Surprisingly, I missed you.

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"I'm sorry, that was... odd." The thing says. He turns to Thor, putting some clothes on, much to Ana's relief. The girl felt the familiar burst of wind and Pietro was standing in between her and his sister. "Thank you." He turns and floats back down to the ground, giving himself a cape out of thin air.

"Thor, you helped create this?" Steve asks incredulously.

"I've had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at it's center is that." Thor says as he points to the gem inside the body's head.

"We can call him Vision!" Ana proudly exclaims, dropping her smile when she receives the glare from everyone for ruining the serious mood. "Sorry." She mutters as the speedster returns his hand to her back.

"What, the gem?" Bruce asks, bringing everyone back on topic.

"It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities." Thor explains to everyone not from Asgard.

"Then why would you bring it to-"

"Because Stark is right." Thor cuts off Steve.

"Oh, it's definitely the end times." Bruce mumbles, earning a nod from Ana.

"We should really start specifying which Stark because I feel like I was more right." Ana mutters as she rubs her face.

"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron." Thor says, the team ignoring Ana's comment once again.

"Not alone." Vision says.

"Why does your 'vision' sound like Jarvis?" Steve asks and Ana just now realized that was true, and kind of creepy.

"We... we reconfigured Jarvis' matrix to create something new." Tony says as he glances away from the android and to his sister.

"So... no more Jarvis?" Ana asks, looking between the geniuses that programmed it.

"I think I've had my fill of new." Steve mutters and Ana rolls her eyes. She had her fill new once Ultron questioned her worthiness.

"You think I'm a child of Ultron?" Vision asks.

"You're not?" Steve asks as he takes a step closer to the android.

"I'm not Ultron. I'm not Jarvis. I am... I am." Vision says as he stares at Wanda with curiosity.

"I looked in your head and saw annihilation." The enhanced girl says.

"Look again."

"Yeah. Her seal of approval means jack to me." Clint says, stepping in closer to Ana, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You know, you're acting pretty shitty towards the people that saved me." Ana says, turning her head to face the older man. Pietro still had his hand on her lower back, and Clint also maintained his contact with her.

"Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone, and they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side-" Thor continues.

"Is it? Are you? On our side?" Steve asks slowly.

"I don't think it's that simple." Vision states, Ana knew that was a bad move.

"Well it better get real simple real soon." Clint tightened his grip on Ana's shoulder.

"I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't, he will end it all."

"What's he waiting for?" The older Stark speaks up.



"Sokovia. He's got Nat there too." Clint says. Ana places one of her hands over Clint's, while turning to look at the Maximoff twins.

"If we're wrong about you, if you're the monster that Ultron made you to be-" Bruce threatens.

"What will you do?" Vision questions. He looks at the Avengers and company, quickly realizing they will destroy him if he tries anything. "I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique, and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the earth, so he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net, we have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are, and not what you intended. So there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go." Much to everyone's surprise, he holds up Thor's hammer and hands it to him. Vision walks off and everyone stares in shock. Thor turns around, patting Tony on the shoulder.

"Right. Well done." The demigod says. Everyone turns to look at Steve.

"Three minutes. Get what you need." The patriot orders. Not even seconds later, Ana is almost knocked back by the force of a hug.

"Surprisingly, I missed you." Ana mutters as she hugs her brother back with extreme force.

"Can it, Banana." Tony said as he pulled away, letting Bruce have his turn for a hug. Then Thor came in for a bone crushing embrace.

"Man, I've missed you guys." Ana says as she ruffles Bruce's hair. Clint grabs the sides of her face and presses a kiss to her forehead. "But I've got to get ready." Ana turned on her heel, grabbing the hands of both Maximoff's.

"I need some supplies." Pietro says as Ana stops in front of the elevator.

"Yeah, that's where we're going hot stuff." Ana jokes as she pats his shoulder, feeling Wanda nudge her with her elbow.

"Hot stuff?" Pietro raises his eyebrow at her, the smirk on his face telling her he liked the nickname.

"Oh we both know I'm not afraid to compliment your attractiveness."

"You think my brother is hot?" Wanda says incredously as the elevator doors open on the training level. Ana's response was a loud laugh.

"Okay, there's some clothes in here." Ana says as she points to a row of lockers. The brunette opened her own, taking out an extra suit. The one she was wearing was bloody and ripped from the fight in the salvage yard. Ana unzipped her suit, leaving her in a sports bra and spandex shorts before pulling the new one on. The younger Stark turned around, seeing Pietro's red face and Wanda's large smirk.

"He was checking you out." Wanda teases her brother, and Ana laughs again.

"Does your brother think I'm hot?" Ana teases Pietro as well, before turning on her heel to get replacement weapons. When the girl came back, she saw the speedster pull down a tight shirt, briefly seeing his abs.

"Ana, quit drooling." Pietro teases from across the room. Ana rolled her eyes as she continued to tuck the daggers into the specialized holsters attached to her suit. She heard a gasp come from Wanda and she looked up, seeing Pietro threw a jacket at her and she wasn't expecting that. Ana picked up three spare comms from the room, and walked to the elevator with the twins hot on her heels. She wanted to make one more stop before leaving. Once the doors closed and began taking them to the selected floor, Ana held out her palm with two black devices sitting on it.

"These are comms. It's what we use to talk to each other on the field. Do not destroy it." Ana directed the last part to Pietro, referring to what he did when they first met. He gave her a sheepish look before placing it in his ear, his sister doing the same.

"Where are we going?" Wanda ask curiously as Ana walked out of the elevator.

"Uhm... it's kinda my office. If I did actual work." Ana says as she pushes open her art lab doors.

"Hello, Miss Stark, Miss Maximoff, and Mr. Maximoff." Dorothy greeted from the suit.

"Hey, yeah, I need you to get on the Quinjet." Ana says awkwardly, not sure if that's how the suit works.

"Very well, Miss Stark."

"It's Ana. Just call me Ana."

"This is your art?" Pietro asks, his accent making Ana's stomach butterflies throw a party. She turns her head slightly to see he was studying a painting she made the other day before grabbing a folded piece of paper off her desk.

"Yeah, but now we should go. I have a feeling those three minutes are up by now." Ana says as she pulls his hand out the door, where Wanda was already waiting. The trio walked in silence to the elevator, and Ana and Pietro's hands were still loosely entwined together. Once they were finally out of the elevator, Wanda walked forward, but the speedster pulled Ana's hand so the duo lagged behind.

"You know, if we survive this, I'm going to have to ask you on a date." Pietro muses, pretending that it was a horrible thing to spend time with Ana.

"Yeah. If we survive, I'm going to have to say yes to that date." Ana dropped the speedster's hand, walking over to her brother, Steve, and Thor.

"No way we all get through this. If even one tin soldier is left standing, we've lost. It's gonna be blood on the floor." Tony says solemnly, turning to his teammates and wrapping an arm around Ana's waist, pulling the girl into a side hug.

"I got no plans tomorrow night." Steve says and Ana rolls her eyes.

"Yeah you do. You said you'd take me to dinner!" Steve smiled weakly at her, hoping he'd be able to fulfill his promise.

"I get first crack at the big guy. Iron Man's the one he's waiting for." Tony says as Vision walks past, joining in the conversation.

"That's true, he hates you the most."

No one spoke after that until they were on the jet.

Ana had claimed the seat next to Wanda, wanting to have a chance to talk to the girl in case she didn't make.

"Hey." Ana said quietly. Wanda turned her head towards her, worry spread across her face even if she had a small smirk.

"I figured you'd sit next to my brother." The enhanced girl teases, earning a blush and small smile from the other girl. Pietro was sitting a few seats down from the two girls who were speaking in hushed voices so he couldn't hear.

"You know, I don't exactly plan on making it back alive." Ana's statement elicited an even more worried look from Wanda. "I mean, civilians come first. I can't plan a future if it's not promised to me. This is what I've been training for, since, since the Avengers Initiative was created. A group of people that come together to defeat people trying to be a big bad bully."

"Does it ever get difficult to do the job?" Wanda asked in a voice that was barely audible.

"Hell yeah. These people are my family, it's hard as fuck to just accept that you might never see them again." Ana says, training her gaze on everyone on the jet. "What I'm saying is, I don't want to lead on your brother when I'm fully prepared to be ripped apart by the bots so a little kid can have their future." Wanda paused, letting an appropriate time pass before starting on a different topic.

"I saw your art, it's really good." Wanda spoke, a small smile on her face. Ana laughed lightly, pulling out the folded piece of paper.

"Here, have this." Ana says as she carefully unfolds the paper. Back at the Avengers Tower, before everything went to hell, they had a short clip of the Maximoff's protesting a few years back. Ana had paused the video and sketched it, she was proud of how it turned out. The female twin smiled, admiring the small drawing and Ana's attention to detail.

"This is definitely something I'll keep."


Ana stop being emotional I'm going to cry.

Wanda better keep that drawing safe cause she's gonna want it to remember someone by.

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