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Teen Fiction



Game Changer

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Sophie Cooper is part of the social Elites at Ridgevale High, being friends with them since freshman year. They're the girls every guy wants to have and every girl wants to be, and the boys who make the female population swoon and gawk.

Alex Rosewood is part of the Rebels at Ridgevale High. They're popular too; but in a different way. With their leather jackets and badass vibes, they don't look like a particularly inviting group of people .

The Elite and Rebels hate each other. Despise each other actually. They're both aware of the very thin line which separates the two social groups.

But when Sophie and Alex get stuck after school together for the next few months forcing them to move beyond their rivalry, things begin to spiral out of control.

What happens when they become good friends and the Elite start playing games with Sophie? One that doesnt seem to have an ending.

Well, you change the game around of course...



highest ranking in romance: #4 (2020/02/23)
highest ranking in teen fiction: #165 (2020/02/23)

all rights reserved
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