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Truth Chasers

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Imagine this.
You close your eyes for merely a second and when you open them, it's the year 2040.
Everything is different. The very world as you know it today is contrary to your current reality. There's are no regular chocolate bars like sneakers or mars, there's no such thing as iPhone or Tesla, attending government school is absolutely compulsory in some parts of the world, there's no freedom to move around or travel through different countries or even different states within your own country.

There are two major alliances of countries; The Union and the Confederates which are in a constant struggle for power after a war in 2035 that divided the world.

In the midst of all of this, life seems to be going perfectly well for seventeen year old Saylor Cohen in the new world she has found herself in. She lives somewhat of a double life. Her father is a spy majorly known for his role as a government official and they live a life of luxury and wealth. She seems to be adjusting to the new rules imposed by the government including attending compulsory government school while trying to live under intense secrecy to protect her father's secrets.

Her struggles to attain any form of normalcy in her life soon ebbs away when her life is turned upside down as she is expected to entertain a guest she despises. She finds herself in relationships she knows her father would never approve of and worst of all, she starts receiving mysterious letters from an unknown source. She follows the promptings and instructions of these strange letters as they promise to lead her to some important information about a ground breaking truth that's been hidden from her. The only problem is, the letters she guards and hopes will answer all her burning questions ends up being the very thing that endangers her the most.
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