🌻Stinginess is not the etiquette of the believer; he should be generous with other believers and disbelievers alike.
🌻It is the worst of deeds to transgress against the rights of the people, and the transgressor is brought down in status by Allâh; the transgressing king will be less than his poor subjects.
🌻Children can be a fitnah and can lead their parents into disbelief based on the intense love their parents have for them.
🌻Children who die before accountability enter Jannah.
🌻When Allâh takes something away, He will replace it with something better.
🌻The piety and righteousness of an individual will lead to the offspring of several generations being blessed and favored by it.
🌻Khidhr was a prophet.
🌻Sabr is the way out of the fitnah of knowledge; for one cannot seek knowledge nor teach it without sabr.
🌻Sabr prevents pride in the hearts of the people of knowledge.
🌻The third is the fitnah of authority; and anyone who has someone people working beneath him can experience it.
🌻Do not be proud of what Allâh has given you of authority over a part of the earth; be fearful of facing a trial because of it.
🌻The ruler cannot treat everyone beneath him the same; it is not appropriate or just to be merciful with everyone.
🌻The one who transgresses should be punished; the one who corrects himself should be forgiven.
🌻When children are disobedient, it is necessary to be strict and firm. Being lax and gentle with bad behavior will not cause the child to correct himself.
🌻Children should be rewarded for good behavior and obedience.
🌻It is of the responsibility of the ruler to correct and guide those under him and to improve their conditions, not to leave them in their misguidance and ignorance.
🌻Justice is the way out of the fitnah of authority; the ruler,overseer, and authority figure must be just with those beneath him.
🌻Allâh describes those who do not make thikr and do not listen with their heart as one who will be in the fire.
(Lessons from Tafseer Sûrah Al-Kahf, taught by Dr. ’Isâm ibn Sâlih Al’Uwayd)
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