Chapter 15: A Calling

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"Welcome to Onoam," Rey heard Poe say over her intercom.

"It's beautiful!" Rey said.

It was almost sunset. Long, green grass waved in the slight breeze and created a ripple effect from above. The part of the moon Rey could see had little to no inhabitants.

"I've always remembered this planet. I visited here once, many years ago," Poe's voice crackled. "It's a moon of Naboo. Leia also used to tell me stories of how she visited here once and, let's say, had a near death experience."

"Why would you choose this place then?" Rey was a bit surprised.

"I mean, Alderaan is obviously not an option. And this is the only other place I can ever remember Leia mentioning to me. She remembered it's beauty."


Poe landed the Falcon on a flat patch of land, and Rey pulled in next to him. She left her bag in it and exited, wandering over to the Falcon. Poe met her at the bottom of the Falcon's ramp. "Let's get this over with."

An hour later, the Resistance was ready. Poe and Rey had teamed up to make two crude metal boxes with what they could find on the Falcon. Chewie and Finn had found a suitable spot in the ground for a large hole. They dug about four feet down, aided by a couple Resistance members. Rose gathered flowers and found a few lights onboard the Falcon.

Once Poe and Rey were finished, they set the metal boxes on the Falcon's ramp. Finn and the others came over, and quietly helped lift the bodies of Leia and Ben down from the bunks they had been laid in. Leia and Ben were gently placed in the boxes. A few tears were shed, but the work was done quickly. Leaving the homemade lids off, the Finn, Poe, Chewie, and five others lifted the boxes.

Rose handed a light and some flowers to Rey and the two Resistance members. Darkness was falling. Little light bugs began weaving through the wavy grass. Stars twinkled overhead. All was calm. Rey had no more tears left. She moved her feet on instinct and followed the little procession to the holes in the ground. She showed no emotion.

The boxes were laid in the holes. Leia looks so peaceful, Rey thought. Leia's hands were clasped, and the worried lines that had always been on her face were smooth. Her grey dress took up most of the box. And Ben. Ben laid in the box next to his mother. The same scar ran across his face. He looks at peace too.

Rey took one last glimpse at the dead mother and her son before the lids were attached, knowing she would never see the faces she knew so well again.

Darkness was falling fast. The tiny lights she and a few others held barely illuminated the space. Everyone just stood in silence, heads bowed. Poe began to speak.

Rey tried to listen, but a strange feeling came over her. What's wrong with me? She felt a pull. Focus. Poe's voice wavered in and out. "....General.......leader.....courageous and...."

Rey shook her head, trying to clear her mind. The Force. It must be. It was the only thing that could make her feel like this.

Rey flicked off her light and backed out of the area. No one noticed. Once she was in almost complete darkness and a good distance away, Rey ran to the TIE fighter, unable to resist the pull.

She turned on the ignition and sped into the sky. "Goodbye Leia. Goodbye, Ben," she whispered, seconds before she left the atmosphere.

The Resistance tilted their heads up as Rey's TIE fighter zoomed over them. Finn tried dashing to the Falcon, but Rose stopped him. "Let her go." Finn looked at Poe for an affirmation. Poe nodded, agreeing with Rose. Finn regained his composure, but he was obviously disturbed.

It's calling me. Rey let the Force guide her. She knew exactly when to jump to hyperspace. Once she had exited, she glanced at her monitor. "Huh, never heard of this planet before. Dagobah."

She flew the TIE fighter closer and closer to the planet. "I've never seen such an interesting variety of wildlife."

Rey was directly over Dagobah. "Where am I supposed to land this piece of junk?" All she could see were tall trees draped with vines, with swampy water and mysterious creatures lurking in the shadows. After several minutes of randomly flying over the planet, she saw a wet patch of ground barely big enough to attempt landing on. "Gonna be a tight squeeze."

Rey pushed the controller down, centering the TIE fighter over the spot and gently letting it down. It settled. "Phew."

Rey still felt pulled by the Force. She grabbed her bag, and hopped out, watching out for the murky waters that were located beside her.

It feels different here. The Force must be stronger on this strange planet. The Force was thicker in a way. It had a more noticeable and prominent presence. Rey turned in a complete circle. It was dim, for one thing. It took time for her eyes to adjust to the light. When she felt confident enough, Rey stepped forward. She had landed on a small patch of moist dirt in the middle of a swamp.

"I am not about to step into that disgusting stuff." Rey wrinkled her nose at the gross water, and searched for a way to get to dryer land. The land she was standing on was surrounded by water.

A tree trunk stretched across most of the water, rising up near where Rey stood. "Perfect."

Rey placed one foot on it to test it. It creaked and water bubbled up around it, but it held. Rey clutched her bag and hoisted herself up. She stood, and wobbled. "Auughh," she cried, but steadied. I can do this. I have the Force.

She put one foot in front of the other, trying not to think about what creatures might be living in the water below her. One foot, then the other. One foot, then the other. She made it to the end, but there was at least a four foot jump to dry land. To make the situation worse, the tree trunk began to sink. Great.

Rey had no choice but to leap forward. She was scared to death for a split second that she wouldn't make it, but she did. As soon as her feet hit solid ground, she let out a sigh of relief. Rey sat down on a stump and watched as the tree trunk completely disapeared from sight.

Rey began to get scared. I'm in this creepy place, by myself. Why I'm here, I don't know. I wish I had someone to help me. To guide me. She shivered. "So what's next?" Rey asked out loud to herself.

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