Read Stories Dont Let Your Bully Bite (BILL KAUILTZ)x(reader) - TeenFic.Net




Dont Let Your Bully Bite (BILL KAUILTZ)x(reader)

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I know another y/n book well yes..I used to be a people pleaser but now I'm not..but sense I love yall

This book tells the love story of an ex bully and a heartbroken beauty Y/n, y/n thought her old high school would be perfect a dream world even but she was wrong, She was cheated on and betrayed her friend Tom kauiltz stuck around though making sure to bring his brother Bill around alot he was kind of a bully to yn sometimes it went to far and sometimes she thought of him as a caring guy read to see what happends and if they grow closer.
(also there is alot of drama like way to much in every part of the story so if you don't like drama this isn't your cup of tea)
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