Chapter 31

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"Was starting to think you weren't gonna let us in." Dario said as soon as I opened the door.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes and greeted everyone.

"It's really good to see you again Maria." She engulfed me in a hug.

"Samai, you look so radiant as always." She says in her thick accent.

"Thank you. You look beautiful."

"Thank you dear."

"Hi Ivan, I'm so glad you could make it." I hugged him as well.

"Happy to be here," he responded.

"Samai," Ale nodded at me. I rolled my eyes and walked towards him to give him a hug.

"Hi Ale." He tensed a bit then he relaxed and returned my hug.

"You saved the best for last right?" Dario smiled.

"Oh hi," I said in a bored tone. I was about to turn around and walk away when I saw his jaw drop.

"Lorenzo really poisoned your mind against me." He shook his head.

I laughed and turned to hug him.

"I've missed you idiot."

"I'll take it I guess. Hey sis." He hugged me.

I lead everyone to the backyard and told them where the bathroom was in case they needed to use it. Dario and Ale stopped to talk in the kitchen so it was just Mario, Ivan, Theo and Chase in the backyard.

I introduced Maria and Ivan to Chase and there were no introductions needed for Theo since they already knew him. I checked around and saw that everything was in place and looked great.

"You did an amazing job, this is beautiful." Maria said looking around.

"Thanks but Allison, Chase and Theo deserve all the credit, they were a tremendous help."

"But still, thank you for doing this for him."

I didn't reply to her comment, I just gave her a warm smile.

"Would you like anything? Food? Drinks?"

"Not yet dear, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Just then my phone started ringing.

"Excuse me a second."

I walked over to a corner and answered the phone.


"I'm never doing this shit ever again. It's like he's an even bigger asshole than I remember. I'm not spending another moment with him."

"Please just-"


"Liam calm down, I was gonna say please just bring him home if he's that much of a pain."

"Oh I'm planning on it-" Liam's voice was cut off by Lorenzo's

"Take me back to my wife, I don't want to have to spend another second with you." I hear Enzo say.

"If I'm not there in the next ten minutes, call the cops because we're going to murder each other."

"Please stop bickering and just get here." I rolled my eyes at their childishness.

I hung up to phone and walked over to everyone to let them know that Lorenzo was on his way. I walked inside to let his brothers and Allison know as well. They followed me to the backyard and I was going to introduce them to Chase.

"Chase!" I called for him.

As soon as he turned around his mouth dropped. He walked over a stood next to me.

"Chugga chugga choo." He says before I subtly pinched him. "I mean hi, I'm Chase."

Dario and Alessandro looked a bit confused and I thanked the heavens they didn't understand what he said. Allison on the other had did, that's why she was snickering off to the side.

"Guys this is my best friend Chase and Chase, these are Lorenzo's brothers."

"It's really nice to meet you Chase." Dario greeted.

"It's nice to meet you as well Chase." Ale offered him a hand shake.

"Theooo," Dario dapped up him up.

Just then I got a text from Liam saying they're outside.

"Oh shit,"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, but Enzo's here." I turned to everyone else in the backyard. "Everyone! He's here, get into positions please."

I ran in the house and got to the door just in time.

"Hey guys how was it?"



They both answered then gave each other a dirty look. What the fuck happened between them?

"I need a drink." Enzo said as he walked to the kitchen. He reached out to hug me before he was about to walk to the kitchen.

"No drinking, at least not yet." I said to him.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Just come with me."

I covered his eyes and walked him out to the backyard. I uncovered his eyes and everyone yelled surprise, except Dario who was stuffing his face with a cupcake.

"Oh shit," He said once he realized. "Surprise!" He tried to redeem himself.

Maria shook her head and slapped him upside his head.


"You did this?" Enzo turned to me.

"Yea, I know you don't really celebrate your birthday but I still wanted to do something for you."

He just stared at me with all these different emotions.

"I-....Thank you,"

"You're welcome love, now go mingle. Your family came all this way."

He kissed my forehead before he walked over to them.

"That was cute, I guess." I was startled by Liam's voice behind me. "Allison's here? How do I look?" He tried to fix himself.

"You look fine, just go say hi."

"Wish me luck." He said before heading in her direction.

Everything went well, everyone was laughing and chatting amongst themselves. Even Liam and Enzo seemed to be getting along again.

"Why were you guys so angry at each other earlier?" I asked.

Both their faces got sour and they gave each other a dirty look.

Ooookay, maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

Dario rolled his eyes.

"Samai please pay no attention to these idiots, they've been feuding over Die Hard for years now and I doubt they'll ever stop."

I turn to them in shock.

"That's what you two have been fighting over this entire time?"

"You make it seem like it's not a legitimate reason to be upset." Liam answered.

"It isn't, are you joking?"

"No but since we're on the topic-"

"Here we go," Dario rolled his eyes once again.

"Die Hard 1 or Die Hard 2?"

"The first one, why?"

"You two are disgusting and you deserve each other." Liam made a disgusted face as he ate his chicken.

"I actually like the second one better." Allison commented.

Liam being the dramatic person he is got down on one knee and proposed to Allison with the chicken bone as the ring.

"Allison, marry me."

I turned to Lorenzo who had a smile on his face as he watched me.

"Good choice." He smirked.

I pulled him to the side to ask him a question.

"Are you ready to make our announcement?" I smiled as I asked him.

"Yes mi amour." He reached out to caress my cheek.

He pulled me to his side and kissed the top of my head. We walked over to everyone and got their attention. Once we did, I started talking.

"I just wanna thank you guys for being here today. It really means a lot to us. And since everyone is here, we have an announcement to make." Everyone looked curiously and waited for my next words. "We're having a baby!"

Congratulations were heard all around. Everyone looked happy for us, Maria looked ecstatic.

"I'm getting a grandbaby!" She clapped.

She ran over and hugged us both. She kept firing question after question and she even started tearing up.

"Mamma, please don't cry." Enzo tried to calm her down.

"I'm just so happy."

"Alright honey, that's enough." Ivan tried to comfort her. "Congratulations to you both,"

"It isn't a party without mom's dramatics am I right?" Dario said.

"Lo ucciderò uno di questi giorni." (I'm gonna kill him one of these days) Maria mumbles as Ivan pulled her away.

"Congratulations you two, it's good to know my brother's sperm is working correctly."

"You are so fucking distasteful at times." Lorenzo said to Dario.

"I love you too brother." He patted him on the back.

Everyone else came and personally congratulated us. I remember Mario and Remi was out front guarding the house so I decided to bring them some cake and food. I went to the table and grabbed two plates and started filling them with food.

"You're a sneaky one aren't you?" I heard Allison's voice next to me.

"What do you mean?" I pretended to not know what she was talking about.

"When did you get me a cake and gifts?"

"I already put the order in for it, I wasn't gonna cancel and it was your birthday too. I would never leave you out."

Silence fell over us, and I know she was still looking at me. After a minute or so she spoke.

"I see why Ren loves you so much. Thank you for giving him another chance." She smiled and patted my back before she walked away.

A smile came to my face. I finished wrapping up the food for the guards. I had four plates for in total, two with food and two with pastries.

"Mi amour, what are you up to?" I felt Enzo snake his arms around my waist.

"I'm bringing these to the guards." I turned to face him. He just stood there looking at me with a smile on his face. "What?"

"Nothing, here let me grab these." He took two of the plates.

"And can you grab two sodas please, if you can." I told him.

Can't have food without a bev.

We went to the guard's posts and handed them the food. They were really thankful. We made small talk for a short while until we were ready to go back inside.

"I'm gonna put it in the van so I'll have it to eat on my break." Remi said before he and Mario brought the plates to the tinted suv that was parked at the front.

"You're precious, you know that?"

As I was about to answer I heard a click.

"Didn't give me a chance but now you all cozied up with him you heartless bitch."

We turned to see Dante looking even more high than he was earlier. He had blood on the side of his face and he looked extremely crazy.

"That's supposed to me my baby,"

"Dante put the gun down,"

"Don't fucking tell me what to do, I'll fucking kill you and ya baby. If I can't have you he can't either." He lowered the gun to my stomach and my heart sank.

"Dante, let's talk about this like reasonable adults." Enzo said and Dante's face turned sour.

"You fucking took her from me, and if I can't have her, neither can you." He quickly pointed the going towards Enzo and fired.

Everything began moving in slow motion.

"NO!" I tried to push Lorenzo out the way but I was too late.

I heard another shot go off and Dante's body dropped to the floor. I looked up to see the guards charging towards us. I looked back to Enzo and saw him bleeding profusely from his torso.

"HELP!" I yelled. "No no no no no. You're gonna be okay." I put pressure on the area to slow down the blood. The amount he was losing was making me nervous.

"Why would you do that? You could have gotten shot." He managed to say.

"Shh, don't talk baby."

Just then, everyone began rushing out of the house. I heard voices all around me but I couldn't focus on what they were saying. I thanked the heavens when I heard sirens getting closer. Enzo was struggling to keep his eyes open and he began coughing up blood.

"Don't go to sleep okay? You're gonna be fine." When I saw a droplet of water fall on his face is when I realized I was crying. "You're not allowed to leave me!"

"I-I love you, don't cry," He reached up to wipe my tears.

"I love you too, so so much." I began crying even harder.

"Ma'am we're gonna take over now. You need to step away."

I felt myself being pulled up off Lorenzo. I turned to see it was Dario.

"He'll be okay Samai. Lorenzo's too stubborn, he won't leave you."

I watched as they put him on the gurney and wheeled him to the van. Black dots started blurring my vision, and I found myself fighting to stay conscious. I felt myself sway but luckily Dario still held me. A second later everything went dark.

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