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A/N: double chapter because I felt like it lol enjoy



Aina looked at Lucy's expecting face and decided to turn back in her seat so she was facing the board.

"Aina," she sang, "I know you can hear me. How did it go?"

The salutatorian sighed and leaned towards her friend's desk, hushing her and saying that people might hear. Lucy discretely pointed to her phone and wiggled her eyebrows. Seconds later Aina's phone buzzed.

Spill it


I'm talking about you and Natsu. How did it go?

He said he liked it, so I guess it went ok


And what?

Aina's phone buzzed again, so she was expecting Lucy, but she looked at the message and quickly shut her phone.

Maybe we should sneak out to the projection room and test out more of what you learned. I'll even promise to cover up the cameras so you don't have to hold back.

She turned around and sent a glare at the salmon haired boy, but all she saw was him looking at the front of the room innocently while holding a deep smirk.


Aina turned back to her phone and responded to Lucy's question of 'do you want me to tell you more?' before closing her phone and placing it in her bag. Mister Justine walked into the room and set his things down before scanning the class for attendance. His eyes landed on Natsu, and his eyebrows knitted together.

"Mister Dragneel, what brings you in so early?"

"What brings you in so late?" He threw back. "It's pretty sad when I'm the one that beats you here, teach. Not very becoming of you."

The teacher sighed and set his things down at his desk before grabbing The Crucible and instructing everyone to start the discussion. Aina had eventually started to go into an in-depth analysis of the biblical allusions present throughout. Mister Justine smiled and urged her to keep speaking, and eventually other students started to chime in.

"This book is like the witch trials right?" Natsu suddenly spoke.

Everyone became silent as they all turned backwards to look at him.

"Don't be so surprised. Despite everyone thinking I can't, I do know how to read."

"You...read the book?"

"What? No way. All the reviews said this book sucks, but I did read the cover," he explained as he motioned to the summary flap inside the cover. "So I mean if it's Salem then there's gotta be some weird religious shit in it."

The teacher continued to stare at him in disbelief, shocked that he had 1) made a connection, and 2) willingly participated in class with something serious to say. Natsu's eyes landed on Mister Justine's, and a smug smile grew on his face.


Natsu was trying his hardest to get Aina to abandon her homework and follow him out of the library, but it was, to no surprise, a very difficult task.

"I have work tonight, so I need to finish my homework here."

He groaned and tried one last time to get her to leave, but it was no use. He heard a clap, and his eyes followed the noise to the back door. Seeing Gajeel, Natsu smiled and quickly got up from his seat. Aina seemed not to notice Natsu leaving, too focused on her homework.

"Hurry it up, pinky. Loke only has so many cans."

They quickly made their way outside and took their seats in the lower level. Natsu was handed a beer and leaned his head back on the column.

"What were you trying to do back there with her anyway?"

Natsu looked to the side to catch Gajeel's eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"I was trying to see if she would loosen up a little and actually skip or go somewhere. That library is so exhausting."

"There is no way you'll ever get her to leave her books. Nobody sees it, but that girl looks stubborn."

The corners of Natsu's mouth twitched upwards, knowing first-hand that his statement was true. He quickly dropped the smile and started to laugh with them.


"Yo Aina," Sting whispered as he kicked the back of her desk, "what's so important about industrialization anyway?"

"Do you drive?"

"Well yeah."

"Then there's your answer," she playfully rebutted.

He wore a lopsided grin and tossed a paper cat onto her desk. Aina picked it up and looked at the intricate folds and turned to face him with a look of disbelief.

"You did this?" 

"You can get a lot done when you're grounded."

"Failed your stats test?"

"You know it!"


Natsu discretely touched Aina's shoulder on his way back to his lunch table with his friends. She smiled into her food and happily ate her lunch.

"I still think it's gross."

"What are you even talking about?" Aina gasped as she addressed Lucy. "The popcorn chicken bowl is the best lunch on the menu!"

"Didn't you say that you saw a bowl in the tunnel and the gravy looked all gross?"

Levy sat down next to Lucy and smiled before speaking, "Come on, Lu. We all know that that's not gonna stop her."

Hearts popped into Aina's eyes when she was handed Lucy's bowl.

"I'm taking your cornbread though. I need to eat something before this test."

"Hey salutatorian!"

The trio looked behind Aina to see Gajeel shouting at her to join them.

"What does he want?" Lucy growled.

"A, are you gonna go over?" Levy questioned. "Do you need an excuse not to? Because I think I need help with something inside."

Aina laughed at Levy's planning and waved it off before taking a deep breath and breathing out a 'wish me luck' and stepping towards the table of rowdy boys.

"Hey! The salutatorian is here!" Bickslow cheered.

"May I say how lovely you look today, salutatorian? And smelling so sweet."

Aina smiled awkwardly at Loke's comment and scanned the table for Gajeel. When her eyes landed on him, he snickered and stood up.

"I have a proposition for you."

"Uh, okay?"

"Take Natsu off his leash and we'll owe you a favor."

Natsu groaned and laid his head on the table.


"Yeah. So just, like, let him leave for your free period or whatever."

"I don't understa--"

She caught Natsu's eyes and figured out what was going on.

"Well did Natsu tell you why he's being watched?"

"Yeah. The principal ordered his favorite students to keep an eye on him."

"Exactly. So why should I let him go? The principal entrusted me."

"Aw come on, salutatorian. Don't be such a buzzkill. It's his free period too. Let him live."


And with that, Aina spun around and walked back to her table. She sat back down and tittered as she watched the confusion on their faces.

Gajeel and Bickslow blinked a few times as they tried to make sense of what had happened.

"It was...that easy? Natsu, what the hell was that?"

They looked towards the salmon haired student to see that he had cornbread hanging from his mouth. He quickly swallowed the whole thing and shrugged.

"She's weird, man. What can I say?"

"She's so kind and gentle! Not to mention lovely as can be!"

"Cool it, Romeo."

Loke gave a childish grin and bounced over to the seat next to Natsu.

"You're a free man, Dragneel."

"I mean it's not my first time sneaking away, guys. It's not like she stopped me from leaving when you came."

He took one look across the eating area to see Aina giving him an entertained smile. After making sure none of his friends were looking, Natsu flipped her off. She just smiled innocently.

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