Read Stories Midnight Dreams (I'll Make You Mine) - TeenFic.Net

Teen Fiction



Midnight Dreams (I'll Make You Mine)

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Persephone Adrianna is a 17 year old werewolf suffering from Chronic Depression, Anorexia, and Agoraphobia(irrational fear and avoidance of public places). Persephone is special, she has no idea of her werewolf heritage, and she will soon know on her 18th birthday. Abandoned as a child on the doorstep of the a family known as the Morgans, she was never told of her real parents, she believes the Morgans are her real parents. Her older brother Mike Morgan and younger brother Brennen Morgan, and her now parents Terrisa and Johnathan Morgan, are werewolves as well, although she doesn't know. Since she's been getting closer and closer to her birthday, she's been having strange dreams. Dreams that scare her, that make her stomach turn in turmoil and her flinch with fear. One thing she does not know, is that Tyler, the 18 year old alpha of her parents pack has been having the same dream, but in a different perspective. In their dreams, they can hear each other, but not see each other, the growls and faint screams are a mystery to them both, but soon such mystery will be solved with the bump of a shoulder, in a crowed school.
Can Tyler save her from herself?
Read on to find out.
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