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Something Entirely New (Rupphire)

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Sapphire is just the average girl at school with a backstory she likes to keep secret. Life is routine for her until she meets Ruby. The popular baseball jock whom everyone loves. Ruby's life can get pretty exciting but nothing compares to the moment she met her Sapphire. But will Ruby's own secrets put them in danger?

Btw I have my own unique take for how I'd see each of these characters in this story's universe. If you don't like it that's okay but I won't be changing my concept.

Started writing: 7/12/18 so after The Heart of the Crystal Gems arc.

Cover art by Jen-iii from tumblr. She has an amazing Ruby and Sapphire and Garnet Au called askthefamilyoflove. It's my favorite Steven Universe tumblr page so go totally check it out.

9/10/18- #1 Rupphire
9/10/18- #1 Rubapphire
9/10/18- #1 Amethyst
9/10/18- #1 Japis
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