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After we had calmed down O'Connor we all sat down and ate Ice Cream.

The rest of the group had heard what happened. From Mcallister we presumed. It was the next day and Finnegan and I were in my room aimlessly flipping through channels.

"Do you think O'Connor made the right choice?" Finnegan asked.

I glanced at him. "What doing you mean?"

"I mean do think he was right to kiss Mcallister?" he asked. "I mean he sacrificed a friendship for it."

I thought about it. "He told Mcallister how he felt. All that's left is for Mcallister to decide. He didn't sacrifice a friendship. Because if he doesn't feel the same, they can just go back to being friends."

Finnegan leaned in and kissed me.

My eyes widened in shock and I pushed him away. "What the hell was that?"

"Telling you how I feel," he said. "All that's left is for you to decide."

"Dude, I'm gay," I said. "More importantly I'm dating Mia, and I love her."

"Then I guess we just go back to being friends," he said.

I nodded and he checked his phone. Standing up he said, "I have to go."

He slammed the door on the way out.


"Wait back up," Mia said. "Finnegan kissed you?"


She laced her fingers with mine. "It meant nothing to you right?" she asked.

"Absolutely nothing," I agreed.

"Okay." She went back to playing Candy Crush.

"That's it?" I asked. "Just 'okay'?"

She nodded. "If it meant nothing, why should I treat it like it's something?"

She had a point.

"Plus you don't have to worry about me getting jealous because someone else realized how hot you are," she said, "it's not like I haven't done worse. And you forgave me, why shouldn't I show you the same courtesy?"

I nodded. "Very true."

"Mia!" Mia's mom called, "it's getting late tell your girlfriend to go home!"

I laughed and kissed her one more time. "I gotta go. I left Matt to watch the twins."

"I love you," she said. "Call me when you get home so I know you're safe."

I smiled. "Will do." From the door I called. "I love you too."


I ran up the stairs to Matt's room.

The twins were asleep downstairs and I needed to yell at him for not taking them up to their beds.

I didn't bother knocking as I slammed the door open.

Matt was on the bed making out with someone.

"Shit." I shut the door.

Wait a minute, was he...

I opened the door. "Please explain why you are making out with a guy."


Remember way back when I said I would stop the cliffhangers?

HA bitches.

What's up crazy butterflies?

So there was some kissing in this chapter. Finnegan has a crush on Isla? *gasps* and Matt may be gay? *gasps* *again*

SLAC HIT 4K! Thanks again crazy butterflies.

I would really appreciate it if you checked out my new book, Parallel Lines. It is my first dialogue story and I am very excited about it.

Please wait a few minutes because I have two I REPEAT TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS. 

See you in a few.

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