Read Stories Encanto One Shots ❤︎ - TeenFic.Net




Encanto One Shots ❤︎

2,333 likes / 138,849 reads
Encanto x reader one shots

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Honestly, all the characters need more screen time.

All of these are headcannons, (most of them), so, don't take them too seriously.

Warning: cursing, smut
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this story is about from a uselles child to be a the richest mafia child. ⚠️this story might also have "violence, harming, cannibal, blood and shooting scene⚠️…

In the Grim Dark Future of the 41st Millenium There Is Only Cringe

In the Grim Dark Future of the 41st Millenium There Is Only Cringe

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It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries The Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war....And idiots....A LOT of idiots.And Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano of the Adeptus Custodes has to deal with them all.Emperor help her...…

além das leis da ciência

além das leis da ciência

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Na vibrante cidade de Nova York, a renomada cientista Dr. Emily Carter, de 28 anos, vive imersa em seu trabalho na vanguarda da pesquisa científica. Determinada e focada, ela dedicou sua vida ao estudo das complexidades do universo, deixando pouco espaço para o romance. Por outro lado, Alex Turner, um ambicioso estudante de direito de 25 anos, mergulha nos livros de leis, buscando justiça em um mundo muitas vezes contraditório.Em um encontro improvável durante uma conferência na universidade, os mundos de Emily e Alex colidem. Enquanto Emily está acostumada a lidar com moléculas e equações, Alex traz consigo a paixão pela justiça e uma perspicácia intelectual que a intriga. À medida que trabalham juntos em um projeto interdisciplinar, uma conexão profunda começa a florescer entre eles.Enquanto Emily mergulha em um mistério científico complexo, Alex oferece uma perspectiva única, desafiando-a a ver o mundo além das lentes da ciência. Enquanto isso, Alex encontra em Emily uma inspiração para perseguir seus sonhos com mais determinação e paixão.À medida que enfrentam desafios profissionais e pessoais, Emily e Alex descobrem que o amor pode transcender as fronteiras do conhecimento e das leis que governam o universo. Mas será que poderão conciliar suas vidas e carreiras tão diferentes, ou serão os obstáculos insuperáveis que os separarão para sempre?"Além das Leis da Ciência" é uma história envolvente sobre amor, descobertas e a busca pela verdade, que prova que o coração é o único órgão capaz de desafiar até mesmo as leis mais fundamentais do universo.…

The Knightstick Chronicles, Rough Justice

The Knightstick Chronicles, Rough Justice

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Justice is real... and he is a dick.After the death of his partner, John Morgan resigned himself to a life at the bottom of a bottle. But fate, and something much stranger, had other plans. A chance encounter forces John out of his reverie, and into the service of a spirit of justice. He is bestowed a mysterious talisman, thrusting him into a world of nightmares, and given a single choice; answer the prayers of the tormented innocent, or else be driven insane by visions of their suffering... Falling back on his old skills as a former cop, and donning the antique attire of lawmen of old, John must confront a new world of evil and corruption. Will he be able to rise to the challenge? Or will his past trauma prove to be more formidable than an army of shadow monsters...a supernatural noir tale of loss, redemption, and Justice!…



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The Mafia Twins Secret

The Mafia Twins Secret

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My first story don't Jude plz…



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[END] Wake up and be Married to Your Crush for Seven Years

[END] Wake up and be Married to Your Crush for Seven Years

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Judul Asli : 一觉醒来和暗恋对象结婚七年Author : 令章Sinopsis Ketika dia bangun, Bao Zhizhi diberitahu bahwa dia telah menikah selama tujuh tahun dengan siswa SMA yang dia sukai sejak lama - Zheng Chengzhuo, bunga terkenal dari gunung tinggi yang harus dijauhkan dari orang asing. di Sekolah Menengah No. 1!  Tapi dia jelas masih mahasiswa tahun kedua...  Melihat suami tampan dan kaya raya di sebelah kiri dan putri unik di sebelah kanan.  Bao Zhizhi tampak bingung: Apakah tali merah yang dia habiskan dua yuan untuk diikat di Kuil Yuelao berhasil?  *  Zheng Chengzhuo adalah satu-satunya putra orang terkaya di Kota Nanlin, ia luar biasa dalam pengetahuan dan penampilan. Namun, pria sombong itu menyembunyikan rahasia, yaitu kebutaan wajahnya.  Tapi ada satu wajah yang tidak akan pernah bisa dia lupakan setelah melihatnya sekali. Dalam verifikasi yang sulit dipercaya berulang kali, orang itu perlahan-lahan hidup di dalam hatinya.  Menghadapi amnesia mendadak istrinya, Zheng Chengzhuo dengan cepat menerima kenyataan ini, dan kemudian dengan tenang mulai mengenal, mengenal, dan jatuh cinta lagi dengan Bao Zhizhi dari 0 hingga 1...  Pada suatu malam, Bao Zhizhi tiba-tiba ingin makan nasi telur kepiting yang baru dipanggang, jadi dia pergi ke pasar makanan laut untuk membeli kepiting berbulu secara langsung tanpa berkata apa-apa.  Kemudian dia pulang dan pergi ke dapur untuk mengolah sendiri bahan-bahannya, dengan hati-hati memilih telur kepiting dan daging kepiting, lalu membawa semangkuk nasi telur kepiting dengan warna, rasa dan rasa yang lengkap ke kamar tidur dan meletakkannya di depan. istri kecilnya, yang kakinya bahkan belum menyentuh tanah.…



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Young, Dumb And Full Of.. You Know What I'm Not Gonna Say It...Follow Onika And Beyonce On This Wild Ride Of Highschool Venturing Into Adult Hood. Relationships Will Be Tested And Bonds Will Be Broken But Who Will Make It Out?…



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#boni #gmik #better ver.…