𝑀𝑦 π½π‘’π‘Žπ‘™π‘œπ‘’π‘  πΏπ‘œπ‘£π‘’ ❀︎︎

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πŸŒ™ The Villainess Will Walk Away πŸŒ™

πŸŒ™ The Villainess Will Walk Away πŸŒ™

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βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺπŸŒ™β˜€β­βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ β™₯♠♦What would you do if life gives you another chance? Will you go on the same path?Or will you use it to take revenge on the people who had done wrong to you??Or will you entirely change your path and seek your dream? Well, I chose the third one!!BecauseI'm so tired of feeling unworthy.. So I don't want to walk on the same path as past..And I don't want to waste the second chance that life has given me by seeking revenge either..It's not worth it!!So what I chose is to change my path..change my life..change myself..to be free to fly high and not to scared of falling from the sky..Because if you don't try, you will never know that you can fly!!Will life let me be myself this time..? βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ♒⏳♒βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ""The journey is not as cold as the one from her past life..She now has people to trust and rely on..""A/N : This is my original work and not a translation of any novel..This is my first book so there might be a lot of mistakes.. Notify me about those mistakes that need to be taken care of.. Thank You.. πŸ™Hope u enjoy it..Sorry for any grammatical error.. πŸš©β„ [ Cover made by me ] ❄[ Some artworks are made by me and others are from Google ]🍁 Start Date : 8th October, 2020 πŸ€πŸ“Ž Most Impressive Rankings ~#Rank - 1 [Dukes Daughter] (25-10-2020)#Rank - 2 [Monarchy] (15-11-2020)#Rank - 3 [Sorcery] (02-11-2020)#Rank - 1 [Princess] (25-12-2020)#Rank - 1 [Demon] (01-01-2021) πŸ”₯#Rank - 1 [Rebirth] (17-02-2021)#Rank - 1 [Female Protagonist] (24-04-2021)#Rank - 1 [Royalty] (17-05-2021)#Rank - 1 [Reincarnation] (17-05-2021)#Rank - 1 [Second Chance] (17-05-2021)#Rank - 1 [Historical] (27-05-2021)#Rank - 3 [Royalty] (07-06-2021)#Rank - 1 [Reborn] (19-06-2021)#Rank - 7 [Transmigration] (7-08-2021)βœŒβ€¦

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The Captured

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In the heart of Wales, behind the walls of the grandest estate in the city, lies a hidden gem: sixteen-year-old Anna Hussain. With her mother as serene as the morning mist and her father a vibrant burst of color, Anna grapples with her identity-caught between worlds, unsure where she truly belongs.In her room, where the whispers of the wind echo against the windowpane, Anna's heart beats like a butterfly trapped in a gilded cage, yearning for freedom. Yet, she guards her desires closely, haunted by the mysteries lurking in the shadows of her past.But as Anna dreams of love in all its forms, she finds herself entangled in a tapestry of emotions. As she delves deeper into the tangled web of romance and mystery, Anna discovers that sometimes, the greatest truths are shrouded in darkness.With her diary as her confidante, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, where the search for love intertwines with the unraveling of secrets, leading her down a path she never imagined possible.…