± The Devil's Gift ±

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Somewhere in hell...

The soft sounds of piano keys echo through the halls, filling the air with lament and sorrow. The demon rests his head on the piano as he lazily strums his long pale fingers along the keys, producing more sorrowful notes to fill the endless void of his sadness. 

Just outside, he could hear the bustling noises of the other demons roaming about, going on with their existence like it was nothing. Hell was just like the human world, only instead of humans, there were demons and creatures of all kinds. 

Demons roam the streets, all going to places and meeting up with others of their kind. The red sun hangs high above, beaming down it's warmth upon everyone, except for the sad incubus who stood inside his home, sadly strumming those sorrowful notes. 

Just beyond the door, another demon was watching him, listening in on the sorrowful notes that strummed through the air. His thick brows pinch together, lips compressing into a frown as he approaches the pale demon playing the piano. 

"I never got a chance to play the piano for him." says Yoongi as he mindlessly plays his piano.

"I never got a chance to paint a portrait of them." says Taehyung as he sits along side Yoongi and stares at the piano keys. There was a pause, then a silence, followed by Yoongi's soft piano notes.

"How long are you going to be like this?" Taehyung finally asks and for a moment, Yoongi stops playing the piano, eyes narrowing as if he was in deep thought. "Yoongi, it's been months. You and I both know that once we die in the human world, there is no going back."

Yoongi lifts his head up, groaning to the stiffness that developed on his neck. He rolls his shoulders back and turns his head a degree over to Taehyung, eyes narrowing into slits. "Don't you even care that you can't see them anymore?" he mutters and Taehyung nods with a straight face. 

"It fucking kills me everyday to know that I can't go back to them. But it's the price we paid for saving their lives. And it's a price worth paying, knowing they are safe." Taehyung admits. 

Yoongi scoffs and turns away from Taehyung, too angry to admit that he was right. It was a hefty price to pay, one that damned Yoongi for eternity in hell while his sunshine lives on without him. 

"I miss him..so fucking much." Yoongi whispers and Taehyung hums in response, knowing how Yoongi feels. 

"I miss my mochi and my bunny. I think about them everyday, but I know that they have each other, and they are going to be alright." he says. 

"At least they have each other. Hoseok doesn't have anyone. He's alone." Yoongi looks down at the piano keys, his vision blurring. "My sunshine is all alone." lets out a small sob. "He's....all alone.."

"He has his family and his friends. He'll be alright." Taehyung assures, placing his large hand over Yoongi's and giving it a tight squeeze. 

Yoongi looks up to Taehyung with tears in his eyes and hugs the taller demon. Yoongi isn't affectionate, unless it's with Hoseok, but at that moment, he needed someone to hold him and for someone to tell him that everything was going to be alright. 

The two demos sat there in silence, holding onto each other as they mingled in their own thoughts. Taehyung felt his eyes sting a little the more he thought about Jimin and Jungkook. He truly missed them a lot and each day without them was painful. 

It wasn't just the sex that they missed, it was the companionship they developed while being with their humans.  Although the sex did bring them to their humans, the feelings they developed were something more meaningful than just sex. 

Yoongi never knew what it was like to fall in love. He lived for a thousand years and not once has anyone ever made him feel the way Jung Hoseok did. Just thinking about Hoseok and his warm embrace, bright sunny smile, and overall bright personality made him sob harder. 

Taehyung was the same. Living as long as Yoongi, he didn't care much for humans and their feelings, though he wasn't as cold hearted as Yoongi. Taehyung has fallen in and out of love, but nothing could compare how he felt being with Jimin and Jungkook. Both of them were unique in his eyes. He still remembers the first night he slept with them, on how Jungkook thought it was awesome to fuck a demon while Jimin just up and jumped on his dick like it was nothing. 

Taehyung smiles at the thought, his tears drenching his face as he thought about his little bunny and his little mochi. 

"Sorry to break your pity party, but the boss wants to see the both of you."

Taehyung looks up and over to the door, glaring at a blonde haired demon with bat-like wings on his back. "Jackson Wang, to what do we owe this unwanted visit?" he asks coldly. 

Jackson gives him a fanged smile and looks over to Yoongi whom was wiping his tears away and glaring at him. "Like I just said, the boss wants to see the both of you."

"The devil? Why the hell would she want to see us?" Yoongi asks as he rises from his seat, Taehyung doing the same. 

Jackson rolls his eyes and scoffs. "I don't fucking know! All she told me was to come get you and bring you to her office. And don't keep her waiting, or else she'll shove a spiked dildo up my ass, and I really don't need that." he shudders, visibly clenching his ass at the thought. 

Both Yoongi and Taehyung look to each other in confusion. It was very rare for the devil to seek out demons for an audience so they both wondered just what the devil was up to. 

"C'mon! Lets go!" Jackson beckons as he goes up to the demons and grabs their hands, the three all disappearing at once in a black mist before reappearing again in front of two large red doors. 

Yoongi looks around and sees they are inside a large building, behind him was a glass window that overlooked the entire city. Down below he could see cars going by and hundreds of demons walking around.  

Jackson pushes the door open and steps inside first, bowing completely to a person sitting behind a chair. "Mistress, I have brought you the two demons you desired." he announces. 

The inside of the office was massive, with large bookshelves adoring all corners off the room. In the center was a large oak desk and behind that was huge fireplace with a large picture of a black cat staring down at the demons. The roof above was all glass and had a perfect scenery of the grey sky and the red sun above, which beamed down it's red rays, giving the entire office a hellish vibe. 

The chair slowly turns around, and sitting there was a woman with brown hair tired up into a french braid. Her skin was caramel with eyes as brown as the oak desk in front of her. She had on a grey suit, pinning her curves at all the right places to extenuate her body. 

She smiles at them, with lips as red as blood, and raises her hand, motioning them to enter. "Thank you Jackson. You are dismissed." she says in low but calm tone. 

Jackson bows again to her and disappears into a mist, leaving Yoongi and Taehyung alone with the devil herself. 

Taehyung was the first to step up, a wide boxy smile stretches across his lips as he leans on one leg and places his hands on his hips in a sassy manner. "So why the special invitation, Mistress? Or should I call you...author-nim?"

She chuckles at Taehyung's humor and nods. "Author-nim is alright, unless you want to call me something else?"

"How about bitch." Yoongi mutters, making the devil glance at him with a raised brow. 

"I'll let you call me that in bed." she blows a kiss over to Yoongi, making him shudder on the spot. 

"So author-nim, why did you summon us here?" Taehyung asks, raising both his brows in curiosity. 

The devil slowly licks her lips, her smile broadening as she leans closer in her chair. "I wanted to thank you both personally for stopping Kim Namjoon and the Antichrist. I never knew two incubus's had it in them to save humanity." she gives them a slow clap. 

"We didn't do it for all of humanity, just for our humans." Yoongi informs, making the devil scoff. 

"But either way, since you both eradicated the Antichrist and stopped Kim Namjoon from becoming the new devil, I've decided to reward you."

Yoongi's eyes widen, as does Taehyung's. Both look to each other then back to the devil. "Reward us? How?" Yoongi asks and the devil lets out a small giggle at his confused expression. 

"I don't do this for anyone, but since you both saved the human world and saved me alot of time and effort from stopping Namjoon myself, it's only fitting that give you something in return." She leans back on her chair and crosses one leg over the other, her smile still pressed on her red lips. 

"So tell me what you gentlemen want. A big house? Big cars? Big rings?" 

"It can be anything?" Taehyung asks and the devil nods in return. 

"Anything your heart desires." 

Yoongi didn't have to think much about it. "I want to return to the human world." he tells her point blank, making the devil's mouth drop in shock. 

"Me too!" Taehyung adds with a bright smile. "You said you've give us anything our heart desires, so we desire to go back to the human world." 

The devil recollects her thoughts, surprised by their wishes. "You can have anything you want here in hell, yet you choose to go back to the human world?" she looks between them both with a raised brow. 

"There is nothing in this world that can make me happy. I don't give a fuck about big cars, big houses or big rings. All I want is to be with Jung Hoseok again." Yoongi firmly states, his eyes narrowing into a hard stare. "I know you can do it. You are the most powerful being in this world."

The devil smiles at Yoongi's words. She always admired his bluntness. "True, I can send you both back....but it comes at a price."

Taehyung sighs, Yoongi rolls his eyes with a scoff. They should have known this was coming. 

"What's the price?" Taehyung asks. 

The devil lets out a small laugh and leans on one side of her chair, taking in the view of the demons before her. "You won't have any of your powers. You'll live as humans, and you'll die as humans." 

There was a silence between the demons, both mulling within their thoughts. 

The devil sits back on her chair, watching them with a grin. "It's a heavy price, but i'll give you both some time to think about it."

"Nah, no need. I'll take it." Yoongi says with a grin. 

"Yeah, me too." Taehyung adds. 

"Are you guys sure? You do realize once you go back to the human world, you won't have any powers. You'll be humans."

Yoongi nods first, the eagerness in his eyes was showing. "I really don't care for demonic powers. As long as i'm with my sunshine, i'll be a happy man." 

"Yeah, my humans will love me with or without powers." Taehyung says with a wide grin. 

The devil leers between the two, surprised by how much they would risk for humans. "How interesting." she says as she stands up from her seat. "Very well, I shall grant you that wish."

"Thank you so much author-nim!" Taehyung bows politely to her. 

"Yeah, thanks." Yoongi mumbles, looking down to the ground with a slight blush. 

The devil laughs at their responses. "You guys earned it." she says as she walks around her desk and stands in front of the two. "Any questions before you go?" 

"Yeah.." Taehyung raises his hand. "What happened with Namjoon? We haven't seen him since we came back to hell." 

The devil smiles widely, her eyes darkening as she tilts her head over to Taehyung. "He's serving out his punishment. I'm making sure he'll never forget who the real devil is." her voice deepens, eyes glowing red as she glares at the two before her. "Any other questions?"

Both Taehyung and Yoongi gulp. "Nope, we are good to go." says Yoongi. 

"Excellent. I hereby grant you passage back to human world." she says as she lifts her arms up and snaps her fingers. 

A gust of wind flows within the room, lifting both Yoongi and Taehyung a few inches off the ground. The wind swirls around their bodies, turning into a mixture of vibrant colors and weaving around their limbs. Yoongi's devil horns and devil tail disappear, Taehyung's wings fade away along with his horns and tail too. Their clothes disappear right off their bodies, leaving them fully exposed to the devils eyes. 

"Whoa! I feel like Sailor Moon!" Taehyung chimes loudly, making Yoongi scowl in return.

"Shut up Taehyung." Yoongi mutters as he looks down at his feet and sees a portal opening. A bright white light shines through the portal, it was warm and welcoming, making both Yoongi and Taehyung relax. 

The devil cracks her neck side to side, her brows furrowing as she concentrates on opening the portal. "What is the first thing you both plan on doing once you go back?" 


"Suck dick."

The devil face palms, not even surprised by their responses. "Why did I even ask." she grumbles, then lets out a small laugh. "Go on and get out of here. Your humans are waiting." 

"Thank's author-nim!" Taehyung shouts out as he drops into the portal first. 

"Thank you." Yoongi says next before dropping with Taehyung. 

As they fall into that light, the portal closes behind them and the wind finally dies down, leaving the devil alone in her office once again. She wipes her sleeves and adjusts her hair, pushing back a few particles that gotten loose from the wind. 

She then clears her throat and smiles for a second, before her face falls blank. "Jackson, bring him in here." she calls out. 

The doors to her office open and in comes Jackson, behind him was two large guards dragging in a naked and bloody man in their arms. They pull him over to the devil and force him on his knees, one of them grabs his hair and yanks his head back, forcing him to look into the devils eyes. 

The devil trails her finger down the man's blood cheek and smiles widely at the immense fear coating his eyes.

"Kim Namjoon, we meet again." 

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