Sasaeng |Min Yoongi OneShot FF|

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It seems like the number of obsessed fans is increasing day by day. Now, many of them are 50% obsessed fans and 50% haters.

Min Yoongi, a member of BTS, the world's most famous boyband group, has been the target of sasaengs lately.

Moon Y/N, who is following every website and personal account of sasaengs is known as the biggest sasaeng in Kpop history.

However, what if she is exposed to the world as a sasaeng before the world discovers her true identity.......

What will happen when the truth unfolds that how she pretended to be a sasaeng to expose every sasaeng and make the life of the idols peaceful?

The storyline is completely fictional so many things may not make sense. Please avoid those and enjoy the story and if you feel irritated, feel free to stop reading it โค๏ธ

#1 in bangtanff
#1 in sugaff

Pst: This books contains a lot of curses in every chapter because our beloved MC is a bold girl โค๏ธ
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