Stay Away From Me.

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"Hey Mom, hey Dad." My mom and dad both look at me and smile, "Good morning Ian!" I kiss my mom on the cheek and fist bump my dad.

"I'm already late, so I won't be able to eat breakfast." I rush outside to my car.

I am a pretty popular guy in my school. I have good grades and two best friends. I also street fight, everybody knows except for my parents. They think I get the bruises from football or some other sports.

I arrive at school and see Lily and Mason. Lily and Mason have been my best friends since we were in diapers. Lily is a cheerleader and Mason is a baseball player.

"What's up, Lily and Mason." They turn to look at me and smile, I wrap my arm around Lily shoulder, "Y'all coming to my fight Friday night, right?" They both nod their head, "Of course we are. The only time we ever miss your fight is if we are sick."

I look at Mason and laugh, I nod my head agreeing with him, "That is true. That's why I love you guys." Mason rolls his eyes and points pass me, "Your girlfriend is coming and she hates when you are close to Lily." I move my arm away from Lily.

I open my arms to Megan and she hugs me with a smile, "Hey babe. How is your morning so far?" I kiss her on the lips and she pulls away, "It's good. If you win your fight Friday night, you might get a prize from me." She winks at me and walks off to her class.

I turn around and wiggle my eyebrows at Lily and Mason, "Why are you even dating her? She bullies this certain girl every day and you do nothing about it." I look at Lily confused and she scoffs, "I tell you this almost every day! It is a girl in a hood. I will just point her out at lunch today."

Mason wraps his arm around her shoulders, "Calm down Lily, let's get to class." They walk off to class and I head to my English class. I walk in and everybody starts whispering about my fight Friday night.

Suddenly a random girl with a hoodie gets up and walks out. "She is so weird. No wonder she doesn't have any friends."

I go to sit in my seat by the window. The teacher starts talking for a couple of minutes and then gives us assign work.

The girl that walked out earlier finally comes back in and sit down in her seat. I can't even see her face because of her hood, it's covering her eyes. I look down at my work and realize we don't have to finish this until tomorrow.

I close my book and put my head down with a sigh. My stomach starts growling loudly.


I go to my designated lunch table and sit down. "Let's go!" I look at Lily with a confused look, "What? Why?" She rolls her eyes, "The girl I want you to see never sits in here. Wait, she's in here now. There she goes."

She points to a girl who is sitting at a table near the window. "Your girlfriend bullies her every day and nobody does anything about it." Mason walks up and pulls Lily to her seat, "Why don't you do anything about it?" Lily closes her mouth and sigh, "I really don't know. God! I'm horrible."

She leans her head on Mason's shoulder and he lets out a soft laugh. "You can help her if it gets any worse." She slowly nods her head and starts eating her food.

"I have to stay after school for a class, so y'all don't have to wait up." They both nod their heads, "Since my fight is tomorrow, do y'all want to hang out tomorrow night after my fight?"

Mason looks away from his phone, "Yeah we can. Who place are we going to be at?" Lily shakes her head, "After the fight, I'm going over my cousin's house. So it will only be you two." Me and Mason shrug our shoulders and smile, "We haven't had any guy time in a long time."

Lily mouth drops, she hits Mason shoulder and throws food at me. "Assholes! At least act like you're going to be lonely without me." We start laughing and she gives us the finger.

I give her an air kiss and she rolls her eyes. I look at the time and stand up, "It's time for us to get to class. The bell is about to ring." They stand up and we head to our class, I turn around and see that the girl is still sitting down staring out the window.

I never once seen her look away from that window.

After school

I am in my class after school hours waiting on some of my work I missed a few days ago. As I'm leaving my class I see a group of girls running pass me.

They were laughing about something, "I want to laugh." I mumble to myself. I'm walking to the student parking lot and see someone laying on the floor.

Curiosity gets the best of me, "Hey! Are you okay?!" The person doesn't even move at my voice, I notice the person is a girl. I let out a long sigh, "Just helping her is going to bring so much drama." I say as I walk to the girl on the floor.

I shake her body and she doesn't move, "Hey! Are you okay?! At least sleep when you get home." I turn her over and see blood all over her face. I lift her hoodie and shirt up and see bruises all over her stomach.

I pick her up and carry her to the nurse's office. "The nurse is not even here. It looks like I'm taking care of you for right now." She opens her eyes and starts shaking, "Please put me down. Just deal with me tomorrow I'm already in pain."

I tighten my grip around her legs and she hisses. She starts mumbling to herself, "I will not cry, they will not see me cry. I will not cry, they will not see me cry." I sit her on the bed and she closes her eyes.

"I'm not going to do anything to you." She still kept them close, I let out a long sigh, "I promise I won't hurt you." She slowly opens her eyes and stares at the floor.

"What happen to you?" I ask as I search for the first aid kit, "A group of girls beat me up." She flinches when I put the alcohol pad on her cheek.

"Are you in my English class first period?" She looks at me and shrugs her shoulders, "I don't even know who you are. This is the first time in a long time someone noticed me." I stare at her in shock, "I'm Ian. What's yours?"

She shakes her head and lifts her hoodie and shirt up, I stare at her with my mouth open. "Aren't you going to help me with these wounds and bruises?" I clear my throat and start working on her stomach.

"Why won't you tell me your name? It's not like I'm a bad person." She sucks in a shaky breath, "I don't tell people my name, the only ones who know my name are the people who bully me every day."

"Can you at least tell me the leader bully?" She looks at me, "Megan Williams." I freeze at the name she said and step away from her.

"There is no need for you to blame my girlfriend for bullying you. She wouldn't do this to anybody." Her eyes widen, "Megan Williams is your girlfriend?" I nod my head and she jumps off the bed.

"You don't have to worry about me blaming your girlfriend anymore. Just don't tell her you ran into me." She walks out before I could say anything.

I let out a long sigh and start walking towards the student parking lot. "There's no way Megan would bully someone."

Hazel POV

I can't believe I ran into Megan boyfriend out of all people. Now my life is going to be worse than hell.

I'm speed walking home when all of sudden a car pulls up to me, "Do you need a ride?" I pull my hoodie further down my face and kept walking.

"If you ignore me I'm just going to keep following you until you get home." I continue to ignore him and kept walking straight towards my house.

Ten minutes later I am at my house and Ian is parked on the side of the road, "I'll leave once you get in."

I hurry and unlock my door and rush into the house. I run upstairs and jump in the shower.

I sit down in the tub as the water falls on me. Every day I come home and cry in the shower. I always think to myself about what if had friends, what if I never got bully, and what if I were to just move away.

I have to prepare myself for tomorrow. Megan is going to do more than push me against the locker. I let out a long sigh as I get out of the shower.

Next Day (Friday)

I'm walking to the cafeteria when all of sudden I hear Megan calling my name. "Hazel! Stop right there!" I stop walking and look at her.

She slaps me across the face so hard that I fall to the floor holding my face, "Stay the hell away from my boyfriend! If I see you near him next time, I won't just slap you." She kicks me in the stomach and walks away.

"Ugh." I crawl to the lockers so I can lean against them. I put my head against the lockers and look up at the ceiling.

"Hey Quiet!" I look to my side and see Ian walking up to me. I stand up quickly with a groan, "Stay away from me." Why is he here all of a sudden?

He looks at my face and moves closer to me, "What the hell happen to your face?!" I move away from him, "Can you please just stay away from me? You being around me makes my life even worse than it already is."

I speed walk pass him and he grabs my arm. He looks at me with his green eyes, "Come to see me fight." I arch my eyebrow at him, "Fight? What do you mean fight?"

I pull my arm out of his grasp and step away from him, "I forgot you don't know who I am. I street fight and I have a fight tonight. Come see me."

I shake my head no quickly and walk off, "No thanks and please don't come near me again."

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