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raising your little elephant

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An uplifting story about our seat of motivation.
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além das leis da ciência

além das leis da ciência

44 24 18

Na vibrante cidade de Nova York, a renomada cientista Dr. Emily Carter, de 28 anos, vive imersa em seu trabalho na vanguarda da pesquisa científica. Determinada e focada, ela dedicou sua vida ao estudo das complexidades do universo, deixando pouco espaço para o romance. Por outro lado, Alex Turner, um ambicioso estudante de direito de 25 anos, mergulha nos livros de leis, buscando justiça em um mundo muitas vezes contraditório.Em um encontro improvável durante uma conferência na universidade, os mundos de Emily e Alex colidem. Enquanto Emily está acostumada a lidar com moléculas e equações, Alex traz consigo a paixão pela justiça e uma perspicácia intelectual que a intriga. À medida que trabalham juntos em um projeto interdisciplinar, uma conexão profunda começa a florescer entre eles.Enquanto Emily mergulha em um mistério científico complexo, Alex oferece uma perspectiva única, desafiando-a a ver o mundo além das lentes da ciência. Enquanto isso, Alex encontra em Emily uma inspiração para perseguir seus sonhos com mais determinação e paixão.À medida que enfrentam desafios profissionais e pessoais, Emily e Alex descobrem que o amor pode transcender as fronteiras do conhecimento e das leis que governam o universo. Mas será que poderão conciliar suas vidas e carreiras tão diferentes, ou serão os obstáculos insuperáveis que os separarão para sempre?"Além das Leis da Ciência" é uma história envolvente sobre amor, descobertas e a busca pela verdade, que prova que o coração é o único órgão capaz de desafiar até mesmo as leis mais fundamentais do universo.…

A Carousel of Memories

A Carousel of Memories

5 0 2

In the begining I was scared.I thought nobody would like to be friends with me. But there is this boy, Choi Yeonjun, from class 3-4 and his brother Choi Soobin, that we get along pretty well. I was born and raised by Korean parents in Australia, and we moved back to S.Korea when I was 16 due to my dad's company. From that moment my life changed completely. "What is wrong with me?" I thought. "why does my stomach ache whenever I pass through his classroom? Am I sick or sth?"Follow if you wanna find out more abt me :)~!!!~none of the above mentioned, characters and situations are based in real situations. not meant to harm any individuals or idols reffered here/ they are all part of the writer's imagination!ENJOY💕🎀🎠na_joaa (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻┻ ~~start date 21-03-24…

Cipher Kitagawa~

Cipher Kitagawa~

1 0 1

When a regular boy named Cipher finally discovers his love for anime, it turns his world upside down; especially when he meets his waifu Marin Kitagawa and becomes an antisocial freak. (YOU OWE ME 25 CENTS CIPHER!)…

Tsuna The Phoenix Slayer

Tsuna The Phoenix Slayer

0 0 6

Tsunayoshi is reincarnated in fairytale…



16 0 2

A skilled spy and the queen of the mafian empire? that never ends well does it? why was it always him- why did everything always lead back to him it was almost as if- she was bound to him whether either of them liked it or not well she wasn't going to fall for it again. just like she didnt want to be betrayed again she learns something that shakes that unshakable hatred she felt for him through the span of 5 years. fate always seemed to bring them together you can say their habit of fighting fate had gotten them Entangled...…

Their one only

Their one only

0 0 1

Athena Russo 16 year old girl who was kidnapped at the age of two All she ever received was torture from from the Russians mafia who trained her to be a deadly assasin but things take a turn when she escapes at the age of 12 is taken under foster care and lives with her abusive parentsAll it took was one accident to change her life as she finds out her real identity.Was her whole life her lie? What would had happened if she wasn't kidnapped? Will she find love? Will she be able to trust her family and tell them about her past? Find out in the story*TW*-Violence-Mature Scene-Toture-Language.…

H2O: Just Add Water

H2O: Just Add Water

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When four teens stranded on a remote island wander into a mystical pool during a full moon, they turn into merpeople with magical powers.…

draft reveal !!

draft reveal !!

1 0 1


✨Jailey✨ --one shots--    {ONGOING}

✨Jailey✨ --one shots-- {ONGOING}

0 0 1

Jailey one shots to feed my delulu✨😩Literally obsesseddddd w this ship i can'ttt😫Was rewatching TMF recently and fell in love all over again w the series and jailey too!!Cuz everything about it is literally ✨perfect✨The story, the scenes, the animation, the dialogue delivery of the VAs, the music, the timing, everythinggg is chef's kiss i swearI searched on yt for jailey vid to satisfy my jailey heart but it ain't satisfied😭 so i take matters into my own handsRosy did rlly such an amazinggg job😭i legit criedthe stories may either be pretty short or long depending on my mood and motivation lmaothey may be very cheesy and cringe too so yeah-also ignore grammar and punctuation🥲storyline and characters belong to Rosyclozyand the img on the cover tooOnly these stories are of my imaginationCredits to respectful owners…



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