Read Stories Dark Sky - TeenFic.Net

Science Fiction



Dark Sky

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The blinding flash came first, so intense that it blinded even through closed eyes. The deafening thunder followed very shortly after, as the burning light began to subside.
The cloud appeared as a silhouette at first against the whiteout, but as the sky returned to normal colour the iconic mushroom could be seen rising into the sky.
The heat wave was the first to unleash its deadly power, burning hotter than the sun everything in its path incinerated instantly. Everything from stone to the air itself vaporised in an instant for miles around the blast.
Then came the shock wave to finish where the heat wave left off, levelling everything in its path. Everything above ground level ripped from it place and blown to pieces as if it was nothing more than paper.
All life for miles around the cloud simply erased from existence, as if it was never there at all.

Gone in only few minutes.
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