I'm So Proud of You

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Inspired by Drake's song I'm So Proud of You! Soooo nostalgic! I've linked it above if you wanna listen!

You stand at the back of the auditorium with the rest of the graduating class. You've been waiting for this day for a very long time. Soon it's time for your class to take their seats as the graduation ceremony begins. As you walk to your seat, you quickly look into the crowd of cheering spectators hoping to catch a glimpse of the people you love.

You see your parents and extended family all beaming with pride, but there are a few more people you're hoping to see today. You don't see them, and your heart sinks. But you don't have time to dwell on it right now.

As the ceremony progresses and speeches are said and scholarships are announced, you have to fight the urge to keep turning around to look into the crowd.

As the students in front of you are called to walk the stage, you feel disappointment course through your veins like a slow wave. Soon your name is called. You duck your head and sigh. They couldn't make it... You knew your friends were scheduled to have an interview for some nightly talk show, but they had promised they would be here. A loud cheer goes up as you walk up to the stage. You take the short set of stairs and walk across the stage. As you shake your principal's hand and they hand you your diploma, you look into the crowd once more. They really aren't here...

"Y/N!!!!" Your head snaps up as you leave the stage. Your eyes scan the auditorium, looking for the source. That's when you see them. The seven boys that you love with your whole heart are standing in a cluster off to the side. Their grins are a mile-wide as they wave at you.

Your heart soars as you wave back. You look up at your family and beam. As the rest of your class is called, you're buzzing with excitement. You can't wait to see the boys.

Finally, finally the ceremony is over. Your class all rises as one and the space above you is filled with a sea of graduation caps as they are tossed into the air. You quickly retrieve your cap off the ground and head off in search of your family.

"There's our girl!" Your extended family gathers around you, pulling you this way and that for congratulatory hugs and pictures. You see the boys standing off to the side, waiting for you. Hoseok is so excited that his feet are tapping. Jimin grins and puts his arm around his hyung's shoulders.

After a few more minutes, you're free to see the boys. Hoseok reaches you first, throwing his arms around you and pulling you close. "Congratulations, my Sunshine!" He spins you around, laughing. Once he sets you down, the rest of the boys crowd around you, showering you with praise and hugs.

"You did it! How does it feel?" Yoongi grins, chucking you under the chin.

"It hasn't hit me yet," you say, shrugging. "My guess is it'll hit in a few days, after all the excitement has worn off."

"You can call me to cry later." Jin pulls you in for another hug, rubbing your back. "We'll watch movies, eat snacks, and cry once we realize that we're getting older."

"Sounds like a plan," you grin. You catch sight of Jimin, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Tae all waiting for your attention.

You walk over to Jimin and he beams. His arms enfold around you as he holds you close. "I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it!"

"Minnie! I—" A sob leaps past your lips. The tears come quickly. Jimin rubs your back as you hide your face in his chest.

"Oh, my love," Jimin hums, his tone incredibly gentle. "It's okay, you're alright. Why are you upset?" In the next instant, you feel the warmth of the other boys as they surround you in a group hug.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Jungkook asks, reaching over to brush your cheek with his finger.

You raise your head and smile at him, though your tears are still flowing freely down your cheeks. "I'm just... so happy you made it!"

"You didn't think we'd miss this, did you?" Taehyung smiles.

"I was worried in the beginning," you murmur. "But I hoped you guys would come through for me."

"Ah," Namjoon hums, pulling you into his chest. "When have we ever let you down? We're so proud of you! We'll be there every step of the way on your next adventure, so please don't be scared to lean on us."

"I love you guys." You squeeze Namjoon tightly.

Congratulations to the class of 2019!! Whether you're graduating high school, college, or some other form of education, I'm so proud of you! You made it! I know you'll do great things in the future! Good luck!
❤️— GalaxyGash

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