Chapter 30

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"From the top!" The sound of music soon filled the hall as the orchestra students began to play their instruments. Alejandro hummed from his position at the right-hand corner. He was sitting on a stool not too far away from them. It was the school's orchestra's practice season, and he had come along with Leonardo to listen to them play.

The music continued for a while until it abruptly stopped after confusion from the conductor's part. Al heard Leonardo apologize as the room dissolved into whispers. Leo made a mistake? Alejandro thought to himself like he couldn't believe it. After a while of murmuring and whispering, Leonardo got the orchestra to start from the top, and this time around it was smoother with no mistakes.

Eventually, the practice period was over, and the sound of students packing up and talking filled the hall. Al sat still on his seat, waiting for Leonardo to come and get him. He tried to listen for the mine's voice but let out a yelp in surprise when he felt a hand grip his shoulder gently. Leo's laughter soon filled his ears, and Al sighed, groaning at himself for getting scared.

"How was it?" he heard Leonardo ask him as the man ran a hand through Al's long hair. Al smiled, reaching out for Leonardo's free hand.

"It was fine, but you made a handful of mistakes, what happened? Was something on your mind?" Al asked, squeezing Leonardo's thin fingers. He heard Leonardo sigh as the man decided to help him get up from the seat he was sitting on. He was soon on his feet, and Leonardo handed him his walking cane soon after.

"I was... I was just thinking," Leonardo replied, moving to hold on to Alejandro's shoulder to stabilize him. "I've just been in my head lately."

Al didn't comment on Leonardo's words. They had been low in a tone and seemed distant, and Al assumed that meant he didn't want to talk about whatever it was that was bothering him. The tow left the practice hall and headed for Esterphina's red car in the parking lot. She was staying in the school building for practice late into the evening, so she'd handed Leonardo the keys.

Leonardo helped Al into the front passenger seat before heading to the driver's seat. He turned the car on before turning on the radio and adjusting the volume. He smiled as he watched Al hum along to the song playing from it. Esterphina had a thing for stocking up CDs of the compositions Al was working on.

"Do you want to come over to my apartment today?" Leo found himself asking Al. He watched as the man paused humming before biting his bottom lip in thought. Leo was tired, and all he wanted to do was curl up to Al and hold him close—listen to his heartbeat as he tried to subdue the worries that had been plaguing his mind.

Christ. He cursed in his mind, looking away from Al. He was still getting used to his feelings and navigating the intensity of them.

"Yes, I would like to," Al eventually answered, and Leonardo blinked before turning back to face him. He let out a sigh, smiling before reaching out to give Al's hand a small squeeze. He turned back to the steering wheel, and he drove the car out of the parking lot and into the main road.

"Leonardo?" Leo turned at the sound of Al calling him. He watched the man for a while, and when he didn't say anything Leo returned his attention to the road ahead.

"Is there something you want to ask me?" Leo asked, and Alejandro hummed in reply. Leo took that as a yes.

"I was wondering what you were going to do after graduation," Al said, making Leo blink as he thought about the words of the dark-haired man. He wasn't sure how to reply to him, so he kept quiet. He wondered what would happen if he told Alejandro about his offers, and how none of them were in close proximity to where he would probably be stationed.

I thought we were not going to talk about this. Leo thought to himself as a small sigh escaped his lips. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel, unsure of what to do.

"Leo?" Al called out in a worried tone. Leonardo blinked, realizing he hadn't said anything in response to Al, and that the care had been moving without him really paying attention.

"I'm sorry. I just — can we talk about something else?" Leo asked, turning to look at Al. The blind man's lips bent into a frown, but he agreed, and Leonardo let out a sigh of relief. returning his attention to the steering wheel and the road ahead. He was thankful that the roads had been empty during his brief blank out.

Leo was thankful that Al didn't insist that they talked. He didn't want to talk about that. He didn't want to break the news that they would probably not be heading off to the same place after graduation. He wanted to live in the moment they had now.

They soon got to the parking lot of the apartment complex where Leonardo lived. Leo helped Al out of the car, and together they walked into the building, and up the stairs to his apartment on the fourth floor. Leo went about opening the door, and when they got in he helped Al to a seat before he made his way to the small kitchenette to warm up soup for the two of them.

It was quiet — too quiet.

The sound of the microwave going off when the soup was done warming up threw Leo off guard. He sighed, making to take the can of soup out of the microwave before sharing its contents between the two ceramic plates that he'd taken out from the cupboards.

"Maybe you should make your own orchestra." Leo closed his eyes briefly remembering Claire's suggestion. It wasn't out of place. Most students banded up together to form orchestra's all the time, but unlike them, he hadn't planned this prior and he wasn't even sure if he would be able to pull it off.

"Leo?" Leonardo turned towards the sitting room area at the sound of Alejandro calling out to him. He found Al's face turned towards his direction.

"Yes?" Leonardo replied before looking away.

"Do you want to talk about what's bothering you?" Alejandro asked, and Leonardo stayed quiet. "You don't have to say anything now, but please let me know later — please?"

The crack in Al's voice made Leo's eyes go wide. No, no. He didn't want to make Alejandro anxious and worried. That was the opposite of his plan, he didn't want him to worry at all. He left the bowls of soup on the counter before walking over to the sofa where Al was sitting with his head bent, and his face covered with his palms.

"Al," Leo muttered, kneeling in from of him. "Al?" he called again, reaching out to pull the man's hand from his face before reaching out to hug him.

"Al, I'm sorry — I," Leo found himself mumbling as Al clung to him, wrapping his hands around his back. "I'll tell you soon, I promise."

When I've made up my mind. Leo added in his mind as he felt Alejandro nod into his shoulder. Eventually, he pulled away from him and went to grab their bowls of soup. He walked back to the sofa, handing Al a bowl and a spoon before sitting beside him. They ate, talking about mundane things like Al's practices with Kenneth, and their classes with Master Rutherford.

That night they held each other close, but the room was quiet as if they didn't want to upset each other with the questions in their minds, but they couldn't live like that forever. They would have to confront the reality of the future sooner or later. 

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