Read Stories (Canceled) Ninjas Among The Devils (Kamen Rider Shinobi x High School DxD)   - TeenFic.Net




(Canceled) Ninjas Among The Devils (Kamen Rider Shinobi x High School DxD)

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In a world where Devils, Angles and Fallen Angels exist. They keep their existence a secret form humanity but unbeknown to them, their existence have already been discovered by some of the Ninja Clans.

Because of this the ninjas have swift their objectives from serving their Lords to protect humanity from the shadow.

Our story will begin with our protagonist and his household of Ninja defend Kouh from Stray Devils, Fallen Angels and dealing with the 3 faction that might want to use their power for their agenda.

(I don't own High School DxD or Kamen Rider Shinobi, that also includes the images in this book)

(This my first story so sorry for any inconsistency, bad vocabulary or bad grammar)
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