Just Let Me Go!

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Before I could kiss Hazel again, Lily and Megan jump on top of me.

"Y'ALL DID IT!!" They shout out at the same time. I look over at Owen and see him being hug to death by Kayla and Shane.

"Thank you. Now help us up, we have to shake hands." They help me and Owen up. I look at Owen and he smiles at me, "We fulfilled our promise a different way." I nod my head and laugh, "Yeah, we did, but it was worth it."

"I was so scared, I thought my heart was going to burst!" I look at Shane and laugh, "You have to have more faith in us." He looks at me with wide eyes, "I do have faith in you. When Owen fell out I almost lost it." Owen looks at Shane and rolls his eyes, "I can tell by the way you were just hugging me five seconds ago."

We go up to Elijah and James. James looks at me and held his hand out, "It was a good match. Who would have thought that I would get knocked out." He says as he looks at Owen and shakes his hand. I look at Elijah and he sighs, "Y'all put up a fight. If there's a next time, the outcome will be different." We shake hands and they walk out of the ring.

Me and Owen look at each other, "You ready?" I nod my head at his question and seconds later we fall to the floor. Next thing I know everything goes black.

Locker Room

I slowly open my eyes and see the back of Aaron's head. I grab him by his waist and he jumps, "Aahh!!" I let out a soft laugh and everybody rushes towards me, "Finally your both up! Kayla and Hazel have been pacing back and forth since we got in here!" I look at Matthew as he points at Kayla and Hazel.

Kayla runs to Owen and hugs him, "Can you not give me a heart attack?" Owen laughs, "It's not my fault." She rolls her eyes and he kisses her on the lips.

"AWE!!" We all say at the same time. Hazel comes up to me and smile. I look past her and see everybody looking at us, "Why are you looking at us like that?" Megan scoffs, "We're waiting for you to kiss next."

Hazel drops her head and I laugh, "They already kissed!" My eyes widen as I look at Aaron. Me and Hazel try to shush him.

"WHAT?!" They all shout out, "When was this?!" Lily asked while crossing her arms, "It was when we were in the ring." I look at Aaron and cover his mouth, "That's not important right now. What's important is mine and Owen condition."

As soon as I say that Benny and a trainer comes in. Benny comes up to me and hit me and Owen on the head. "Ow! Why did you hit us?!" Owen asks while holding his head.

Benny crosses his arms and glare, "Who the hell does that?! You ask Ian if he was ready and the next thing I know, you two fall out!!" Me and Owen both start laughing and Benny pokes my side. I let out a loud hiss and Owen stops laughing, "You're next if I hear you laugh again." Owen nods his head and put his hand over his mouth.

The trainer looks at us, "Ian you have a few bruised ribs, so it's going to hurt every now and then when you move. Owen, you just have bruises all over your body, so rest for a little and then you'll be alright." We both nod our heads and Benny walks towards us.

"We mean yes sir!!" We say to the trainer as we look at Benny. "Y'all have to talk to the reporters before you leave." I let out a groan as we walk to the door, "I don't want to, I'm ready to go home."

Benny laughs, "What's home? You and Hannah broke up." I roll my eyes and grab Hazel by the waist and pull her towards me, "Um, I actually do." I say in a girly voice and everybody laughs. Benny rolls his eyes as we walk out.

As soon as we open the door, reporters come towards me and Owen.

"Owen, how do you feel about your win?!"

"Ian, did you have a hard time getting this win?!"

Owen looks at the reporters, "We're only going to say a few words tonight, but we can finish talking at the meeting tomorrow. To answer your question, I actually feel good about this win, although it was hell."

I let out a soft laugh, "Yes I did have a hard time winning this fight. As you can see we both fell out at the same time from exhaustion and we are bruised up."

We walk out and start heading to separate cars. I look at Hazel, "Where's Aaron?" She points at Shane, "He asleep in Shane's arms." I throw my arm over her shoulders and kiss her forehead, "I'm pretty happy that you didn't reject my kiss."

She lets out a soft laugh, "I would lie to you if I had done that." I lean down and kiss her on the lips.

Suddenly someone pushes me by my side and I fall to the ground in pain. They pushed me on my bruised side. I look up and see Hazel getting dragged away, "Ah!! Help!! Ian!! Shane!!" Someone is carrying Hazel away, they're dragging her.

I get up quickly and run after her. Mason, Shane, and Austin run past me to try and catch him. "Hazel! Stop! What are you doing?!" Megan shouts as she runs past me.

I can't catch up, my body hurts. She gets thrown in a car. Bang Bang Bang.

Gunshots go off and my eyes widen. I see the car quickly drive off out of my sight. I fall to the ground and look ahead of me. All I can see is the back of Mason, Shane, Austin, and Megan.

Megan falls to the ground and Shane and Mason turn around and walk towards me. Austin helps Megan up. "I heard a gunshot. Did he hit anybody?" They both shake their heads and I lay my head on the ground, "She's still in that car, isn't she?"

Their silence gives me my answer. I feel everything around me crash. I look up quickly and look around, my eyes lands on a sleeping Aaron. "How did he sleep through it?" Lily looks at me with tears coming down her face, "I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming."

What am I supposed to do? Hazel just got kidnapped and the only thing I can do is lay on the ground.

Suddenly police officers come around the corner. "The gunshots came from here, is everything okay?" Kayla walks up to him, "No! Everything is not okay! Our friend just got kidnapped! The car that flew by was him and our friend!"

Police officer eyes widen, "What's her name? We can send an Amber Alert right now." I can't talk, nothing won't come out of my mouth. I can't even tell him her name. Kayla looks at me and then back at the officer, "Her name is Hazel Miles." Kayla gives him a description of Hazel and he makes a phone call to set the alert.

"We will find her as soon as possible. Right now, you all need to go home and get some rest." He walks off and leave us in silence.

Matthew helps me up, "We can all go home and meet back up tomorrow morning when everybody is up." They all nod their heads and Matthew takes me to Mason car. "Where do you want to go?"

I go in my pocket and show him a key, "You sure you want to go to Hazel house?" I slowly nod my head and he lets out a long sigh. Lily hands me Aaron and I put his head on my lap as he sleeps.

How can I tell Aaron about his mother being kidnapped?

Gerald POV

"Let's go, I'm not about to drag you all the way in here." I say as I pull Hazel by her arm, "Let me go!! Why are you doing this?!" She asks while crying, I suck my teeth and throw her over my shoulders.

"There are two reasons on why I'm doing this. Reason one, I was told to. Reason two, I wanted to. I'm still heartbroken that you can't remember me." I put her down and chain her up. I take my hood off and smile at her. Her eyes widen, "Mr.Mount?! What?! Why are you doing this?!"

I bend down in front of her and she scoots back, "You still don't remember me. We used to go to the same school. We were classmates, you caught my eye because you were so quiet in high school." I turn the light on and she looks around, "I'm not a bad kidnapper, I'm giving you a bed, a toilet, and a tv."

"How do you know me?! Can I please just go home?!" I bend down in front of her, "I guess I have to spell it out for you. Gerald Mount is my name, we used to work together on all of our projects for school. I'm the one who helped you from getting killed that one time from your bullies!!" She flinches back and her eyes widen, "Gerald?! Why?! What did I ever do to you?!"

I stand up and walk to the bathroom. I grab a towel and run some warm water, I go back and clean her face. "You left me and all of a sudden you become friends with Ian Cooper. I couldn't even get near you, Ian would pop up out of nowhere and drag you away." She continues to cry and I sigh, "Since I couldn't have you then, I will have you now."

She scoots away from me, "Just let me go!! I won't tell anybody!! I promise!!" Before I could say anything, the door opens and we hear the sound of her heels coming towards us.

"I didn't think it would actually work. Gerald, you did well. Was it hard?" I stand up and look at Hannah, "Nah, they were chasing me, but they couldn't catch up."

"HANNAH?! You're in on this?! Why?!"

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