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Aina sighed as she unlocked her door and tossed her car keys in the bowl. She jumped when she saw her mother standing right at the door.

"Mom? Why are you here so early?"

"I got a call from the school. Are you okay?"

Kelia was immediately checking every bone and joint. She started to cry when she saw the bruises that were starting to form on her wrist.

"Oh, my baby girl."

Tears started to leak from Aina's eyes too. She hugged her mom tight, afraid that she would never see her again if she let go.

"Is that all he did? Did he hurt you anywhere else?"

"I'm fine, mom. It's nothing that I haven't had before."

"That's not something that should be comforting, and it's very concerning that it is."

"I'm okay. I promise."

"They said another student stepped in. Who--"





"No matter how many times you ask, the answer will still be Natsu, mom."

"I just, he doesn't seem the type to--"

"Oh believe me. He had no problem."

Kelia grinned wide and looked at her daughter who shied away from her mother's mischievous gaze.

"Uh, mom?"

"Well we need to invite him over for dinner again. I need to thank the guy that helped my baby girl from that monster."

"Well he's suspended, and I was told to take the day off tomorrow to 'recover' or whatever, so..."

"Tell him we're having fish!"


"You don't seem to be fighting for air as much."

"Very funny, Natsu. You still could've met me downstairs."

"Nah. This is way more entertaining."

Her eyes trailed down to Natsu's shirtless stomach. He smirked and went to say something sarcastic, but he flinched when she poked the large bruise that formed on his side.

"Hey, watch it. You don't see me poking at your wrist."

"Does it hurt?"

"Well yeah, when you poke it like that of course it's gonna hurt."

She gently laid her hand on the bruise, asking if it still hurt. He gave her a strange look before shrugging. She smiled faintly before giggling.

"We have pineapple at my house, so you can eat it."

"Pineapple? For what?"

"It helps with the inflammation of the bruises. There's an enzyme in pineapple that helps. But if you don't like pineapple then you can have orange juice or other vitamin C foods."

"How bad was it that you know all this?"

She rested her hand on the bruise and smiled solemnly.

"Too much."

They stood in silence, her with her hand on the side of his stomach and him closing his eyes as he felt her gentle touch. They both jumped when Aina's phone started to ring. She accepted the call and laughed.

"We're coming, mom. You've obviously never climbed up seven sets of steep steps if you thought that it would be quick."

She hung up the phone and laughed.

"I guess we better get going," Natsu joked. "I don't think your mom likes to be kept waiting."

"You need a shirt first."

Natsu looked down and shrugged before slipping on a shirt and meeting her outside the door.


"Now Natsu, I want you to eat as much as you possibly can. And if you're still hungry after all this then I can certainly make you more."

"Uh, Miss Labelle, you don't really need to--"

"Just let her, Natsu. She won't stop until you say yes anyway."

Natsu chuckled and grabbed the plates from the cabinet. Aina and Kelia worked on cooking like they usually did while Natsu set the table.

"I've changed my mind," Kelia immediately stated to Aina once they were alone in the kitchen.

"About what? Dinner?"

"No about Natsu. This will definitely work out."

Aina rolled her eyes and retorted, "Mom, you can't seriously--"

"He obviously likes you if he did all that. He was suspended for you, sweetheart."

"Please stop calling me that. It's bad enough that one of you does it. And he doesn't like me. He doesn't like anyone. He just--"


She didn't really know how to finish her sentence, so she just let it hang while her mother smiled smugly at her. Natsu poked his head in and asked if he could help any more. Aina opened the fridge and handed him a container of pineapple.

"Oh my. You were hurt as well?"

"Is that really your immediate reaction to seeing pineapple?"

"Unfortunately yes, Natsu."

He reluctantly took the container and leaned against the doorway to the kitchen while he ate. The fish was done cooking and Kelia ushered the two teens to the table to eat. Natsu's nose perked up at the smell of fish. They had chatted casually as they ate. Aina looked at the clock and gasped.

"I'm gonna miss it!"

"Huh? Miss what?" Natsu questioned.

"The game!"

"Aina, you're gonna have to eat--"

Aina started to stuff her face when her mother stopped her.

"Stop that!"

"Uh, what game?"

"The Flames game. It's starting in five minutes."

"The hockey team? Calgary Flames?"

Aina nodded and continued to eat her food at as quick of a pace that would be acceptable to her mom.

"Who're they playing?"

"Oilers. I can't miss it."

"Battle of Alberta, eh? Didn't pin you as a hockey fan, sweetheart."

"Her and her father would always huddle around to watch the games."

"Miss Labelle, is it okay if I watch the game, too?"

Kelia and Aina looked towards him and questioned him, "You watch hockey?"

"Well I'm more of a Jets fan, but I'm familiar with the Flames. Plus it's the Battle of Alberta. Who wouldn't wanna watch that?"

Aina smiled wide and excitedly turned to her mom, fully knowing that Natsu's opinion would sway her. Kelia sighed.

"Fine fine. You can set it up in the living room, but don't spill any fish on my floors!"

Natsu sat in front of the couch and searched for the remote. Aina had run upstairs and galloped back to the living room. Natsu laughed when he saw that she was wearing a Flames jersey.

"You're really into this."

Aina looked down shyly and drew circles with her feet.

"It's cute."

Her gaze snapped up to him and her mouth parted as she felt the tips of her ears burning. Natsu looked at her with an eyebrow raised.


Aina waved it off and grabbed her plate from the table and shuffled back over to the couch.

"So what channel is it on your TV?"

"Oh, um, we don't have it on TV."


"We can't really afford to pay for the sports channels, so I use this!"

Aina held up her laptop and placed it on the coffee table in front of them.


"We illegally stream it!"

"...Aren't you the salutatorian? You're supposed to be a good example."

"What can I say?" Aina playfully countered. "I guess I've been hanging out with you too much."

He chuckled and picked up his plate as he watched Aina fiddle with the site. She cheered when she was able to get the stream started.

"That's actually a great picture for a stream."

"You can even pause it and rewind!"

Natsu smiled and shook his head while taking another bite of the fish.

"Mom, George Canyon is on!"

Kelia appeared behind the couch and laughed before watching the anthem play. She disappeared a few moments later.

"I'll be working on my session notes in my study. Aina, don't scream too loud."

"No promises!"

Natsu looked at the brunette and smiled fondly.

"You seem awfully excited for this."

Aina looked off to the side and replied, "My dad loved this team, and he would always let me stay up late with him to watch the games. He said that he would take me to a game one day, but we never got to go. So I watch the games instead."


"Big Save DAVE!"

"There's no way that stayed out."

"Of course it did! See?" Aina pointed at the replay. "It clearly shows that it didn't cross."

"He got lucky."

"Just what team are you cheering for, Dragneel? It better not be the Oilers."

Natsu chuckled and held his hands up, defending, "Hey, just think of me as an impartial third party who spits facts."

She gave a small "hmph" before her attention was grabbed by a particularly big hit. She cheered and leaned forward, her back leaving the front of the couch. She felt a gentle tug at the back of her jersey and she gave Natsu a questioning look.

"You're blocking the game, sweetheart."

"Oh, sorry."

Natsu hummed and draped his arms on the couch cushions.


"That was great! Lucic, do it again!"

She started to lean forward again, but Natsu laughed and tugged her back again. She sheepishly apologized and leaned back. The third period had come and it was tied. Aina excitedly kept telling Natsu that the Flames were a third period team, and Natsu nodded along to her ramblings. She went to lean forward again, and Natsu stopped her by lowering his arm from the couch to her shoulder and steadying her. Aina looked up at him confused, her cheeks tinted a light pink that went unnoticed from the dark room.

"You're leaning again, sweetheart."

"O-oh. Sorry."

It had been about ten minutes, and Aina had subconsciously leaned into Natsu as she watched the game. They were both too focused on the game to realize. Kelia had wandered out from her study and caught sight of the two watching by the computer light. She smiled victoriously and quietly made her way into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

Natsu felt Aina shift and he looked down to see that she had rested her head on his chest. She yawned quietly and scooted closer. She could probably feel his racing heart, but it quickly slowed again when he felt her relax. He looked down and saw that she was basically asleep. The game ended about fifteen minutes later, and she was fully asleep when he looked down next, one of her arms wrapped around his torso.

"Jeez. Now what do I do?"

Kelia peeked from the stairs.

"Is she asleep?"

Natsu gave a thumbs up as a silent answer, his hand stretching so that she could see it. Kelia tiptoed over to the pair and smiled at the sight.

"Hey, uh Miss Labelle? Do you think you could drive me to the pier?"

"Of course. Let me just wake her so I can get her to go to bed."

"You don't hafta wake her. I can just take her there."

"Are you sure?"

"I carried her halfway across the school to get her to the nurse's office, so I think I can handle about ten feet and then some stairs," Natsu joked.

He had carefully separated himself from her before lifting her up and carrying her to her room and laying her gently on the bed. He came back down the stairs and put his shoes on, grabbing his keys and phone and following Kelia to her car.

"Thank you, Natsu."

"Huh? For what?"

"For protecting my daughter. She said you were suspended? Anything else happen?"

"Yeah I have a hearing with the courts in a few days."

"What kind of trouble have you been in before, Natsu?"

"Stealing food, fighting for food, and stuff like that."

The car became silent, and Natsu started to panic.

"I mean, I'm not violent. I'm just--"

"Trying to survive?"

Natsu slowly nodded. Kelia smiled as she continued to look at the road.

"Please just don't let that boy hurt her again, Natsu. I'll help you with whatever you need."

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