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Ningelica Cosmos

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Pluos' parents sent him to Mars using a special jutsu after their area was attacked by the alien human leader known as "Gama". Pluos has extremely low energy, which causes him to use extra when performing his jutsus and other abilities. After being sent to Mars, he was taken in by the previous owner, "Spark". Spark inserted a small ball into Pluos' mouth. This allowed him to be able to live without the need of Oxygen. This also means, that he's not able to be killed by suffocation (mostly).

Although, his body functions much better with oxygen. Without oxygen, his body goes down to about 50% power. This means that some of his reactions could be delayed. And occasionally his movements may grow slower. After Gama killed Spark, Pluos didn't know what to do. Eventually he had to flee the planet due to Gama's forces taking over. Soon after returning to Earth, Pluos joined forces with Governor Corin, and a Wizard.

Later on, he realized that they were evil, and soon left them. He then decided that there was only one option left: "defeat Gama and get revenge". He then made himself an army of aliens, as well as robots. This eventually led to him fighting in a war against Gama, to reclaim Mars...
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