Read Stories No Vito - TeenFic.Net




No Vito

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Sequel to No No Vito.

About two months ago, Yondu Udonta thought the way to fix his son, Vito's, stubborn, childish attitude was to treat him like a little boy. To his surprise, it revealed a side of his son he never knew existed, a little space side. After an event that caused the little to lose his memories happened, they're all finally back on track and returning to a normal life. Or so he, Vito, and his boyfriend Kraglin hope.

(Contains OC, possible OOC moments. I would not recommend reading this unless you have read No No Vito because some events and characters that will happen in this book relate to things that happened in the previous book. Just like the other, this story is NONSEXUAL and completely domestic fluff.)
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