On a different version of Mobius, called "Möbius" of "The Meta-Zone", the world is under invasion by an alien race known to the Möbians as the Overlanders. In a dire attempt to save their world from totally annihilation or being conquered, the Empire of Akorn decides to create a "super-soldier" to combat the dark forces threatening their world.
Our hero, the young adopted prince of the Empire, Y/n Akorn, has a disease that has made his body weak and frail. Though he has a mighty spirit and a strong connection to the Choas Force, his father, the king, won't allow him to aid in the war efforts.
This world's version of Sonic The Hedgehog was the one chosen to take the "super-soldier serum" and become the Meta-Zone's first Super-Möbian. However, with a chance turn of events, Y/n is miraculously turned into the super-soldier and takes on the codename "Captain Möbius" as he uses his newfound powers and abilities to save his world.
However, the aftermath of a final battle for his world leaves him stranded on Mobius-Prime. Knowing this isn't his home, but it's still in danger, Y/n allies himself with the Mobius-Prime's Freedom Fighters to save their world from the iron grasp of the evil Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik.