SCP-3005-F: The Return

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Nightflame and Darkportal are assigned to Sight ███ to do a couple of interviews, Darkportal is fully aware of Nightflame's past at encounter with the SCP Foundation. The unexpected events occur before the two are suddenly caught up in a containment breach and must escape while also trying to keep dangerouse SCPs from escaping, while also not getting captured by the foundation staff.

Note (4/30/2022): I first started writing this series back in like 2015 or 2016 original. I added the "-F" to the title to signify this story is fake, this story is not the real SCP-3005 and I'd encourage you go read the real wiki about 3005. Now yes I know I could've done "-J" but this story isn't a's just straight up bad writting in my personal opinion.
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