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((At this point I'm kind of debating whether or not to make a part two of this book on how Axel and Freya get back to Germany. *sips red bull*))

Freya's POV

The Americans had arrived. Glen Miller was the newest and most popular radio station. All day, Freya listened to the jazzy and classical orchestra that played from the Clover Cafe radio. Even though she lived an hour or so from the nearest training camp for the American and Brittish soldiers, they all used their weekend passes to travel the area. For some odd reason, many ended up in her little town.

Freya groaned as she rushed around, struggling to keep up with everything. She had recently assumed a job at a local Cafe in order to keep money coming in. While her and Axel both had plenty of her grandparents money left, she knew it wouldn't last forever.

Now, she was a waitress.

Freya tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and scanned the Cafe for anyone waiting for assistance, hands smoothing the apron tied around her skirt outfit.

Freya began to fold napkins toward the back of the Cafe, her eyes cast downward as she focused. She tried to work everyday. She got paid decently, at least, especially in the middle of a war. Money wasn't cheap.

She thought about Axel and wondered what he was doing right now. Probably feeding the chickens. Or maybe grooming Cadence. She had asked him to. Maybe he was working on his English. Her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as she continued thinking about him. She missed him.

She looked up sharply as the doorchime rang and watched as a group of young American soldiers walked into the Cafe, discarding their cigarettes into a nearby trashcan and looking around.

Freya scowled. They were all so bold. So brash. So noisy.

One of her teammates stepped forward, greeting them and seating them with a bright cherry lipped smile. Megan.

Megan walked toward Freya, catching eyes. "Freya!" Freya grinned softly. Megan was a small, blonde girl who looked to be around 15 or 16. She was very sweet and her and Freya had connected instantly, despite Freya being a couple years older.

Megan reached Freya. "Can you serve them? There are like 5 or 6. I already have a table outside, but if it's too much to ask I can-"

Freya smiled, "Hey, its okay. I've got it. Don't you worry." She cast her gaze toward the loud group. "But, wish me luck."

Megan grinned and thanked Freya, walking briskly off toward another table. Freya organized her silverware and napkins and then walked over to the group of soldiers who hardly quieted down. She deposited the items on the table and stood back.

She opened her voice to speak over the loud, eager American boys. "Excuse me, I'm Freya. I'll be helping you all today. Can we start with some-"

She was interrupted.

"Ma'am, I have never in my life laid my eyes on something so beautiful. You must be the most gorgeous creature I have ever seen." A young man, hair dark and short with a small goatee, and uniform rankless and holding no decorations, turned in his seat with a smile to face her.

She blushed and smiled and awkwardly nodded and looked away toward the others, who were snickering.

"Ma'am, forgive our dumb buddy here." Another soldier piped up, elbowing his dark haired friend.

Freya just nodded. "Can I get you all drinks?" She wondered how easy the American soldiers thought the Brittish girls were. So many often approached them in that manner.

"Whatever you get me I will enjoy. Surprise me." The dark haired one added with a wink. Freya rolled her eyes, earning a laugh from the men.

"What's your name?" Another one asked her. Freya looked over and saw another dark haired soldier staring at her.

Freya leaned on her hip and tilted her head. "By the time you are all done asking me questions, it's going to be dark. Can I get your drinks please?"

They all laughed and she smiled at her light-hearted attitude.

"Well, looks like you aren't gettin my drink. Ima be here for a long time, boys. Go fight them Nazis without me." The flirtatious one said, leaning back in his chair.

Freya stared at him. His name tag read, "Gray." He looked back up at her.

"Ma'am, you do have the most blue eyes I ever did see." She wasn't even sure what to say anymore.

"You have blue eyes too." Was what ended coming out.

The soldier Gray smiled widely and nodded, "but they ain't as pretty as yours miss." She noticed how his words, although rushed and fast, were drawn out and had a twang to them. Southern.

"Where are you boys from?" She asked. They all turned to her.

"South Georgia, Ma'am! Home of the finest, juiciest peaches in the whole Country. The USA. Down where I'm from, we ain't ever get snow. So it was shock to see it here-"

"Shut your freaking trap, Gray. All you ever do is talk. Can't you see you're pestering the young lady?" A new voice spoke up and she saw a red headed soldier sitting at the corner of the table.

She smiled softly. "Its okay."

"Yeah, Walker, it's okay. You're just jealous." Gray snapped at him. He then turned back to Freya. He pointed at the boy next to him, the other dark haired one who had apologized for him earlier. "This here is my buddy Smith. And then there is Howard, Malarkey, Walker, he's the rude one, and that there is Graf. As she met eyes with Graf, he smiled shyly and looked down.

Well, at least they all weren't bold.

She found no harm in telling them her name. "I'm Freya Carter."

"Freya," Gray grinned as he said it. "Beautiful." She blushed again.

"I want water." The red head, Walker, grumbled. She wrote it down and took their orders.

About an hour later, after serving them their food, and handing them their checks, Freya began cleaning up the dishes. It was almost dark. She had worked the night shift tonight and she looked forward to returning home.

Megan approached her. "Hey, your shift is over. Do you work again tomorrow?"

Freya nodded, removing her apron. "Yes. Another night shift. It's Saturday tomorrow too, so it'll be extra busy. Do you?"

Megan beamed. "Nope. Asked off."

"Lucky." She clocked out, signing out on the paper. "I'm going to head back now. So I'll see ya."

Megan waved and Freya stepped outside into the evening light. Another beautiful night. It was about a 20 minute walk home and she began walking down the sidewalk when she felt a hand tap her shoulder.

She turned, seeing Gray. His friends stood not too far away, talking amongst themselves. She blinked, looking back to Gray. Gray was shorter than she thought, skinnier too. He was only about an inch taller than her.

She nodded politely, "Hello. Can I help you?"

Gray grinned and reached into his coat pocket. He pulled out what looked to be a- yes, a bar of chocolate.

"Here ya go, Ma'am. Thanks for the service." He handed it to her.

Freya smiled softly, "No thank you. But I appreciate it."

Gray stuck his bottom lip out and placed a hand over his heart. "You're breakin my heart, sweetheart. Just take the chocolate bar. I ain't gonna eat it. I'm fat enough." She couldn't help but giggle, because it wasn't true.

"Freya?" She heard the German accent behind her and she spun, smiling brightly at Axel, who was walking toward her.

"Hey, my love." She replied sweetly, shooting Gray another look as he stared at Axel. She turned and walked away toward Axel as he looked at the group of Americans.

Axel often came to walk her home from work. He hugged Freya and waved to the Americans.

Gray grinned and shook his head, walking forward and shaking Axels hand. "Wow, the lucky man has arrived! You better know how lucky you are." Gray joked.

Axel just nodded with a smile as Freya replied, "Goodnight."

Gray grinned, putting the chocolate bar back in his pocket. "If ya get bored, I'll be here!" He called as his friends approached.

Freya shouted back, "I won't!"

Axel grinned. "Loud Americans." She nodded as they turned to head back home. Only to stop and look at another soldier, in their path.

Freya recognized the redhead, Walker. He had to have been standing near them the whole time. Because Freya realized, her heart dropping, that he had heard Axels German Accent.

"What the heck?" Walker exclaimed, stepping back and looking Axel up and down. Freya swallowed and looked up at Axel. He stared coolly back at Walker.

"Aye guys, this here is a German!" Walker shouted to his friends and Freya bit her lip, turning to see Gray and the others approaching.

Gray stared at her for a moment, then looked at Axel. The others followed quietly.

Freya turned to Walker. "No he isn't." She could handle this. She could answer for Axel and then they could leave. Surely the brash soldier wouldn't make this evening difficult.

But to her surprise, Axel shot her an annoyed look. "Yes, I am." His German accent was loud and clear in the silence and she heard murmurs from the Americans.

Walker glared down at Axel, hatred in his eyes. "If it weren't for your stupid nation we wouldn't be here fighting this war." He shook his head. "You sound so, so German. Why are you here? You obviously haven't been here long. Your accent is too...fresh."

"What is it to you?" Freya argued.

Walker looked her up and down. "And we are here aiding your country. Yet you choose to...be with the enemy?" Disgust shown plainly.

"Stupid German." Another voice said.

"Walker, what the heck you doin? You don't know these people. Give them space." Gray jumped in, but even he looked uncomfortable.

Axel stared at Walker. Freya glanced between the two.

"One armed freaking Nazi." Walker spat.

Axel took a step forward and then hesitated. He looked down at Freya, who stood there with fear in her eyes. He sighed, gently taking her hand and pushing by the group, walking away. Freya followed quietly.

"Yeah, that's right. Walk away. And you, dumb girl, I hope you're happy sleeping with the enemy. I hope you-"

Freya blocked it out, tightening her grip on Axels hand as they walked away.

She felt embarrassed. But she didnt know why. She wondered what they would have done if they had known he was a soldier too.

She squeezed Axels hand and he squeezed her hand back as they walked down the path beneath the darkening sky. The stars were slowly appearing and an owl could be heard as the sidewalk ended and turned into a dirt path that would stretch into the countryside where they lived.

Axel spun her around and she giggled, returning to his side. She stopped in front of him and looked up at him. He stared down at her, his one hand reaching up and caressing her face. She closed her eyes, longing for moments like these to last forever. His thumb ran over her cheek and she leaned into him, hugging him, both hidden under the shade of the trees that were along the path.

"Are you okay, meine Liebe? Mein schönes Reh?

Freya narrowed her eyes and raised an eyebrow. "Yes. What's that mean?"

Axel smirked down at her, hand on her waist. She fiddled with the jacket he wore.

"You need study German to know." He teased. Freya rolled her blue eyes.

"Axel, I hate sitting and memorizing all of the grammar, you know how bad I am at it-"

"You love me?"

What a dumb question.

She rolled her eyes. "Axel, I love you. Do you love me?"

He grinned and his emerald green eyes burst with brightness and her heart picked up speed as he leaned down, pulling her body into his as his lips crashed into hers. He slid his hand around her and she placed one hand on his face and the other around him.

She knew he loved her. She kissed him with the effort of showing how much she loved him as well, her heart bursting with happiness. Two years ago, she wouldn't have imagined this.

Axel pulled away, staring into her eyes intently. She stared back, looking from one eye to the other as he stared at her. Then she began laughing and he snorted and joined, the two continuing their walk home.

"Axel, why did you admit you were German back there? Things could have gone...south." She broke their silence and he replied without looking at her.

"I am German. Not- No lie about me. I am proud."

She blinked, looking down. "You advocate for Hitler?"

He tilted his head with a confused look that made her smile. "Advocate. Means support. You are for. You like."

"I like Hitler?" Axel murmured. He frowned.

Freya wondered why this conversation hadn't come up before. She looked back ahead, admiring the stars.

"Hitler...Strong. Powerful. He want to save Germany. From what? Jews? Don't know why. I don't like history class." Axel chuckled to himself. His green eyes met Freyas. "I did not pay attention." He paused. "Hitler...power hungry. I don't know."

Freya nodded. "Well, personally, I hate him."

Axel grinned with a laugh. "I know."

Freya smiled up at him. He would figure it out. But either way, one side of this war was going to win. She only hoped that her and Axel would make it through together, despite the outcome of it all.

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