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"My arms," Starvos thinks and he and Reya plummet towards the bay. They have the now familiar yellow haze around them, but he's too scared of hurting Reya even more than she already is. He doesn't know what to do, but he does know they are running out of time and quick.

"This is it, my fallen star," Dr. Mayhew thinks aloud, "now show us how you shine." He watches from the roof of a skyscraper across the bay.

"I want every second of their fall recorded," Anna Bone Vichi has ran to the overlook of the bridge with her camera man, Scott, who is still rolling.

Merrick's van screeches, as rounds a curve to an embankment in front of the bridge.

"Gia," Merrick orders as she hops out.

"I'm on it," she tells him. The van drives away as she focuses on the falling Starvos and Reya. She holds both of hands out and concentrates everything on them. She is able to capture them and they stop falling.

Starvos holds Reya as they stop in midair. He looks down at the water, with his arms still emitting the yellow haze. The crowd gasps above as they watch to see if the continue falling. They are stopped too far out and below the bridge for anyone on it to help them, but they still have a substantial drop to the water.

"I don't know what's happened," Starvos says to himself. He moves his arms to the side of him.

"Starvos," Reya drifting into consciousness, "you have to fly."

"Don't fight me, you idiots," Gila grunts from the embankment.

Winston watches is fear with the rest of the crowd.

"Dr. Mayhew knows what he's doing, I think . . ." he says in a whisper.

"Droids," Dr. Mayhew has pressed a Bluetooth in his ear, while staring at Gila's general direction, "attack her."

"Ahhg," Gia moans as she is taken down by a droid, losing her concentration on Starvos and Reya, and letting them fall, once again.

The crowd on the bridge gasps upon seeing them fall again.

"Merrick," Sage calls out standing by the van, looking out to the bridge. Merrick comes out from behind the van.

Starvos and Reya fall forward, with Starvos's free hand falling forward first.

"I need to fly," Starvos thinks as they fall. Yellow beams fly from his free hand and immediately go under them, forming an oval. It catches them and Starvos is able stand on the oval that his yellow rays have formed. He, still holding Reya, zips out over the bay at a high speed.

"He did it," Sage smiles and is relieved, "he finally did it."

"Ladies and gentleman, this is a sight to see," Anna Bone Vichi reports, "it appears that the fallen star only known to us as Starvos, can fly. That's right, you can believe ears, I said he can fly. You can even see it and believe it."

"You've picked the wrong lady to mess with tonight," Gia tells two droid-hybrids as she holds them in place with her telepathy. She claps her hands together and they smash into each other. A different tube from a third droid-hybrid whips towards only to be stopped when she turns around and glares at it. She snaps her fingers and swings her arm back to rip it from the droid-hybrid. The droid-hybrid is then lifted into the air and she swings herself in a turn to throw it into the bay.

"Must exterminate," she hears one of the droid-hybrids that she slammed into another one call out.

"How are you still operating?" she asks herself as she turns back to them. Each of the droid-hybrid now stands, obviously damaged and they each whip out coiled tube at her, each one securing one of her arms.

"You knew about this, didn't you," Winston shouts as he runs up to Merrick and Sage. Merrick is strapping a jet pack onto Sage's back. "You knew he was never in any danger, didn't you-both of you?"

"Winston, we don't have time for this," Sage casually brushes him off, strapping another strap to himself into the jetpack.

"Winston, not everything is as it appears," Merrick says switching on the device, "everything looks good to go."

"What are you doing now, Winston asks?

"Go check on Gia," Sage tells Merrick, ignoring Winston "I'll be fine."

"You know where we'll be," Merrick tells him and begins to close up the van before hopping in and taking off.

"Are you seriously going to ignore me?' Winston asks frustrated, "what are you doing now, Sage."

"Just stand back and watch," Sage finally answers him, "or better yet, go talk to your friend, Anna Bone Vichi." Sage begins to lift in the air, thanks to the jet pack and Winston takes a few steps back.

"We're not friends," Winston shouts up to him.

"You've seen it here, first," Anna Bone Vichi reports, then gets a glimpse of Sage in the jet pack, "ladies and gentleman it looks like-it is, one of Merrick Hargrave's henchmen has taken to the air in what looks to be a rocket pack of some kind."

Sage has reached the same level as the droid-hybrid, but remains floating in the air.

"You're mine," Sage says before firing his weapon. It is a direct hit on the droid and an electric pulse is delivered. The droid-hybrid spasms and sparks shoot out from it it. "Got it," Sage says with a grin.

Gia is held in the air by all three droid-hybrids, two by her arms and the third one, which emerged from the water, by her waist. They slam her down into the ground.

"I can play that game too," Gia tells them. Using her telekinesis, she lifts them in the air, but her legs are pulled out from under her by the third one. Gila face plants on the ground as she hears the screeching from Merrick's van. He hops out with a weapon of his own and fires it at the coiled tubes that hold Gia, slicing through them, allowing her to stand.

"It's about time I got some back up," she tells him, "these are different."

"I know," Merrick fires his weapon again and this time it's a direct hit on one of the droid hybrids, taking out a chunk of it's body. "I couldn't make sense of their readings when I drove up," Merrick tells her as he hits the second one. Both of the droid-hybrids fall to the ground. Gia now holds up the third one with her psychic ability and Merrick fires at it, destroying it.

"Where's Sage?" Gia asks.

Sage is struck by the coiled tube as it whips out against him. He falls just a little, but is able to regain his momentum.

"I don't understand," Sage says to himself, "you should have been out of commission by now. I can't let it fall on the people below, so I have no choice to to use my big gun." He switches weapons and begins to fire at the droid-hybrid, hitting it every time. The droid-hybrid begins to shatter with every hit, but Sage continues to fire at the pieces until he's hit everyone one, making them small enough to where their impact will seem like nothing. "I didn't want to do that," Sage comments aloud putting his weapon away.

"He's fine," Merrick reassures Gia who now faces the bay where Starvos is zooming over it. "You can do this," Merrick encourages her, "it's just like we practiced." She concentrates on Starvos as hard as she can.

Starvos can feel the wind in his hair, a feeling he knows he has felt before. He is happy, content and feels as if he's proven himself right.

"Starvos, this is Gia," Gia's voice resonates in his head, "I am taking Reya. See if you can turn and come back to us. We're near the bay beach before you get to the bridge."

"How is she-" Starvos wanders allowed but sees Reya begin to float away from him, "I guess this is her."

Starvos turns his head to the right and finds that he has turned right as he flies. He notices just for a second, D. Mayhew standing on a skyscraper, but then he turns back looking forward in order to complete the turn. He is now heading back to the bridge. "That man," Starvos says allowed, "I've seen him somewhere before, but where?"

Suddenly, Starvos feels a jolt and then flies from the yellow rays forward into the air. Everything appears to be in slow motion for him This feeling-what has happened? He's felt it before, this has happened before, he's falling- just like before.

The crowd on the bridge gasps as Starvos falls into the water, in the middle of the bay. Winston also watches on, in fright.

"Nice job," Dr. Mayhew speaks into his blue tooth, "we're done here." He turns, walking away.

"Ladies and gentleman," Anna Bone Vichi reports into her camera, "it appears the fallen star has fallen again."

Winston's cell phone rings, nearby and he answers it.

"I've sent a limo for you," Dr. Mayhew's voice instructs him, "good work, tonight, Winston."

"You called me- you can't just leave like this," Winston says into his phone.

"We can and will," Dr. Mayhew's voice comes back.

Starvos, having splashed into the water back first, sinks slowly. As he sinks, he notices all of the stars in the sky and how even though he's in water, they still shine bright.

"The stars," he thinks, "I was so close to going to back up there, becoming one with them again. I knew I wasn't crazy, I did it. I can fly. It was just like my dream. The small lights from the city, the wind, I missed feeling the wind" Starvos continues to sink, "What more could I want?" A smile comes across his face as he let's his breath out. "I know the stars are my home and I can go back to them if . . ." he closes his eyes for just a moment and re-opens them. The stars are becoming further away and everything is growing darker. "Reya believed in me," he thinks happily, " she somehow knew I had the ability to fly and she trusted me. Reya, how did you know?" Starvos has hit the bottom of the bay and he looks up . It's dark and he can still see a few tiny lights-stars trying to break through the water. He feels a hand, suddenly he's dragged but up and breaks through the water's surface. He gasps deeply for the air.

"Starvos," he hears Sage through his water clogged hearing, "Starvos, are you okay?" Sage holds him up in the water, "are you okay, man?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Starvos nods his head.

"Can you not swim?" Sage floats a little away, "because you can definitely float."

Sage swims him back to sure and helps him ashore. "We became a little worried about you," Sage tells him, helping him onto the bank, "when you didn't resurface, Gia gave me a little help to come get you."

"I'm . . .I'm sorry," Starvos apologizes.

"Don't be sorry, Starvos," Merrick tells him, climb on in, we need to get you two back home and into new clothes."

"How's Gia?" Sage asks climbing up the bank.

"She's fine," Merrick lends him a hand, "Reya will be okay and Gia needs rest. I'm sure Starvos will be fine as well. Let's go.


"And we're out," her camera man tells her as Anna Bone Vici let's out a sigh. "Okay, let's-" she is interrupted by her cell phone ringing. "Anna Bone Vici speaking," she answers it, "you better be quick because we have to evacuate the bridge before night creatures begin to swarm." She listens as a muffled voice speaks to her on the other end.

"What is it?" the cameraman asks, trying to listen too, but she turns away from him.

"Uh-huh, is that so?" she talks into her phone, "well, you know I don't do overnights, but I'll be there first thing in the morning." She clicks the phone off as she begins to walk off.

"Mind telling me what our assignment will be tomorrow?" the cameraman asks.

"We're staying on this falling star," she turns back to him, "but I was just informed there's going to be a media stakeout at the Hargrave gates, near the mansion."

"And they wanted us to represent-" the cameraman begins, but Anna is quick to cut him off.

"They wanted me," she corrects him, "but Anna Bone Vici stays out for no one. After last night, I don't even want see of those awful night creatures. Tomorrow morning, Anna Bone Vici will at the front of that gate and I will get an explanation about what that falling star is. Now, let's get out of here. Go, get the van ready." The cameraman does as Anne tells him. As she adjusts her jacket, something on the ground catches her eye. She walks over to it and looks around. The rest of the media and crowd that had gather have began dispersing, just as she plans to. She talks out a napkin and bends over and picks the small piece up. She examines it as stands up. It is a small piece of the droid-hybrid that fell to the ground from Sage's earlier battle with it. "this could come in handy," she says to herself, wrapping it up in the napkin and then leaving.


Merrick's black van has turned onto the road that leads to the Hargrave Institute. As it nears the front gates, lights ahead ctah his and Sage's eyes.

"What are those?" Sage asks as Merrick drives.

"I'm not sure, use one of the cameras to zoom in," Merrick tells him. As Sage does, Starvos sits in the seat with a resting Reya while Gia lays in the back. He looks ahead and sees the small blurs that are lights too.

"It's the press," Sage announces, looking onto a screen that is embedded into the front dashboard.

"I expected as much," Merrick admits as he drives, "I am surprised they waited this long."

"I haven't seen them staked out at night in years," Sage looks on, "they have a few guards to fend off the night creatures, but I don't know how long they last."

"You know what this means," Merrick tells him.

"How do we get in?" Starvos asks.

"There's a reason why I made a back way," Merrick announces, "and this isn't the first time we've used it."

"You thinking underground?" Sage asks.

"You read my mind," Merrick answers him. Before the van approaches the small group that has set up in front of the gate, Merrick takes a detour onto a side road.

"It's them," a reporter at the gates shouts, having witness the van turn. As they drive, Starvos watches as a piece of road lifts up from the ground, revealing a hidden tunnel and the van drives inside of it.

Moments later Starvos follows Merrick as he carries an unconscious Reya into the laboratory. The lights immediately come on once they enter and he follows Merrick to a side room. Merrick walks into a curtain that Starvos pulls, watching as Merrick lays Reya down on a bed.

"What is this?" Starvos asks.

"Just a small medical area I set up," Merricks tells him, "Reya will rest here for the night. I will need to run a few tests to find out what exactly happened to her, but I suspect she given a heavy dose of some kind of drug. I fully expect her to recover by morning."

"What should I do?" Starvos asks.

"I want you to rest," Merrick calmly tells him, "you've . . . had a very exciting evening Starvos."

"I'm . . . sorry if I'm the cause of this," Starvos apologizes.

"Starvos," Merrick now turns his full attention to him, "you have nothing to be sorry about and I blame you for none of this. You were in the right place at the right time and you made a very exciting discovery about yourself. It's a discovery that I am expecting you to work on tomorrow. Maybe we can begin with some basic training."

"Training?" Starvos asks.

"Just to see what you know," Merrick assures him, "if anything feels uncomfortable, you don't have to do it."

"What about Sage and Gia?" Starvos asks.

"Gia just needs her rest," Merrick has now starting hooking up a few machines to Reya, "and Sage will . . . do as I need him to. It's okay for you to rest Starvos. I will tend to Reya. You have nothing to worry about."

"Okay," Starvos agrees and turns and walks away.


The door to the roof of the Hargrave Institute opens as Starvos steps out. He is surprised to see that Sage already stands on the roof.

"Hey, Starvos," Sage greets him, then continues looking on.

"I didn't expect to see anyone out here," Starvos tells him.

"You're not planning on pulling a disappearing act on us, are you?" Sage jokes with him. A moment passes with Starvos not getting the joke, then Sage gives him a friendly jab with his elbow. "I'm joking," he tells him and continues to look forward.

"I just wanted to see the stars, before I went to sleep," Starvos tells him, "but all of those people, down there, they're here because of me."

"It's really nothing," Sage tries to make light of the situation, "this happens . . . occasionally. When people want answers, they'll stage a little stake out at the front gates, but it never lasts all night. Too many night creatures."

"And that's why you're up here?" Starvos asks.

"I always keep an eye out, in case they need help," Sage tells him, "sometimes Merrick does it, one time we both kept watched. No one should be subject to those creatures, but if they insist on being here at night, well it's the least we can do."

"They want answers about me, who I am, what I am," Starvos now looks on, "answers I don't necessarily have. They want to know who the falling star is but they don't know that I want to know too."

"You're one us now," Sage turns him and lays a hand on his shoulder, "and they are curious, because I mean, it's not every day they see someone learn how to fly. You were right, Starvos, you can fly."

Starvos now looks up to the sky at all of the twinkling stars in the sky.

"Merrick said I should start some basic training," Starvos tells him.

"That's because he knows-" Sage is cut of by Starvos.

"He knows that one day, I'll go back to them, I'll fly to the stars," Starvos says, still staring up at the sky.


Winston enters the wide and open area of Dr. Mayhew's compound where he finds the doctor standing below a large screen that is broadcasting several newscasts about that night's earlier events with Starvos.

"Of course you'd be watching all of that," Winston snorts.

"Ah, you are here," Dr. Mayhew acknowledges his presence, then looks back up at his large screen.

"Yes and I so enjoyed the responsibility of heading your cleanup crew that also returned right behind me," Winston tells him sarcastically, "I don't think anyone has ever seen remnants of the night creatures before."

"Yes, my latest project was a success," Dr. Mayhew tells him, unwavering from the screen.

"What is it with you and that stupid Starvos?" Winston has now become angry at failing to captures the doctor's attention, "you should already know Merrick and Sage have turned him against you. And if you don't realize that, then you're just stupid. It's like you're obsessed."

"You know I need him," Dr. Mayhew fires back, but catches himself before losing his temper, "Winston, do I sense a hint of jealously over the falling star?"

"What?" Winston asks completely caught off guard by the question, "pssh, no and I don't know what or who you need because you never tell me anything. You treat me like I am one of your droids, a servant."

"My droids are more than servants," Dr. Mayhew fires back, "and like all of my projects, Winston, you too needed to be tested."

"So, I'm one of your little projects too?" Winston asks in shock.

"You could be," Dr. Mayhew begins to walk around him, examining him with his eyes as he does, "that is if you want to be."

"I don't know what you mean?" Winston tells him, confused.

"I chose you for a very specific reason, Winston," Dr. Mayhew tells him, "you have experienced with the cities Transit Courier office, which means you were allowed into a lot of places, a lot of places where many us simply could not get into. You had trust, you had to earn that trust and I believe people

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