The End...!

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Sorry about that abrupt ending. I like to have the reader fantasize about what happens next. Plus, I have been really excited to start uploading chapters of my "Subaru x Reader" fanfiction. I have so many ideas for that one.


If you want me to write a desired scenario as an ending for you, make a few comments. If I see the comment, I will tag you in the chapter once I make it. Be descriptive.

Now, I have a lot of questions to ask you, the readers!

Q) Who is your favorite brother/character?
A) My favorite character is Subaru, Carla Tsukinami or Karl Heinz. I can't make up my mind.

Q) Who is your least favorite character?
A) Kanato. ;-;

Q) Which character would you most likely be friends with?
A) Beatrix. ^^

Q) Did you like the story?!
A) I liked some parts, other parts I wasn't too proud with.

Q) Which character do you want me to write about?
A) Richter

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