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Glamour And Gatsby

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This is a retelling of The Great Gatsby, but with a little more party that never killed nobody (Gatsby).
This story will start from the beginning and will have a lot of romantic twists.
This story will also be told from five characters point of view. Including; Gatsby, Daisy, Nick, Tom, and Jordan.
In this retelling, Daisy never met Gatsby before, and when he moves into his new mansion, she meets him for the first time, and you could say it is love at first sight, even though her husband is standing right next to her.
"Nobody has ever seen THE Gatsby. But every one in New York knows who is, just not what he looks like..."
"I've heard he has the most delightful eyes, and is the nicest gentleman a girl could ever wish for!" A girl screamed across from me while talking to her friends. It seemed as if there were thousands of people lined up to enter into Gatsby's home.

I have never seen so many flashing lights, and ritzy gorgeous women who were dressed as if they were attending the most fashionable show in the world.
Anyone could be anyone they wanted to be tonight, and I couldn't wait to see what Gatsby had waiting for his guests beyond his magnificent doors to his mansion.
Gatsby's butlers silenced the crowd begging to enter, and called out to everyone, "Let Gatsby's Glamorous Party Begin!"
Everyone rushed forward to enter into what seemed like an endless funhouse for adults.

You could tell by my puffy eyes that I had been crying all night. Thanks to one of my private investigators that I had hired to spy on Tom, they had shown me the evidence of another whore Tom has been sleeping with.
My mother always told me that men do not want to see a women with puffy eyes when they come home from their work business, because they think it makes their woman look weak and unattractive.
Knowing that my husband thinks I am unattractive because I cry is swell.
Maybe thats the reason Tom goes out to lay with other women, because his wife always cries.
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