08 || Rise Up

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Kirk couldn't understand a word Dara was saying, but he was starting to understand the general gist of what they were supposed to do. Dara wanted their help in freeing the mine, which is why they were disguising as one of the many workers. 

The fabric was scratchy and smelled like mold, but it would conceal them. Dara made a signal for the phaser, which Kirk removed from its holster showed her. He held out in his hand so that she could see it. She quickly shook her head and waved her hands until Kirk put it away.

"Spread the word if you can," Kirk told Dara. "Be ready to attack..." He made a signal for the phaser, "...when the suns set."

"Marrik." Dara watched carefully before nodding. "Nigh-t. We ah-tack."

"Night," Kirk repeated, nodding.

The alien woman nodded excitedly. "Marrik, night."

Jaylah wrapped the fabric over the lower half of her face and pulled the hood far over her head until nothing but her eyes gleaming in the dim red firelight could be seen.

"Keded Marrik Kirk." Dara said. She turned to the child and told him something. It one quickly nodded and rushed out of the tent."Darak nak nawn obsed mar kaf, Dara," She told Kirk.

"I'm sorry I don't..."

She cleared her throat and began again. "Kirk hel-p AtkDn. P-ple. Mmm-my p-ple. Sa-ve."

The alien woman stood and pulled the fabric away from the entrance of the hut. She stood there for a moment, making certain there were no guards before gesturing for the two to follow her. Kirk and Jaylah, now wrapped in the thick flowing robes exited the hut. At first glance, they looked no different than the many workers toiling away at the mine. 

They made their way through the rows of huts and towards the lines of slaves hauling loads of the black rock. They tried their best to quickly blend in with the lines without being seen. One slave driver saw them and began to yell, cracking the whip over his head.  Dara quickly scurried away from Kirk and the others. She looked back behind her and nodded at the two.

"DAR RASH DAK!" A slave driver yelled, bringing the whip down against Jaylah's back. She cried out and stumbled, but kept walking. The slave driver turned just before Jaylah looked over her shoulder, her amber eyes beneath the hood glaring. 

Kirk shuffled over to a pile of the broken black stone, following the other slaves and picking one up. It was incredibly heavy and he struggled to carry it as he followed the line of slaves, who were setting the rocks onto a cart. Kirk set down the one he was carrying, feeling guilty as he saw the two skinny slaves chained to the cart, struggling to pull its immense weight. Kirk turned his hooded face towards the sky, the weak sunlight shining just right, casting a gleam of his light blue eyes.

"Durot bi?!" A slave exclaimed, taking a panicked step backwards as he stared at Kirk.

"Shh!" Kirk hushed him, glancing back and forth to make sure no one else saw it. "I'm with Dara," He told him.

"Darak nak?" The slave whispered back.

"Yeah, we're planning an attack at nightfall," Kirk said, nodding and trying to remember the words Dara had said. "Uh... keded, keded Marrik..."

The slave made a sound in disbelief. It nodded, repeating the words and quickly rushing off. Kirk watched it go, waiting for it to head straight for one of the slave drivers. However, it merely went off into a line of slaves heading for one of the deep mining shafts.

Meanwhile Jaylah found herself on a narrow walkway suspended from the cliff face by old frayed strands of rope. She beat at the black stone with a broken pickaxe, same as the other slaves around her as she tried her best to blend in. One slave kept glancing her way, its beady eyes squinting and its split lip curling upward, revealing the rows of the long narrow teeth. Jaylah took a deep breath, sweating beneath the folds of fabric, despite the fact the air around her being icy cold.

It wasn't long before the hours passed away into nightfall. The two suns sinking below the horizon, the pale one setting over an hour before the other, leaving only the small red sun which cast the world into a quickly dimming crimson light. The slaves finished their work and started to head back away from the mines. The slave drivers barked more orders, swinging at those who refused to leave in an orderly time.

The slaves shuffled away from their work, but rather than stumbling by in exhaustion, their steps were directed by a nervous, excited vigor that spread like wildfire throughout the crowds. Many shoved the tools and pickaxes beneath their robes, many took sharp pieces of stone with them. Kirk was unable to find Jaylah. A group of slaves who knew his secret kept close to him. A hunched over hooded figure suddenly crept up beside him.

"Kirk!" She said, unable to contain the sound a nervous smile in her voice.

"Dara? Is that you?"

"Nigh-t," She said, pointing to the red sun quickly sinking below the horizon.

"Kirk nodded as Dara scurried in front of the line of slaves.

"Glishk Obsed!" She suddenly cried out, raising her arms above her head. The line of slaves stopped. "Keded rashdak!"

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