One - Ashton

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*Ashton's POV*

"Why did you even agree to this?" Luke groaned, flopping down onto the sofa.

"Yeah, we don't need some kid running around here all the time." Michael added, sitting next to him.

Calum rolled his eyes at them.

"Guys, he's Ash's brother. Give him a chance." He said to them.

I smiled a bit at that.

"Thank you, Cal." I said. "Now, they should be here-" I was cut off by the sound of the doorbell. "right about now."

I made my way to the front door and smiled as I opened it.

"Mum, Dad, haven't seen you in ages!" I said, pulling them both into a hug.

As we pulled away, I noticed a small figure hiding behind them.

"Hi, Andy." I said softly.

He smiled a bit and waved at me.

"He's a bit shy, considering he hasn't seen you in so long." My mum explained.

I nodded and slowly picked up Andrew's hand, holding it in my own. I gave him a soft smile as I led him into the house.

"Guys," I said as we entered the living area, gaining the boys' attention. "This is my little brother, Andrew. Andy, that's Luke, Michael and Calum." I said, pointing to each individual as I said their name.

Luke plastered a fake smile on his face, while Michael just gave him a nod, before turning his attention to his phone. Calum, however, came over and gave Andy a big hug. I mouthed a 'thank you' to Calum, giving him a grateful smile. I also saw Luke scowling out of the corner of my eye.


"Thanks again for cooking, Mum, but you didn't have to." I said as I cleaned up the dining table.

"Nonsense. It was a thank you for taking in your little brother on such short notice." My mum said, waving my statement off.

I sighed and gave her a smile.

"Well, thank you. And I'm always happy to help. I mean, he's my brother. I love him, and I always love seeing him."

I gave both of my parents a hug, before they said their goodbyes to the boys and Andy, and set off. Michael had already gone to bed, so that left me, Luke, Calum and Andy. Calum was showing Andy our movie collection, asking if he wanted to watch something. I smiled at that. My smile faltered, however, when I saw Luke scowling at them from the doorway. I walked over to him and crossed my arms.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"He's just going to get in the way." He grumbled.

I knew he was talking about Andrew, and I frowned.

"He won't get in the way, Luke. It's not like he's a baby or anything."

"He sure acts like it." He said, gesturing to Andy, who was grinning and squealing excitedly when he saw Calum pull out the movie Ponyo.

I glared at Luke.

"He has a mental disorder. Don't use that against him." I said in a harsh tone.

Luke rolled his eyes and turned away from me, mumbling a 'whatever' and making his way down the hall, to his bedroom.

"Ashy, come watch Ponyo with me and Cal Pal!" Andy said excitedly.

I smiled and went over to them.

"Anything for you, Andy."

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