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The Marquis is Innocent / The Prisoner of Beauty

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"The Lord Is Innocent" is an ancient romance novel written by Penglai Ke. It was originally titled "Zhang Zhangjiao" when it was serialized, but was renamed "The Lord Is Innocent" when it was published.171 Chapters (Completed)Associated Names:The Prisoner of Beauty君侯本无邪折腰烽火红绡 (drama)Married on behalf of her sister and became the wife of a family feud. The moment she boarded the sedan chair, Xiao Qiao was prepared to live alone for the rest of her life. As she expected, Wei Shao failed to come to the wedding and got married hastily. He had to send her back to his hometown the day after the wedding. She thought they would spend their lives "respecting each other like ice", but they encountered twists and turns one after another.She was kidnapped by thieves. He led his troops to rescue her and slaughtered the enemy city in anger.She was framed by her mother-in-law, and he stood up and scolded her to protect his wife."You are truly a disaster.""Who am I to blame?""Woe to my heart."But Xiao Qiao knew very well in her heart that she was the one who harmed the king's heart, but there was someone else who took advantage of the king's heart. It's just that the love has reached this point, even if she's like the moth flies into the flame, she can't look back.Wei Shao's part.At first, Marquis of Yan, Wei Shao, was advised to marry the Qiao's daughter : "The Qiao's family has been in the Eastern County for three generations, although declining, but deeply honoured, like the hundred-foot insects that die but not stiff. My Lord is majestic and powerful. The family of Qiao has begged the Lord, so why not take the daughter of the Qiao family and use her?"Later, Wei Shao finally understood and hit his own face. It's hurt, really hurt.Xiao Qiao's part.Hmm, men are indeed cheap bones. The Emperor is the same.…



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Love with an Appetite
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Her Fault

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ទង្វើរស្រីម្នាក់ប្រព្តឹត្តិហួសហេតុមកលើប្អូនស្រីតែម្នាក់ដែលជាដង្ហើមនិងក្តីសង្ឃឹមរបស់គេ។ គំនុំមួយនេះមិនបានប៉ុន្មានក៍ប្រែជាក្តីអាណិតអាសូរ បែរជាមេត្តា ថែមទាំងថែរក្សាថ្នាក់ថ្នមរូបនាងដូចជាកែវភ្នែកទៅវិញ។ អ្នកកម្លោះគីមថេយ៉ុងត្បិតថាមានកំហឹងចំពោះស្រីល្អ ប៉ុន្តែមិនយូរប៉ុន្មានក៍ត្រូវភាពឆ្មើងឆ្មៃគួឲ្យស្រឡាញ់របស់នាងពង្វក់ស្មារតីនិងអារម្មណ៍ទាំងទ្វេររបស់គេ។Taehyung x Junny…



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She's the oldest child of Jake Sully,and is always going to protect her family. What happens though when she meets Miles Quaritch,will she have to pick sides or will he join her side. Or will she join his.…

Christina lukasiak(Dance moms)

Christina lukasiak(Dance moms)

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What If Chloe lukasiak has a twin sister who is the favorite?…