Read Stories The Legend of Diyuma (Gaara's Romance #1) (Naruto Shippuden FanFic) - TeenFic.Net




The Legend of Diyuma (Gaara's Romance #1) (Naruto Shippuden FanFic)

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The Great Ninja War is over. Naruto and Sasuke are friends again. Sasuke serves the Hidden Leaf Village. Kakashi is the Hokage. Naruto managed to make the five Kage establish normal, diplomatic relationships with each other. But, of course, many things still need to be done to achieve the ultimate perfection that Naruto dreams of.

However, this story isn't focused on Naruto. It's a lost story about how Gaara felt the love of a woman for the first and the last time. After losing her, he refused to ever have any wife.

It is a legend about the refugee ninja siblings from the faraway lands, who stopped by the village of the Hidden Sand. These ninjas seem normal and weak at first, but in fact, they possess unusual, dangerous powers...
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