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Compilation of the seven stories I wrote for the matchablossom week challenge back in 2022.

- Day 1: Ink.
- Day 2: Wine.
- Day 3: Italy.
- Day 4: Midnight/DK.
- Day 5: Travel.
- Day 6: Hair.
- Day 7: Together.
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ノルウェー77人殺害犯が国提訴 過酷な収容環境で「自殺追い込み」

ノルウェー77人殺害犯が国提訴 過酷な収容環境で「自殺追い込み」

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AFP=時事】2011年にノルウェーで起きた爆破・銃乱射事件で77人を殺害した罪で禁錮21年の判決を受け服役中のアンネシュ・ベーリング・ブレイビク(Anders Behring Breivik)受刑者(44)が8日、刑務所での隔離生活が人権を侵害しているとして国を相手取り提訴した。9日には、国が過酷な収容環境で「私を自殺に追い込もうとしている」と涙ながらに訴えた。当局は、同受刑者は今も非常に暴力的で隔離は妥当だと反論した。 ブレイビク受刑者は、2011年7月22日にオスロの政府庁舎前で爆弾を爆発させ8人を殺害。その後、ウトヤ(Utoeya)島で開かれていた労働党青年部のキャンプで10代の若者ら69人を射殺した。2012年に禁錮21年を言い渡されたが、脅威と見なされる限り刑期は延びる可能性がある。厳重警戒が敷かれた刑務所で、他の受刑者から隔離された状態で12年近く服役している。 同受刑者は、長期の隔離は「非人道的」または「品位を傷つける」待遇を禁じる欧州人権条約第3条に違反すると主張している。 ブレイビク受刑者は公判2日目、「政府の狙いは、私を自殺に追い込もうとしていることにあるという印象を受ける」「その狙いは成功に近づいている。人との交流がなければ、もう生きてはいけない」と語った。公判は、警備上の理由から同受刑者が収容されているリンゲリケ(Ringerike)刑務所の体育館で開かれた。 ブレイビク受刑者は、ウトヤ島を囲む湖のほとりにある同刑務所でキッチン、家庭用ゲーム機のあるテレビルーム、エクササイズルームなど、複数の部屋への出入りを許されている。また、ペットを飼いたいという同受刑者の要望に応え、矯正当…



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She wished she was dead🪐even if she was scared once,she was tired of holding onbut ,,it's never going to be better anymore,or there's still time?🌒🌒🦋…

The Age of Rebirth: There's a Little Lucky Wife at Home

The Age of Rebirth: There's a Little Lucky Wife at Home

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This is not mine and just copy from MTLDon't voteAuthor: Ji Xia ErbaType: time travel and rebirthStatus: CompletedLast update: 2024-01-30The latest chapter: Chapter 532 The best gift (finale)introduction︰There is a daughter in the Gu family, named "Mingzhu" which means the pearl in the palm of your hand.After finally growing up to a beautiful age, no one came to propose marriage.Gu Family: My pearl is naturally beautiful, these people are blind!Villager: Who is blind? Your girl is lazy, ugly, and fat!The Gu family raised their fists: What did you say? Say it again if you dare!The villagers dispersed in a hurry: I can't afford to offend you, why can't I hide?**The third brother is uneducated and has no skills. He is a scholar and a prodigal, and owes a lot of debt. The creditor comes to ask for money. If the money is not paid, they will be arrested to pay off the debt.For a while, the villagers avoided the Gu family like snakes and scorpions, fearing that they would get into trouble.But a certain man took the initiative to come to the door: Don't be afraid, I will take care of everything.**Gu Mingzhu: Farming, farming, farming.Unknowingly, the Gu family became a big family in the village.…



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Letters and words that would never reach those they were intended for.…

Same Day Private Tour Guide India Company Car Tour to Agra from Delhi

Same Day Private Tour Guide India Company Car Tour to Agra from Delhi

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introductoryWelcome to an enthralling voyage rich with past events and stunning scenery. A same-day car tour of Agra, coordinated by the prestigious Private Tour Guide India Company, is a convenient and thrilling way to discover the rich tapestry of Agra's cultural legacy from the comfort of a private vehicle. This tour is perfect for anyone who want to see the Taj Mahal, one of the most famous sites in the world, as much as possible in a short amount of time.…



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My honest opinions 💅

My honest opinions 💅

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Just comment a person, think or character and I will put my honest opinion, all the opinions will not be rude or offensive, I will try to make it as nice and polite as possible. If I have offended you I am deeply sorry and I didn't mean it. Please comment it otherwise I will have no comment.(I don't wanna flop, please)🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️…

The other girl's story

The other girl's story

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1300 years after the vanishing of all demons, the greatest villainess of all times has gotten reincarnated as an 18 year old girl. Refusing to be a toy of fate, she decides to gain godlike power in order to free herself from her past curse and chains. But why exactly has she taken over the girl's body? This is the second part of "Diary of a villainess." Check it out on my profile if you haven't yet.…



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I'm out of story Names…

Mental Illness

Mental Illness

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"Josh Harterson" had a bad mental illnes, depression disorder, anxiety disorder, eating disorder, sleep or wake disorder, Obsessive compulsive disorder.His girlfriend "Cassie De Laurentis" is worried about his behaviors and his mental illnes, she decided to leave him and Josh Harterson going crazy for her leaving him behind.Josh Harterson mother will protect him and take care of him but they didn't realize that someone is coming to haunt them.…