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"Do you still have that box?" Aina asked, trying to get them back on task.

"Oh, right! Let me get it."

He came in a minute later and set it down.

"So I was thinking--"

"What if we do the scene with the pig head and Simon's death? I figured we could easily replicate the scene, maybe with the pig head off on a hill and Simon's death by the water?"

"What? How do you know that?"

Natsu puffed his chest out and declared that he had watched the movie. Aina looked on in shock, asking him why he suddenly changed his mind about knowing about the plot.

"Nobody was available to party because they were being a bunch of buzzkills, so I watched it out of pure boredom. Plus I figured you'd stop yelling at me if I did," Natsu said, joking with the last part.

She smiled wide and told him it was a great idea before flipping through her book and finding the scene. They came up with the layout and made a list of things they needed as they talked about the plan for presentation. Natsu was concentrating as he started reading the page when he felt her looking at him.


"How come you like to party so much? I feel like that's all you talk about when I ask you what your plans are."

Natsu laughed as he answered, "Free booze plus free food? Are you kidding? That's the best scenario there is."

Aina actually smiled at his answer and scolded herself from making any assumptions.

"And besides," Natsu smirked and continued, "a party is the best place to pick up--"

"No! I forbid that type of conversation while we work."

About an hour later, they had come up with a loose plan.

"What would you do if I bribed you to come to school on time?" Aina taunted.

"Oh? Are you gonna sl--"

"Stop! I was talking about ordering subs!"

Natsu cackled and handed her the sub menu from his drawer.

"Mister Justine would still probably find some wise ass remark, but I'll try."


"On time twice in one month? I'm very surprised, Mister Dragneel. Would you like a star?"

Natsu scoffed at the teacher and stalked over to his desk and kicked his feet up.

"Get your feet off the desk, Mister Dragneel."

"Or what?" Natsu tested. "You gonna suspend me?"

Mister Justine pinched his nose and started teaching as he attempted to ignore the disruption. Natsu made eye contact with Aina and made a "see?" gesture before smiling and leaning his head back.

"What was that all about?" Lucy whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"Did you not see the look he gave you?"

"Oh that's nothing. It was just something we talked about yesterday."

"Oh? You have inside jokes now?" Lucy slyly asked.

Aina blushed and quickly turned to her before denying anything like that.

"If you say so," she sang.


Another Monday, another meeting.

"Hop in."

"Where're we going this time?"

"My mom's back to her schedule again so my house is free unless you wanna go to your place."

"Nah. You have those mini pies in your fridge."

"You can't eat them all!"

Natsu groaned and held his head before moaning, "Please don't yell. I'm, like, super hungover."

"It's the end of the school day. How hungover are you to go the whole day without getting over it?"

"I got super hammered," Natsu chuckled.

They set up what they had of the diorama and sat on the floor. Natsu would moan every once in a while, and Aina eventually got up and went into the kitchen.

"You wanna get me some pickles or something?"

Aina rolled her eyes and put a pan on the stove. Natsu got curious about what was taking her so long, so he wandered in the kitchen and looked over her shoulder.

"Whatcha cookin?"



"It's for your hangover."

Natsu laughed, "You don't have to go making me soup. Pickles and water work just as well."

"Well too bad. I already poured it in."

Natsu went over to the fridge and took the pickles out before sitting at the kitchen table. They sat in silence until the timer went off and Aina poured the soup into two thermoses.

"Here. This way we can eat upstairs while we work."

He gave her a quizzical look before following her to her bedroom. He went to jump on her bed like he usually did, but she stopped him.

"You're not allowed to have food on my bed. My mom would kill me. Our washing machine is broken so we can't wash whatever you spill."

"Of course, sweetheart. Let's just get this over with."

She rolled her eyes again and handed him the box of craft supplies.

"So I was thinking we could use this hay stuff for the hill and then use the clay to--"

"Why is it so hot in here?"

"You're not listening to me, are you?"

"How can you concentrate when it's so hot?"

"I haven't had an air conditioner in years. I got used to it just like you're used to stairs."

He moaned and went to take off his shirt when he was stopped.

"What're you doing?!"

"I'm hot," Natsu said as he looked at her curiously.

"D-Don't do that. My mom would kill me."

"She'd kill you because I got too hot?" Natsu blankly questioned.

"It's just--she might get the wrong idea," Aina shyly answered as she looked away from him.

"Aw, am I not your mom's approval type, sweetheart?"

"Listen, she doesn't even know you're here. She's very overprotective and--"

"Okay, okay," he surrendered. "What were you saying about the hay?"

Aina looked back down to the box and scattered it around the back of the box, explaining that the hill should be there and then pulled up a picture on her phone of clay making.

"We could either use the clay or somehow find a pig head."


"Where's you dad?"

Aina stopped reading and looked up to him in shock.

"My dad? Why?"

"Because I've never seen him. Is he always working or something?"

She smiled sadly and sat down on her bed. She looked up to the ceiling and then back down to the floor to look at Natsu.

"He died a couple years ago. It's just me and my mom now."

Natsu let out a small "oh" before apologizing and saying he didn't know.

"You never asked," Aina explained while smiling softly.

"You say that a lot."

"You can't know unless you ask. That's the only reason how I know anything about you."

"How did he die?"

"He was attacked on the street on his way home from work one night. They sliced him with a dirty knife and he contracted an infection that got into his bloodstream. He just got really sick...and never got better I guess."

"So when the valedictorian mentioned that you didn't like hospitals...it was because--"

"My mom and I would be at that hospital every single day after school. That scent will never leave my memory. I would have to sit there and watch as my dad slowly died. I hate hospitals."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Natsu. You didn't know."

"My mom died giving birth to me, so I never knew her. It was just me and my dad, so I get it."

Aina laid on her bed on her stomach and looked down at Natsu who was still sitting on the floor.

"What happened to your dad?"

"Some cargo truck decided it was a good idea to run a red light and my dad's car ended up exploding."

"Holy shit. Were you--"

Natsu gave a small smile and pointed to the large scar running from his neck onto his cheek.

"I obviously got kinda lucky, doncha thing, sweetheart?"


"Mister Dragneel--"

"Oh hey Mister Justine! I didn't know you worked here!"

The teacher gave Natsu a blank look and pointed him to his desk. Natsu snickered and propped his feet on the nearby desk, earning another scolding from the teacher.

"Hey sweetheart, you got an extra piece of paper?"

Aina looked at him shocked, not expecting him to want to take notes. She quickly handed it to him and turned back to the board. Natsu scribbled something on the paper.

"What did you do to him, A?" Lucy questioned.

"I didn't. I didn't know that he knew how to--"

Lucy groaned. Aina looked at her curiously, and Lucy pointed to the paper airplane that was shooting for the teacher.

"Natsu!" Aina hissed.

Mister Justine caught the airplane, his eyes twitching. He went to throw it away before Natsu gasped.

"You gotta read the note inside, teach! It's important."

The teacher looked at him curiously, and he opened the paper to reveal what Natsu had written in it. Mister Justine looked at Natsu shocked and gave him a detention. He just snickered.

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