Read Stories ADONIA | #Historical | RomePi™ - TeenFic.Net




ADONIA | #Historical | RomePi™

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RomePi™ Webisode Productions brings you a Curvy Historical Romance Community Episode created by Andrea T. aka Ilianna Binoche and found exclusively on Wattpad... for now. 😂😆😎

#DISCLOSURE #CelebrateBlackStories #EyesLipsFierce

***This story is loosely based on a fictional historical romance***

TIME: The Year of Our Lord 1691
"Who are you?" The young woman with the big brown eyes backs away from the stranger sure she has made a terrible mistake. She was warned against leaving her suite unattended but her curiosity gets the better of her when the entrance of a hidden passage comes into view in her room.

"Come back here this instant." He calls after her in a language she can just barely understand. The man with long wavy black hair and light gray eyes continues his pursuit of her. Now, she wishes she had remained in the safety of her father's arms.

As her eyes land on a door she believes to be the one that led her to him, she reaches out to open the door but finds that she is a few seconds too late. Roughly, his strong hand grabs at her arm and spins her around until her back is up against the wall.

"I will ask you once more. Who are you?" He towers over her as the firm expression on his face convinces her that he may harm her if she doesn't respond.

"I am... Princess... Princess Adonia."
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