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Storyline of 'The Force Unleashed' video game.

Requested by goldedrag111


2nd POV

You can't remember a time before the Empire or Lord Vader. All that has been instilled in your mind is, kill or be killed, and unfortunately for your victims, you've been given a lightsaber to assist that motto. Being Lord Vader's most successful Inquisitor was an honor, and a privilege.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  Over the past few years, you've slaughtered countless Jedi. Shaak Ti, Rahm Kota, and Kazdan Paratus, just to name a few. You've been getting remarkably stronger, and you felt as if Vader was getting weary of your presence as his apprentice, as if you'll turn on him,

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  The slick-black boots of Vader clomped noisily on the ground in front of your bowed head. He wasn't saying anything, which was never a good sign,

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  "Master, is there a new target for me?" you questioned, not removing your eyes from the sleek-grey floor below you.

Noticing him stop directly in front of you, you raised your eyes up to his cold shell-of-eyes, "Yes, my apprentice," the metallic voice of your Master called out, "A holocron has been located. On it are all the future force-sensitive children. Bring it back to me, and we shall hunt down the remainder of them together."

"What about the Emperor, my Lord?" you asked, "Won't he be suspicious of something if he notices we found a holocron?"

Darth Vader continued to pace around, "Don't question my bidding, (L/N). We will deal with the Emperor in our own time, whether he gets suspicious or not."

"Yes, my Lord," you answered, "I assume you've sent the coordinates and a rendezvous point to my pilot?"

Vader paused again, "Rise, my Apprentice."

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  Doing as your Master requested, you sensed his anger peaking, "I command you to prove yourself. You've shown an attachment to that Pilot, and we can't have that. When you retrieve the holocron, I command you to kill Juno Eclipse, then report back to me."

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  "But Master," you beckoned, "She's done nothing wrong! Why must I kill her to prove allegiance to you, when I've already proven myself many times over?"

You felt the familiar feeling of an aggressive force-choke, and immediately your feet floated off the hard floor below. Clawing at your neck, you began to squeak out breaths, just trying to break free,

"Just that reply alone makes me wonder if it's wise to keep you alive," Vader mechanically croaked, "Do my bidding, and I'll forget this ever happened."

And just like that, your Master let go of your throat, and you collapsed back to the floor; your lungs gasping for air, "Yes, my Master," you breathily replied, bowing again, "I apologize for thinking otherwise."

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  "Now go," Vader commanded, which resulted in you immediately racing out of the room and towards your ship, where your pilot was eagerly awaiting.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  You could feel your anger rising like water in a dam. It was only a matter of time before it bursted open, and you would do something you'd definitely regret,

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  "You alright, (Y/N)?" the familiar voice of your friend, and pilot called out, "You seem angrier than normal. What mission has Lord Vader sent us on this time?"

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  You glanced up, your anger immediately melting away at just the sight of her, "His sources have located a Jedi Holocron. We have been commanded to go to Kashyyyk, apparently a lone Wookiee Jedi is protecting the artifact."

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  "Let's get moving then," Juno smiled, turning around and climbing up the port to the ship, "It's a long way to Kashyyykโ€” wouldn't want to make Lord Vader angry by taking too long, hmm?" she hummed out as you stiffly followed her up the stairs.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  Never before have you questioned your Master's methods. You always had pure tunnel vision when it came to serving under the strongest Sith you've ever met, but now? You were doubting his abilities to know right from wrong. Juno was important to youโ€” more important than that bucket of bolts would ever know or understand,

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  "What's on your mind?" Juno asked, laying her hand on your thigh, causing you to sigh, "I'm not dumb. I know when something is bothering you."

"He's sent us to retrieve this holocron, but I wonder," you pondered, putting your gloved hand on top of hers, "I wonder where my allegiance lies."

Juno cocks her head to one side, a lot like how an Anooba would when they're puzzled, "If I'm thinking what you're thinking, this is going to get us killed. Why such a change of heart all of a sudden?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," you shook your head; pushing some buttons on the dash pad, causing the ship to light up, "Let's just get to Kashyyyk."

Juno didn't pry any further. She just gripped the control panel, and began the long journey to the Wookiee-inhabited planet. You could feel your anxieties beginning to grow as she put the ship into Hyperspaceโ€” you knew Vader knew. You could feel him right beside you, even though he was still stationed at the Death Star. His breath was causing beads of sweat to roll down the back of your neck. He knew... He always knows.

You could sense him climbing into his own personal ship, multitudes of Stormtroopers following him. You could smell the burning rubber from on the Death Starโ€” the familiar scent of building ships and other deathly machines.

His left hand stationed atop his lightsaber. He wanted you to know. He was also going to Kashyyyk, obviously to monitor your work, and if you didn't kill this Wookiee Jedi, Gungi, and then your lover, he would do it for you, then slaughter you as well.

But at the same time, you sensed something much lighter. Meditation. Peace. Serenity. Balance. It was coming from Kashyyyk. The Jedi, previously Padawan in the Clone Wars, but has gotten strong within the force as the days go by, was training another. There was no hate in their hearts. It was so taboo to you,

"(Y/N), tell me what's wrong right now, or I'm turning this ship around," Juno yelled lightly, which caused you to snap out of your force-induced trance.

You blushed from embarrassment, having no idea how much sass this woman truly had, "It's hard to say this, but Vader has ordered me to end your life once I retrieve the holocron. I know it's an order, but I don't think I can do it."

Juno paused, looking out into the hyperspace lane, "What do you want to do? Serve your Master loyally, or live in hiding for the rest of your life?"

You didn't answer her immediately, but you knew what she was thinking. You knew she wanted you to kill her and remain loyal to the Empire, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it,

"Let's get this holocron, find this Jedi and his apprentice. With all of those force-sensitives, we could start a new order to fight the Empire," you replied, looking your lover in the eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes sent sparks of excitement through your bloodstream,

"Is that really what you want?" she asked, slipping her slim fingers between yours, "Because of course, I'll be by your side regardless."

You pulled her into a hug; taking in her beautiful scent, "You know it'll be dangerous. Rebuilding the Jedi Order."

"I'm with you no matter what, (Y/N)," she smiled, kissing your dry lips softly, "Now let's find this Master Gungi before Lord Vader finds out our plan."

"I'm afraid he already knows, my dear," you whispered, not letting go of her hand.


ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  The only time you've ever been on Kashyyyk, it was a brief visit with Lord Vader. There was a suspected Jedi presence, but it was counted as a false alarm, but now, you were even more nervous with this attempted truce with Gungi and his apprentice than with that trip full of murderous intentions.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  You could sense them in the highest tree on the planet. Their energy was unlike anything you've ever felt. You were at the base of the tree, currently trying to find a way to scale the monstrosity,

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  "Maybe you should go on ahead without me," Juno suggested, her eyes wide at the sight of the tree, "I have nothing to help me get up there. You at least have the force to help you on the way."

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  "I might as well have nothing if you're not going with me," you shook your head, ignoring her reasoning, "Hop on," you grinned like a little kid, bending down for her to crawl on your back, "I promise I won't drop you."

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Juno smirked and jumped on, kissing your cheek lovingly, "I just hope I'm not too heavy and make us both fall to our deaths."

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  "I'd rather die like that than take the life of another Jedi," you somberly admitted, taking the rough tree bark in your calloused hands, "Now hold on."

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  The climb up was ruthless. It was as if Kashyyyk was attempting to make you turn around and leave. Perhaps the Wookiee Jedi knew you were coming, but this time, the intentions weren't ill-willed, but with hope of friendship and reconstruction.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  When the two of you reached the top, your eyes bugged at its beauty. There was a large platform with leaves bobbing all around it, and floating lights illuminating the area. In the middle, was a fierce-looking Wookiee and behind him was a young Belugan, both their green lightsabers illuminated the darkening temple,

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  "What are you doing here, Sith?" the Belugan hissed, tightening his grip on his blade, "My Master sensed you arrive on this planet, and he wasn't wrong."

Gungi growled, his snaggle-tooth making him look less intimidating than intended, "You don't need to worry, Youngling," you commented, raising your arms in the air while discarding your lightsabers to the ground, "I come seeking friendship."

The Belugan looks to his Master, then back to you and Juno, "But you're a Sith and an Imperial pilot. What trickery is this?"

"None," you replied, walking towards them, "I am (Y/N) (L/N), and this is Juno Eclipse. Vader knows about your holocron, and I have come here to start a new Jedi Order."

Gungi shuffles over, sheathing his lightsaber, and pulls you and Juno into a handshake. You never learned much Thykarann, but you understood enough to know this Jedi was very appreciative, 'I am Master Gungi, and that is Padawan Ssoiin. We have been looking for a miracle, and it appears you are that miracle.'

Ssoiin sheathes his blade as well, picking up yours from the ground and placing them in your open hands, "If my Master trusts you, then so do it. The holocron is this way, and I hope you have somewhere safer in mind than Kashyyyk to build your new order."

"If Kashyyyk is secure enough to hide a holocron from Lord Vader, I'm sure it's perfect," you commented, intertwining your fingers with Juno; enthusiastic that this plan worked as well as it did. You were half-expecting to get a lightsaber through your throat, so this is was better.

Gungi followed his apprentice and yourself to a large wooden barrier, 'We must all combine our force abilities to go inside,' he grumbled, extending his fluffy arms out, 'Join us, (Y/N). This will truly be a test to see if you're lying or not.'

You did as requested, stepping in between the Wookiee and Belugan; their inhuman arms coming together with yours, "I can feel it calling to me," you whispered, "I can see... a young boy. Jeycen. My... apprentice?"

Looking to your right, you noticed Gungi was smiling. Perhaps that's the holocron's testโ€” see your future, "I also see Juno... and a boy? A young boy? My son."

The door began to rise up with no effort whatsoever. Releasing my force-grip, the four of us walk inside, easily spotting the holocron,

"The new future of the Jedi Order begins now," Juno smiles, wrapping her arms around your waist and laying a soft kiss on your neck, "I do believe this was the best choice you could've made."

Still holding her hand, you squeeze softly, "Lord Vader always said I need to fulfill my destiny. Perhaps this has led me down a new path towards a better destiny. I can tell which side I truly belong on," you turn to face Juno, and press your lips against hers, "A side where I'm not forced to kill the one I love."

May 13th, 2020
(Moved to Tumblr @ morgan_mwah)

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