh

Jiminiepark: now back to me,is Jeongguk blind ?

Kingjin: blindly inlove with Taehyung? Yes

Kimtaetae: ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Kimtaetae: Jimin he somehow didn't saw the picture,he said it's because of his internet

Jiminiepark: oh

Kingjin: you didn't told him it's you?

Kimtaetae: no why would I? To get blocked again ?

Kimtaetae: y'all don't even know how much I miss talking to him ,since this v thing he started to talk to me again and it feels great,though it hurts that he doesn't know me but still

Jiminiepark: tae :((

Kimtaetae: I'm sorry ,i just really missed him :(((

Kingjin: It would be okay,I don't know how long Jae and Jeongguk are gonna last but for a fact I know Jeongguk would come back to you

Kimtaetae: after what I did to him? Made him suffer ? He would never

Jiminiepark: I have been his bestfriend for years and believe me he would

Kimtaetae: I hope so too but what about Jae? He would never leave

Kingjin: he won't leave Jeongguk but Jeongguk can leave him

Jiminiepark: we are sounding like evils

Kingjin: now tae get ready it's already 6:30

Kimtaetae : oh yeah I forgot about our hangout

Kingjin: wear something hot

Kimtaetae: why

Jiminiepark: Jeongguk is coming

Kimtaetae: I see how you two are together now

Taehyung took off his pyjamas,yes pyjamas he didn't changed because he was very lazy to even get out of bed.He quickly went into bathroom as cold air was hitting his skin,making him shiver.He quickly opened the tap of shower and the warm water rushes out and falling on him.He stood there for minutes as his body was full wet.He applied some shampoo on his silver hair and rubbed it a bit,he saw bubbles flying in air and giggled.He popped one making him smile.Cute.

He took the vanilla body wash and washed it body with it.His smooth skin worked with him.He was really built like this, a small waist with big body.After some more minutes he was finished taking a shower.He looks at the time and it was already 6:47 ,he needs to hurry up.He did some other things like applying lotion and deodorant etc.

He took the towel and dried his body and hair with the towel.He took out his clothes and started to wear them.He took the white baggy shirt and wore it and then took out a black tie and wear it on it loosely,since he barely wears ties he decided to wear it now.He wore black skinny jeans and matched it with his black Gucci shoes.

He took out his dangling silver one ear earring and wear it on his ear too.He didn't styled his hair and left it down.He was looking stunning and he knew it.

(Taehyung's outfit)

He quickly picked up his phone from the side table and went out of his apartment.He rushed downstairs because he knew the guys would be waiting for him.He took out the car keys out of his pocket and went to the parking lot.He walked toward his car and opened the door toย  sit inside.He started it and quickly drove off to the location where they all were suppose to meet.

He was here.He saw other guys standing outside.He was the last one to be there ,well shit.He parked his car and went outside and walked over to where everyone was standing,waiting for him.He approached them and saw guys staring at him.He stood there awkwardly.


" look really beautiful"Jimin said.


"Beautiful? Bitch he looks hot ,me and Jimin are open for a threesome amytime "Jin said to him with a smile.Taehyung chuckled.Jimin smacked his boyfriend arm.

"Ok then give me a call whenever y'all are in mood" he winked at them while laughing it off.

"If you all are done can we go inside I am cold"Yoongi said.Namjoon took Yoongi hands and pulled him towards him and smiled.Yoongi was blushing."You are now warm"Namjoon said as he kept on hugging him.His small Boyd was wrapped around Namjoon's big body.

"Ok yeah let's go inside"

Jeongguk.Damn Jeongguk.Jeongguk was surprised ,his mouth was hanging,Taehyung looked hot and he just want it to yell it.How his collarbones were on display and that baggy shirt didn't even showed any of his curves but that tight pants hugged his legs so well and it also tightened around his ass,Jeongguk can not help but stare,he doesn't want anything to do except to go over there and just be all over him,touch him.He felt possessive,he didn't wanted anyone to see what's his.

"He is not yours Jeongguk ,you have a boyfriend get a grip"Jeongguk thought.

When they were going inside ,it was crowd inside,causing them to be attached to eachother as people were pushing them and "coincidentally" Taehyung was right infront of Jeongguk.Jeongguk grabbed his waist and pulled him towards him so he doesn't get pushed.He swear he felt something when he touched him.Taehyung was surprised by sudden touch as he was glad his back was facing him because he was blushing furiously.

As soon as they got in ,Jeongguk quickly left his waist because he knew it was wrong and he should keep his space.Taehyung was sad but what did he expected,they both parted ways and went to others.This was gonna a long night.

After the arcade,they all were now sitting in the restaurant,the fancy restaurant they were talking about is really fancy and people are looking at them weirdly because first there attires are too normal for this place and second they are making too much noise.Several waiters came to ask them to speak with low voice.But are they gonna listen ? No.

The sitting arrangement was surprising well.It was like Namjoon,Yoongi,Jin And on the other side of table Jimin,Taehyung and Jeongguk.Taehyung felt weird sitting next to Jeongguk because it was pretty awkward but Jeongguk was full on ignored him so it was okay.

"Taehyung that guy behind you is literally checking you out,don't look back it would be obvious"Jimin said to Taehyung,loud enough for Jeongguk to hear.Jeongguk instantly looked back and saw a guy actually checking out Taehyung,when the guy saw Jeongguk glaring at him he quickly looked away.Taehyung saw gguk and smiled.He was jealous.

Soon the food came as everyone started to dig in whatever they ordered.While Taehyung was eating he was gonna pick up his glass but instead his hands hit the Jeongguk glass causing it fall down as his drink fell on Jeongguk's lap.Jeongguk gasped.

"Oh fuck! I'm sorry Jeongguk,I-I didn't mean too- wait let me get tissues"Taehyung apologised looking worried,he quickly took the tissues and start to wipe Jeongguk's lap.Jeongguk felt his hands go near his crotch.Meanwhile Taehyung was wiping it,he felt something...big. "Shit" he mumbled.Before Taehyung could start again Jeongguk grabbed Taehyung's wrist.

"Stop it's okay ,I can j-just go to washroom and clean it,Taehyung"Jeongguk told him pushing his hands away.

Jeongguk stood up from his seat and head towards the washroom,Taehyung looked worried.He literally had one job.

"God why do I always fuck things up?" Taehyung asked.

"It's okay Taehyung it was an accident"Namjoon said.

"He looked mad though" Jin shrugged.

"That's because I accidentally touched his dick"Taehyung told them,causing Yoongi to choke on his drink.Jimin laughed.

"What? That's so funny,why was he so shaken up? It wasn't like it was the first time you touched his dick" Jimin recieved a punch in his arm by Taehyung.

"Shut up" Taehyung was red by now.

"Well you should go help him,shouldn't you? Since it was your fault"Jin recommended while looking at Jimin with a smirk.Wiggling his eyebrows.

"..but he doesn't-"

"Yes Jin is right Taehyung you should go and apologise too"Jimin smirked too with a look in his eyes.Yoongi face palmed.

"Oh...I should go I think then" Taehyung stood up from his seat and went to washroom too leaving those four alone as Jimin and Jin succeeded in there plan ,having taekook alone in one place.

Taehyung went inside the washroom and saw Jeongguk alone with some tissues in his hands.Jeongguk noticed Taehyung presence.

"What are you doing here Taehyung?"

"I'm here to help you,I'm really sorry for what I did I didn't mean to ruin your pants -"

"Taehyung I said it's okay so go"

"Atealst let me help you"

"Taehyung I said go,why are you stubborn?"Jeongguk said in more of a rude tone now.

"....I was just trying to help Jeongguk,why are you so rude to me?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm not rude to you Taehyung,why don't you listen to me for once and leave me alone"

"Im just trying to help you ,you are being rude to me again"

"And you are annoying"

"Why are you being like this? What did I do to you?"

"What did you not to do me Taehyung?"

"I....I'm sorry" He apologised again.

"Stop apologising ,I-" he stopped ,Jeongguk went close to Taehyung and sighed ,he pulled him in a hug ,surprising Taehyung.Taehyung didn't moved for a second he then wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged him back.

"I'm sorry Taehyung,I am sorry for being rude to you I just,I'm not in my best form right now" He said as they pull away.

"It's okay ,I'm sorry too"

"Now go please I would be back in a bit"

Taehyung didn't fought this time and just nodded.That was good.Pretty good.

"Hey Taehyung can you drop me off ? I came with Jimin but now they both are gone already" Jeongguk asked Taehyung.

Taehyung thought about it for a second and nodded."hop in"

The car ride was pretty awkward to say Atleast.Both Of the boys said nothing to each other,just the sound of songs playing in back was there as Taehyung was focused on road and Jeongguk was looking outside from the window.

The thick tension in the air made them sick,it was hard to even breath without the tension.They just want it to be over as soon as possible.As They approached Jeongguk's apartment building ,Jeongguk got out of the car and Taehyung did too.

Jeongguk went toward Taehyung.

"Thank you for dropping me off"

"Anytime Jeongguk " he smiled.

"I should go now I guess and by the way Taehyung?" Jeongguk stopped for a second and looked at him,Taehyung looked at him with curiousity,he hummed in response.

"You looked really fucking hot tonight"

"O-oh? Thanks,you too" he stuttered by the sudden compliment.

Jeongguk was going back in then he suddenly remembered something.He looked back and saw Taehyung was still standing there.He started to walk back toward him.Taehyung was confused thinking "why is he coming back?"

Jeongguk came closer to Taehyung.He took out a red rose out of his pocket and gave it to Taehyung.

"Happy Valentine's Day,tae" Jeongguk kissed his cheeks and smiled.Without saying another word he went inside his building,leaving Taehyung in shock that what just happened.

How are you all liking this story so far?
I hope you are enjoying it as much as I do.Even though there is a lot of Angst but it be like that sometimes.Anyways Thank you for supporting me even after whatever I'm doing.
"" is really close to its ends ,like some more ?5-6? Chapters.We have come so far.
Hope y'all liked it
Love y'all

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