Read Stories Salix - TeenFic.Net

Science Fiction




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He pulled back his fist, and I braced myself, waiting for an explosion of pain.

I heard a sickening crack.

His expression was gleeful, lips wide in a smile, his eyes hyper-focused and wild at the same time. They peered at me and looked into deep into my soul. He leaned his head down and his breath ghosted across my face.

"We're gonna be best friends Kamille... I can just feel it."


Kamille, codename Salix, is a failure of a superhero. He's barely even a sidekick. In fact, he'd rather just hang out in his garden and gossip with his plants.

Xander, also known as Mars, is the strongest superhero the world has ever seen. He is considered unstoppable, with no weakness.

Except for Kamille.

However, nothing is as it appears, and something dark is brewing.

And it just might be Xander.
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