Read Stories Journey - REVISED EDITION - TeenFic.Net





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With Jack's death and the threat of Scorpia on the rise, Alex is sent to
his old SAS unit for protection. Haunted by his past and terrified of
his future, will Alex finally be able to heal and move on? Or has he
fallen past the point of saving? Remember, Scorpia never forgives and it
never forgets...
May be you like?


24 12 13

n the small, seemingly ordinary town of Willowbrook, a sinister secret lurks beneath the surface. Every year, without fail, a group of teenagers vanishes without a trace, only to return days later with no memory of their ordeal. For years, the town has whispered about the disappearances, but no one dares to uncover the truth.When seven teenagers, Ethan, Liam, Noah, Caleb, Ava, Isabella, and Maya, find themselves inexplicably transported to an unfamiliar town during their annual exploration, they stumble upon a deserted world frozen in time. As night falls, they soon realize that they are not alone, and that this town holds more than just empty streets and abandoned buildings.With danger lurking around every corner, the group must band together to unravel the mysteries of this cursed town and uncover the truth behind the disappearances. But as they delve deeper into the darkness, they soon realize that some secrets are better left buried, and that they may be in far more danger than they ever imagined.Will they uncover the truth before it's too late, or will they become the latest victims of Willowbrook's dark legacy?…

A love song

A love song

616 21 16

ဆူး တို့ သည်လည်း အမြဲတမ်းတော့ မဆူးနိုင်တစ်ခါတစ်ခါ သိပ်ကို နူးညံ့ လွန်းသည်ဆူး တို ့သည္လည္း အျမဲတမ္းေတာ့ မဆူးနိုင္တစ္ခါတစ္ခါ သိပ္ကို နူးညံ ့လြန္းသည္…

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

72 23 7

Neste livro irei falar abertamente sobre coisas que guardo há muito tempo e sinto que preciso pôr para fora...Resumindo, irei torná-lo meu diário digital."Ah pq vc não baixa um app?"Pq eu quero compartilhar esses pensamentos e acontecimentos com alguém que eu não vejo, então não me sinto tão julgada por isso.02/03/2024 #1 em desabafos…

Long a waited freedom

Long a waited freedom

0 0 1

Haley is being forced into a loveless marriage by her father for respect, money and land, after her mother's passing. She is being held against her will for something she doesn't want. Haley makes an escape. She will meet some extraordinary individuals who will help and inspire her along with some people who will try and harm her. But will Haley truly find what shes been waiting for?…

Adeeraditya - Love Of the Sun and the Moon

Adeeraditya - Love Of the Sun and the Moon

346 17 15

Princess of ChandrabhaagaCHANDRA ADEERA Gets married to the King of SuryavanshVIKRAM ADITYAAs to protect a treaty signed between the two kingdoms.Adeera didn't want to get married yet for some reasons,Meanwhile this was the first time Aditya showed interest in marriage.A stubborn princess married to a Strong headed king, how would their marriage turn out?…

Grian Angst |~One Shots~|

Grian Angst |~One Shots~|

269 4 8

I live for Grian Angst…



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AFP=時事】2011年にノルウェーで起きた爆破・銃乱射事件で77人を殺害した罪で禁錮21年の判決を受け服役中のアンネシュ・ベーリング・ブレイビク(Anders Behring Breivik)受刑者(44)が8日、刑務所での隔離生活が人権を侵害しているとして国を相手取り提訴した。9日には、国が過酷な収容環境で「私を自殺に追い込もうとしている」と涙ながらに訴えた。当局は、同受刑者は今も非常に暴力的で隔離は妥当だと反論した。 ブレイビク受刑者は、2011年7月22日にオスロの政府庁舎前で爆弾を爆発させ8人を殺害。その後、ウトヤ(Utoeya)島で開かれていた労働党青年部のキャンプで10代の若者ら69人を射殺した。2012年に禁錮21年を言い渡されたが、脅威と見なされる限り刑期は延びる可能性がある。厳重警戒が敷かれた刑務所で、他の受刑者から隔離された状態で12年近く服役している。 同受刑者は、長期の隔離は「非人道的」または「品位を傷つける」待遇を禁じる欧州人権条約第3条に違反すると主張している。 ブレイビク受刑者は公判2日目、「政府の狙いは、私を自殺に追い込もうとしていることにあるという印象を受ける」「その狙いは成功に近づいている。人との交流がなければ、もう生きてはいけない」と語った。公判は、警備上の理由から同受刑者が収容されているリンゲリケ(Ringerike)刑務所の体育館で開かれた。 ブレイビク受刑者は、ウトヤ島を囲む湖のほとりにある同刑務所でキッチン、家庭用ゲーム機のあるテレビルーム、エクササイズルームなど、複数の部屋への出入りを許されている。また、ペットを飼いたいという同受刑者の要望に応え、矯正当…

Book of Outlines

Book of Outlines

0 1 1

I share how the rewrite series came about!…

Pokemon Truth or Dare

Pokemon Truth or Dare

824 75 21

I've wanted to do one of these for a while, and now I finally get my chance. Thanks to @MinunAmour for the inspiration.Thank you for OurGodLitten for the cover.…



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