± Come Back Home ±

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Going back to hell wasn't something Namjoon was excited about, especially knowing the horrors that awaits him.

He expects to wake up in the devil's office, with the bitch herself smiling down upon him with those dangerous red lips of hers.

Already Namjoon can imagine her errie giggles as she sends her minotar after him, stripping him bare and tying him up in those leather straps that dig into his flesh.

And lets not forget the spiked dildo. Just the mere thought of it makes him cringe.

But fortunately, that won't be happening to him.

When Namjoon wakes up, he finds himself looking up at the crystal blue sky above. The smell of sea salt hits him hard, followed by the soothing sound of the ocean waves, crashing onto the rocks.


Namjoon sits up and observes his surroundings, blinking in confusion when he finds himself on a beach. It was strange, a moment ago he was expecting to be in hell, but he wasn't complaining. He'd rather be anywhere but in hell.

"Hello?!" Namjoon calls out as he stands up and brushes off the sand from his pants. He looks down at himself and finds his wounds to be already healed, as to be expected when venturing into the afterlife.

"Where am I?" He wonders as he looks at his surroundings in awe. The beach scenery was beautiful and very peaceful, perhaps this is heaven?

Namjoon scoffs. This wasn't heaven. He knows the real heaven is being with the man he loves, Kim Seokjin.

Which means this place is-

"Welcome to purgatory!" An eerily cheerful voice speaks from behind Namjoon.

He turns around, his breath hitching as he stares at a woman with long brown wavy hair that sways with the sea breeze, wearing white maxi dress that hugs her curves perfectly.

She smiles at him, a thin brow hitched, giving her a quizzical expression as she stares at the taller male with interest.

"Who are you?" Namjoon chokes out, stepping away from the woman in fear. Perhaps this was one of the devil's servants, sent to bring him back to hell.

The woman scoffs, waving her hands in defense. "Oh, no!" She giggles, seeing the fear in his eyes. "There is no need to fear me. Allow me to introduce myself." She extends her hand to him with a soft smile.

"My name is Hwasa, but most people like to call me God..." she shrugs, still waiting for Namjoon to shake her hand. "You're really going to leave me hanging like this?" She points at her hand with a grin.

Namjoon hesitantly takes her hand and shakes it, surprisingly its warm and soft, a complete opposite of the devil's.

"So...god is a woman? I mean, not that I'm judging, because I'm not! I think it's pretty cool! Yeah! Girl power!!" Namjoon rambles on, making Hwasa laugh again.

She senses hesitation within him and only wishes to ease that out of him and make him feel comfortable. "I know this is a shocker, but if it makes you feel comfortable, I can change my form into a man."

"No, its alright. I'm just...confused by all this." Namjoon looks around the beach then to Hwasa. "I was expecting to be in hell..."

Hwasa nods a little, cracking a small smile as she nudges her head to the side. "Come walk with me, we have much to talk about." She says as she turns and walks away.

Namjoon follows her, walking by her side. He takes notice at how her aura is alot brighter, more friendlier than the devil's, thus giving him comfort.

"So um...why aren't I in hell?" He asks as he nervously rubs the back of his neck.

Hwasa gazes out into the distance, the sea breeze blows her hair aside, fanning out the faint smell of lavender onto Namjoon. "I had my eyes on you when you and Lee Taemin escaped hell." She keeps her gaze on the ocean waves, her eyes as soft as the sea breeze.

"I wanted to make sure you changed, that you weren't going to fall back to your old ways and try to impregnate a man again." She glances over to him, judgement clear in her eyes.

"No worries, I learned my lesson, and it was a lesson I'll never forget." Namjoon's ass clenches at the trauma of getting fucked by a spiked dildo.

"I could tell you learned your lesson. You suffered alot when you returned to the human world." She sympathetically smiles at him. "You used your powers to heal Kim Seokjin from his hysteria and you gave it all up to save the life of Jung Hoseok, knowing you'll die. That was very noble of you." She stops and turns to him, smiling fondly.

"You earned your place up in heaven, but I can't allow you to enter."

Namjoon frowns, confused by her words. "Why not?" He asks and she points up to the sky, a birds eye view image of Jin crying and holding Namjoon's body appears.

"It's because of him." She whispers, her eyes glossing over with tears as she feels the pain from Jin's cries.

"Jin..." Namjoon reaches for the sky, wanting to so badly touch Jin and be in his warm embrace again. "I can't be with him...not anymore." He whispers as he lowers his hand and drops his head low, letting a few tears slip down his cheeks.

"Says who?" Hwasa asks, making Namjoon look at her in shock.

"But...but...I died."

"Yeah? So did Yoongi and Taehyung and the devil sent them back as a gift." She winks at him and Namjoon's eyes widen with happiness.

"Wait...so this means.."

"Yes Namjoon, I'm giving you a second chance. I don't usually do this since it bends the laws of the supernatural, but if the devil is willing to grant gifts, so can I."

Namjoon practically jumps for joy, his heart dancing with happiness as he stares up at the image of Jin in the sky. "Wait for me Jin. Joonie will be back soon!" He shouts with excitement.

Hwasa laughs with endearment as she watches Namjoon run along the beach with a smile as bright as the sun. He then runs up to her and lifts her up, spinning her around in his arms before setting her down a giving her a full bow.

"Thank you so much, Hwasa." Namjoon's cheeks go red with embarrassment.

Hwasa covers her mouth as she laughs hard, happy to see Namjoon at full spirits. "Just promise me to never break that man's heart." She says, looking up to the sky at Jin.

Namjoon looks up as well, smiling fondly at Jin. "I promise." He whispers, placing his hand over his heart where his love for Jin resides.

"Good, now close your eyes and brace yourself, because once you return, your body will still need to recover, meaning you'll be in alot of pain."

"As long as I'm with Jin, the pain means nothing to me." Namjoon closes his eyes, taking in a deep breath. "I'm ready." He tells her firmly.

Hwasa nods, raising both hands in the air. Her eyes suddenly glow white as the sand around Namjoon whirls around him until he fully disappears.

Moments later, the ocean rumbles and the waves part open, revealing a red door. Hwasa turns, a stoic expression presses on her features as the door opens and out comes the devil, along with her minotaur.

"I believe you have someone who belongs to me." Says the devil as she steps upon the beach and looks around for Namjoon. "Where is he?"

Hwasa folds her arms across her chest, holding her head up proudly as she smiles at the devil. "I sent him back." She says, making the devil growl in anger.

"He was supposed to go back to hell." The devil mutters.

"I know, but for the sake of this love story, I sent him back. Besides..." Hwasa says, pointing over to the readers behind the screen. "Do you want to deal with all those sad readers crying over his loss?"

The devil grumbles, looking over to you, the readers with a raised brow. "True, they flipped out when he died." She sighs, glancing over to Hwasa. "Okay, I'll let him slide. But where is Lee Taemin?"

"I believe this is the man you're looking for." Hwasa says, motioning her hand over to the trees.

Just beyond the trees, two armored men in gold appear, both dragging a screaming Taemin.

"My men caught him trying to sneak his way past the gates of heaven." Says Hwasa as she watches her men drag Taemin over to the devil.

The devil claps her hands happily, her eyes glowing bright red with excitement. Her sick twisted mind was brimming with ideas on how to punish him, ideas far worse than what she did with Namjoon.

"Excellent, Mino and I can't wait to play with you, Lee Taemin."


"Joonie....come back to me."

Jin sobs loudly, still holding onto Namjoon as he prays and prays for him to wake up. He was shivering, his body nearly frozen as the snow lightly coats his and Namjoon's bodies.

"Namjoon....please come back." Jin whispers in a broken voice. "Please.." he begs, hoping by some supernatural miracle, Namjoon can come back.

"J-Jin..." Namjoon groans, his body slowly warming up as he stirrs.

Jin nearly shrieks and caresses the sides of Namjoon's face, his eyes lighting up with pure joy as Namjoon opens his eyes and faintly smiles at Jin.

"Hey baby..." Namjoon mumbles, his voice comes out husky and low, followed by a groan as he feels pain all over.

"Namjoon!" Jin cries out, pulling Namjoon in for a deep kiss before quickly pulling away and checking his wound. "Its healed!" He gasps, then looks back up to Namjoon's face.

"I'm not even going to ask how you came back because I don't understand all this supernatural shit, but I'm so fucking glad you are back." He says as he brings Namjoon in for a hug, hot tears spill upon his cheeks as Namjoon hugs him back.

"I love you so fucking much Jin." Namjoon whispers into Jin's ear. "I promise to never hurt you ever again. From now on, I'm going to take care of you." Namjoon looks into Jin's eyes before kissing his plump lips once more.

Jin parts his lips, letting go a needy moan as he and Namjoon's tongues work upon each other, that is, until Namjoon groans in pain, pulling his thick lips away from Jin's.

"Let's get you out of here before we get arrested." Jin says as he stands up and slowly helps Namjoon to his feet.

The sound of police sirens were drawing close, forcing Jin to move faster as he looks around and sees an alternate route down another alley, away from the burning nightclub.

He helps Namjoon to his feet, using his body to support Namjoon as they trudge through the snow.

"When I get you home, I'm giving you a warm bath and some food." Namjoon smiles at the idea, his stomach already grumbling from hunger. "I'm going to take care of you too."  Jin adds as he stops to catch his breath before moving again.

"Just don't lock me in the basement again." Namjoon mutters, making Jin glare at him before cracking a smile, both then begin laughing. 

Jin stops at the exit of the alley, watching as a group of police cars drive by, heading to the direction of the nightclub. He then hears a whistle, both him and Namjoon turn their heads to the opposite direction, at Jungkook waving his arms at them.

"Hyung!! You made it out!!" He beams happily, along side him was Taehyung and Yoongi, both wearing a look of relief on their faces.

They are standing infront of Dawon's car, with Hoseok and Jimin fast asleep in the back with Hanzo. Dawon was sitting in the driver's seat, slightly waving at them with a small smile.

Everyone was finally safe once again, and this time for good.

"Cmon hyung! Let's go home!!" Jungkook calls out to Jin.

Jin and Namjoon look to each other, Jin smiles first, giving Namjoon heart eyes. "Ready to go home?" He asks.

Namjoon glances to his friends again, Taehyung flashes a boxy smile while Yoongi gives him a grin, letting him know that everything was going to be alright.

"Yeah, let's go home."


A/n: My Namjin heart is sailing!!

Alright everyone, one more chapter to go!!

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