Read Stories Saving the Devil(LevixErwin AOT ONESHOTS) - TeenFic.Net




Saving the Devil(LevixErwin AOT ONESHOTS)

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This book will contain EruRi Oneshots which will be fluff, smut or what have you. These stories will be taking place throughout the main aot timeline.

⚠️This fanfic will contain AOT spoilers so beware if you are not caught up⚠️

I will be using they/them pronouns for Hanji!

Note that is a EruRi fanfic so if you don't like go away

⚠️Disclaimer⚠️ I am not an expert writer, I am doing this fanfic for fun so if I make grammar mistakes or errors in AOT timeline or terminology, please refrain from attacking me but I do appreciate criticism and suggestions!

Also I do not own the cover art if you are the artist and wish to have it removed let me know and I will remove it.

Anyways, thanks for those that decided to pick this book, I really hope y'all enjoy it.
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