Read Stories The Royal Journey- Amourshipping - TeenFic.Net




The Royal Journey- Amourshipping

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So this story takes place 1 week after Ash battles replacement gym leader of vermillion city that is his first battle of world championships. And his current ranking is 1146(random) .

Then and gets call from Delia and she asks him to come home where he will meet his father and sister
ash knew he had a sister but he never met her nor knew her name .

And then Ash gets biggest surprise of his life that he is prince of rota.

now you know how this story will go.

I read a lot of this kind of amourshipping stories and I also wanted to make one with my twists.

This will be an wholesome story and only very little dark part .

Calem will be there but as big brother of Serena. Cause I really like when camel in big bro of her.

Started- 13-04-2021
Finished- On Going.
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