21: Cheater

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It happened so quickly, but Luna was already on her feet the moment she heard the impact, as was everyone else. But Taehyung seemed to move at the speed of light, getting to his soulmate before anyone else. 

Jimin began to tear up and swear at the pain he felt in his right ankle, along with his shoulders that already suffered light chronic injuries. 

People started to crowd around Jimin, but Luna knew he would be flustered. She took a step back and pulled at Namjoons arm. He looked at her asking "Wae?"  To which she replied, "He is going to be anxious!"

Namjoon knew. So he used his leader voice to get most everyone out of the way. Taehyung stayed put by his side and was talking quietly to Jimin to ask what he needed in that moment. 

Taehyung started throwing around commands for some people. He asked Jungkook to grab the on site medical team, Yoongi to get some water, Hoseok to grab a snack, and Luna to grab some ice from the cafeteria. She turned around immediately and didn't get the chance to hear what the rest of the members were to do.

They all obliged quickly and headed in their directions. Luna opted to take the stairs down a level to get to the cafeteria faster than the elevators. 

While talking to the staff to grab a bit of ice, Taehyung came down the stairs as well. 

Luna was surprised to see him, thinking he would stay with Jimin the whole time. Tae turned the corner into an individual bathroom. Something didn't sit right with her when she saw the scene.

Once Luna got the ice, she made a detour to the bathroom Tae had walked into, and knocked.

A muffled "occupied" came from inside, but Luna called out, identifying herself and asking if it was alright if she went inside with him. She waited, but eventually the door opened just enough to let her small self into the room with him.

The sight of Taehyung puffy, red eyes was devastating. He looked so broken and ashamed, but Luna had a hard time understanding why.

"Are you OK?" She asked softly, opening her arms to offer a hug. He quickly embraced her and cried a bit more.

"Namjoon made me go away from Jimin." He said, his voice cracking. 

"Oh no." Luna said. Empathy rushed through her veins and she rubbed his back a little bit. "He'll be OK, I'm sure it'll be just fine." 

"No, I'm just so ashamed that I let myself go that much." He said, still whining and crying. "Him and I have rules. I broke them. Namjoon reminded me before anyone important would notice."

"Oh Tae Tae... I'm so sorry." She said continuing the soothing motion of her hand on his back. "It must be hard for you two."

"It is." He cried harder. "I just want to be able to be with him without restriction." 

"I know Tae, I know." Luna said. She stayed strong for him, but it wasn't an easy thing. Their friendship had grown strong, especially because they could start to understand each other a bit better. 

Though 3 weeks isn't very long, they spent a lot of that time together. A bond grows strong with lots of exposure.

Taehyung took a few more seconds to cry into her shoulder before starting to even out his breath. He pulled away from the hug and wiped his eyes on his sleeve. He then looked at Luna with a bit of bewilderment. "Wait... How did you know? I never told you." 

Luna shrugged and smiled softly. "It was pretty obvious." Was all she needed to say. "How about we go get this ice back to him? I'm sure he would appreciate it." 

She headed towards the door and offered her hand to bring him out. He accepted and they left the bathroom, hand in hand, to go back and see how Jimin was feeling.

Meanwhile, Jungkook had gone to look for Luna when he realised she hadn't gone back to the practice room after 10 minutes. It shouldn't have taken her more than 5 minutes to get some ice from one floor down.

He went down to the cafeteria and started looking around and even asked the staff if they had seen Luna, to which they all replied that she went to the washroom. 

So, he was then on his way over to the washrooms, when he saw her, with him, holding hands. His hair was messy and she seemed overly touchy, though he didn't see their faces. 

Jungkook did not like this.

He has seen it too many times before. He knew the feeling. But he did not think his own soulmate would do it to him as well. And with his best friend? That was low. He thought Taehyung was gay and soulmates with Jimin, but apparently he was attracted to more than one gender.

However, he decided that he would confront her when she would be back at his place that night. Making a big deal out of thing in a professional environment was not Jungkook's thing.

The two had walked away without noticing Jungkook, which he figured was better for everything.

"Cheater..." He whispered to himself, trying not to let any tears form in his eyes.

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