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"Isn't it funny that you become the 'never leave you' kinda person after being left behind time after time?"


"Are you sure?"


Head nods could be seen around the table. His eyes darting to the two upperclassmen.



"Here we go!"

There fingers pressed down onto a small coin on the board. A smile decorating each of their faces.

"Spirit...spirit...Please reveal an animal that the school council president is weaker than," three voices exclaimed within their club room.


"What?! A fish?!"

And that was when their fun was interrupted by the student council president walking right in, "occult research club!"

Itadori could only snicker at the fact that the president was weaker than a fish. So, of course, he was going to take a few jabs at the guy.

"Hey, so you really are Mr. Worm," Itadori said with a teasing grin. His eyes closed as he merely gave him an open mouth smile. Mocking the president as many would.

"I'm gonna kill you..."

Though, after those mere words, the president seemed to snap back into focus. His back straightening as he turned back to the door, "come on Ms. disciplinary committee, I need your help now."

And that was when (Name) (Surname) walked in. Her arms crossed over her chest as she yawned. Being part of something like this always made her bored out of her mind, but grandpa thought it would be a good fit for her. Well...Itadori's grandpa...that is....
So, when she stood next to the council president, she sent a shrug to Itadori. She honestly didn't know why she had to ve hear, and all he could do was laugh at her situation. Mainly because he knew just how much she hated doing things.

"Now, your club didn't submit its activity report! We don't have space for clubs like that! In other words, this is going to be the changing room for the girls' track-and-field team, so get out!"

(Name) could only sigh at this. Her lips forming a pout as it became clear as to why she, a first year student and the head of the disciplinary committee, had to be there. The council president just wanted her to kick them out if they refused.

"Huh? Why would we? Our club has gotten an activity done!"

Sasaki had grabbed a folder out, and once she opened it and laid it on the table. The group began explaining the details of what had been happening on the rugby field. Though, (Name) didn't exactly feel like hearing the details, so she merely blocked everything out. Her eyes going to the wall as she wished that she was an animal of some sort. Just because animals didn't have to deal with homework or life responsibilities. As long as they had a happy home, then everything was good-


She snapped back to focus, her eyes landing on the council president.

"Please, escort these three out of the club room."

And just as he finished that sentence, the track-and-feild couch jumped in. Saying something along the lines of: "i changed the the club on your sheet, Itadori!"

Which was when (Name) realized that she had missed out on a whole ass conversation. Not that she minded.

"Alrighty then, I'll be going...," she ended up saying as she exited the room. All five idiots being left to their own devices as she decided to deal with some other matters.

Why does today have to be so long?

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